
The wings of night and its darkness crept,

سرت وجنح الليل غربيب

1. The wings of night and its darkness crept,
A flock of whiteness, their raiment pleats swept,

١. سَرَتْ وجِنْحُ اللّيلِ غِرْبيبُ
سِرْبٌ منَ البيضِ رَعابيبُ

2. Stumbling in the train of gloom when it bends low,
Over them their outer garments flow.

٢. يَعْثُرْنَ في ذَيْلِ الدُّجى إذْ ضَفا
لَها عليْهِنَّ جَلابيبُ

3. And every secret its concealment kept,
Be it scent or bejeweled anklets that leapt,

٣. وكلُّ سِرٍّ رُمْنَ كِتْمانَهُ
نَمَّ بهِ الحَلْيُ أوِ الطّيبُ

4. We walked while the caravan, girt with down,
Were scared by the howl of the whining hound,

٤. طَرَقْنَنا والرَّكْبُ غِيدُ الطُّلى
تَخْدي بِنا العِيسُ المَطاريبُ

5. While we in the stony tract stayed our steps,
Where the departure of loved ones weeps,

٥. ونحنُ بالجَرْعاءِ منْ عالِجٍ
حَيْثُ تُطيلُ الحَنّةَ النّيبُ

6. So they said when discerning me by name
As faces were shrouded in sorrow and shame:

٦. فقُلْنَ إذ أبْصَرْنَني باسِماً
حينَ زَوى الأوْجُهَ تَقْطيبُ

7. "What aspiration to glory possessed,
Fathers, your sires, conversant with glory's bequest?

