1. My heart was inflamed with yearning when lightning
Flashed, illuminating the one with shining cheeks
١. أذْكى بقَلبي لوعَةً إذ أوْمَضا
بَرْقٌ أضاءَ وميضُهُ ذاتَ الأضا
2. Then dawn appeared spreading its cloak
Like a deluge swirling in the pond
٢. فَبدا وقد نَشَرَ الصّباحُ رِداءَهُ
كالأيْمِ ماجَ بهِ الغَديرُ فنَضْنَضا
3. If your smile does not explicitly show
Then your love, my gazelle, has surely hinted
٣. إنْ لمْ يُصرِّحْ بابْتِسامِكِ جَهْرَةً
فلقَدْ وحُبّكِ يا لُبيْنى عرّضا
4. And I looked when the guard was unaware so it startled me
Good tidings to your people roaming in the valley of separation
٤. ونَظَرْتُ إذْ غَفَلَ الرّقيبُ فراعَني
نَعَمٌ لأهْلِكِ هامَ في وادي الغَضَى
5. The schemes of the enemy expanded treacherously
When the valiant pounced, space was confined
٥. وسَعَتْ لهُ خُطَطُ العدوِّ بغِلْمَةٍ
شوسٍ إذا ابْتَدَروا الوَغى ضاق الفَضا
6. Where clouds grumbled, their edges gloomy
And the sanctuary donned the garb of spring, embellished
٦. حيثُ الغَمامُ تبجّسَتْ أطْباؤُهُ
وكَسى الحِمى حُلَلَ الرّبيعِ فروّضا
7. And a weeping lover's tent shone eastward
If the maidens doubted him, he would cease
٧. ومتَيَّمٍ شَرقَ اللِّحاظُ بدَمْعِهِ
فإذا اسْتَرابَ بهِ العواذِلُ غَيّضا
8. He abandoned the encampments, restless of eyelids, so if
Imagination stumbled in its gaze, it would not blink
٨. هجَرَ الكَرى قَلِقَ الجُفونِ بهِ فلَو
عثَرَ الخَيالُ بطَرْفِهِ ما غمّضا
9. He counseled youth and against a blaming conscience
He gave leadership to old age, not by choice
٩. ونَصا الشّبابَ وعنْ ضَميرٍ عاتِبٍ
أعْطى المَشيبَ قِيادَهُ لا عنْ رِضى
10. If its descent aggrieved him, it is he who had
Aggrieved people by lingering and plotting
١٠. إن ساءَهُ بنُزولِهِ فهوَ الذي
ساءَ الأنامَ مُخَيِّماً ومُغَرِّضا
11. He complained of the crow of separation, grim of state
Until it deafened the ears of loved ones, whitened
١١. وشَكا غُرابَ البَيْنِ أسْودَ حالِكاً
حتى شَدا بنَوى الأحبّةِ أبْيَضا
12. The turns of fate stumbled due to Magid
If he did not fight during tribulations, incited
١٢. وتعثّرَتْ نُوَبُ الزّمانِ بماجِدٍ
إنْ لمْ يُقاتِلْ في النّوائِبِ حرّضا
13. And if a watering place was unfamiliar to his steed