٧. أيَّ هُمامٍ منكَ قَد رَشَّحَتْ
للمَجْدِ آباءٌ مَناجيبُ

8. His perseverance and patience kept pace
In his tent, aided by wisdom and grace,

٨. فدَأبُهُ والصّبرُ منْ خِيمِهِ
سُرًى يُعَنّيهِ وتأويبُ

9. He roams with a hand whose might none reproves,
To walk among them the jealous proves.

٩. يَجوبُ بِيداً غيرَ مَقروعةٍ
للسّيْرِ فيهِنَّ الظّنابيبُ

10. I wonder, shall I visit the preserve,
Or will the pack be scared by the swelling curve?"

١٠. فليتَ شِعْري هل أزورُ الحِمى
أمْ هَلْ يَروعُ الثُّلّةَ الذّيبُ

11. The sun has hidden the lights of night,
And the bright planet is clouded from sight,

١١. والشّمسُ أخْبى الليلُ أنوارَها
والكَوْكبُ الأزهَرُ مَشْبوبُ

12. In a rebel darkness they wind and ride
To the fray, marked girths their courses guide.

١٢. في غِلْمَةٍ مُرْدٍ تَمطّى بهِمْ
إِلى الوَغى جُرْدٌ سَراحيبُ

13. Of every smooth-polished long-bladed lance
That bends in the onslaught, but holds its balance,

١٣. خَيْلٌ عِرابٌ فوْقَ أثْباجِها
في حَومَةِ الحَرْبِ أعاريبُ

14. He wrests the rein of the winds, though slight,
By slackening them, or hastening their flight.

١٤. مِنْ كُلِّ مَلْبونٍ سَليمِ الشّظى
حابي القُصَيْرى فيهِ تَحْنيبُ

15. Each day the foe with clanging arms contrives,
His drinking bowls with blood imbued derives.

١٥. يُكِلُّ وَفْدَ الريحِ إن هَزّ منْ
عِطْفَيْهِ إرْخاءٌ وتَقْريبُ

16. He charges wildly, dreaded for rending chain,
Ruin and harm from his onset restrain.

١٦. وكلَّ يومٍ منْ قِراعِ العِدا
لَبانُهُ بالدّمِ مَخْضوبُ

17. Among youths who drag the train of their spears,
Where the dangling queue of long hair appears,

١٧. يَعْدو بمَرْهوبِ الشَّذا يُتَّقى
بهِ الرّدى والبأسُ مَرْهوبُ

18. Religion extends its glory through their worth,
Exalted exploits the noblest bring forth.

١٨. في فِتيَةٍ تَسْحَبُ سُمْرَ القَنا
بحَيثُ ذَيلُ النّقعِ مَسْحوبُ

19. A splendid scion by his sire's repute bred,
To their lineage sublime the noble deed.

١٩. مَدَّ قِوامُ الدّينِ أبْواعَهُمْ
إِلى العُلا والعِزُّ مَطْلوبُ

20. Though young the boy, yet ripe of age is he,
Elders round him for wisdom see.

٢٠. أرْوَعُ يَنْميهِ أبٌ ماجِدٌ
إلَيْهِما السّؤْدَدُ مَنسوبُ

21. Rule no weakling's burden upholds
Whom trials have not refined and made bold,

٢١. مُقْتَبِلُ السِّنِّ عَقيدُ النُّهى
تَقْصُرُ عنْ غايَتِهِ الشّيبِ

22. Whose youth fierce afflictions have put to proof,
Corrected, admonished, yet kind aloof.

٢٢. والمُلْكُ لا يحْمِلُ أعْباءَهُ
مَنْ لمْ تُهذِّبْهُ التّجاريبُ

23. No shower of generosity his ear distains,
In his munificence, no rebuke arraigns.

٢٣. واحْتَوَشَتْهُ نُوَبٌ للفَتى
فيهِنَّ تَصْعيدٌ تَصويبُ

24. Of gentle airs, his doors are pathways trod,
With greeting he welcomes each visitor's nod.

٢٤. غَمْرُ الندىً لم يحتَضِنْ سَمْعَهُ
في جُودِهِ عَذْلٌ وتأنيبُ

25. Neither slighted suppliant nor stranger finds
Any roughness in him, or ungenerous minds.

٢٥. مُوَطَّأُ الأكْنافِ أبوابُهُ
لهُنَّ بالزّائِرِ تَرْحيبُ

26. His nature resembles the flower-filled plain.
The meadow's adorned and in blossom's reign.

٢٦. فلا القِرى نَزْرٌ ولا المُجْتَلى
جَهْمٌ ولا النّائِلُ مَحْسوبُ

27. He is a rain-bursting cloud, thus springs thrive
On the downpour of blessings that keep alive.

٢٧. كالزَّهَرِ المَطْلولِ أخْلاقُهُ
والرّوْضُ مَشْمولٌ ومَجْنوبُ

28. His glory rebuilds what destruction laid low,
Glory inherited and glory won now.

٢٨. وهْوَ غَمامٌ خَضِلٌ فالحيا
مُنْتَظَرٌ منهُ ومَرْقوبُ

29. Gifts that oblige him men's wants to relieve,
The needy from him seek and solace receive.

٢٩. شيّدَ ما أثّلَ منْ مَجْدِهِ
والمَجْدُ مَوْروثٌ ومَكْسوبُ

30. A purpose whereby what he sought he attained,
The sword's edged assistance his triumph ordained.

٣٠. بِنائِلٍ يُمْتارُ منهُ الغِنى
لهُ على العافي شَآبيبُ

31. No censuring censures the revel he gave,
No carping carps the winepots songs that he crave.

٣١. وعَزمَةٍ نالَ بها ما ابْتَغى
منَ العِدا والسّيْفُ مَقْروبُ

32. Yet what adversities fell have I seen!
But the sword, not injustice, my succor has been.

٣٢. والسُّمْرُ لمْ تَكْلَفْ بلَبّاتِهِمْ
راعِفَةً منها الأنابيبُ

33. Estranged me from home did my wanderings wild,
The home of my childhood, beloved from a child.

٣٣. هذا وكَمْ مِنْ غَمْرَةٍ خاضَها
فيها نَقيعُ السُّمِّ مَشْروبُ

34. My name over countries and regions now rings,
Unmarred by the exile my wandering brings.

٣٤. للأسَلِ اللُّدْنِ بأرْجائِها
والخَيْلُ أُخْدودٌ وأُلْهوبُ

35. To live in your shadow is sweetness of life,
Like the scent of pure honey drawn fresh from the hive.

٣٥. واللهُ يُعْلي رايَةً نَصْرُها
برأيِهِ الثّاقِبِ مَعْصوبُ

36. No throbbing of heart is for home that I feel,
No tear down my cheek sorrow causes to steal.

٣٦. فحِلْمُ مَنْ ساوَرَهُ عازِبٌ
ولُبُّ مَنْ عاداهُ مَسْلوبُ

37. How can one complain of the turns of the years,
Whose name on the days and the ages appears?

٣٧. والجهلُ يُغريهِ على غِيّهِ
بهِ وقِرْنُ الدّهْرِ مَغلوبُ

38. For you would one forfeit his fortune entire,
And honor, when plundered and prey to the fire.

٣٨. ألقى مَقاليدَ الوَرى عَنْوَةً
إليهِ تَرْهيبٌ وتَرْغيبُ

39. The tenth of his property he does not hoard,
His liberality's fame is broadcast abroad.

٣٩. يَفرُشُهُمْ عَدْلاً وأمْناً فَلا
يُحَسُّ مَظْلومٌ ومَرْعوبُ

40. He vilifies none, apprehensive of sin,
His praise scorns the falsehood smug liars toss in.

٤٠. يا مَنْ عَلَيْهِ أمَلي حائِمٌ
ومَنْ إليهِ الحَمْدُ مَجْلوبُ

41. Vulgar mouths at the wealthy their ribaldry spit,
The miser's malign, the stingy they flit.

٤١. يَفديكَ مَنْ شَدَّ على مالِهِ
وِكاءَهُ والعِرْضُ مَنهوبُ

42. Why treat me with scorn, O my days, and defile
When the sword, not dishonor, is lightning my trial?

٤٢. لهُ عِشارٌ ليسَ تُدْمى لَها
في نَدْوَةِ الحَيِّ عَواقيبُ

43. Ye sundered me out from my country, my woe,
The home of my birth that I yearn for, I know.

٤٣. يُطْنِبُ هاجِيهِ ولا يتّقي
إثْماً وفي تَقْريظِهِ حُوبُ

44. My name over regions and countries resounds,
Nor roaming estranged me from well-trodden grounds.

٤٤. فهَجْوُهُ صِدْقٌ وفي مَدْحِهِ
تَكْبو بمُطْريهِ الأكاذيبُ

45. To live in your shadow is sweetness of life,
Like the scent of pure honey drawn fresh from the hive.

٤٥. والسَّبُّ يَلْتَفُّ بِذي ثَرْوَةٍ
يَشِحُّ والباخِلُ مَسْبوبُ

46. No throbbing of heart is for home that I feel,
No tear down my cheek sorrow causes to steal.

٤٦. فَما لأيّامي تهَضّمْنَني
والسّيْفُ دونَ الضّيمِ مَرْكوبُ

47. How can one complain of the turns of the years,
Whose name on the days and the ages appears?

٤٧. غرَّبْنَني عن وطَني ضَلّةً
والوطَنُ المألوفُ مَحْبوبُ

٤٨. وطبَّقَ الآفاقَ ذِكْري فلَمْ
يُخْمِلْهُ إجْلاءٌ وتَغْريبُ

٤٩. والعيشُ في ظِلِّكَ حُلْوُ الجَنى
كأنّهُ بالأرْيِ مَقْطوبُ

٥٠. فلا فؤادي للنّوى خافِقٌ
وَجْداً ولا دَمْعيَ مَسْكوبُ

٥١. وكيفَ يَشْكو الدّهْرَ مَنْ شِعْرُهُ
على جَبينِ الدّهْرِ مَكْتوبُ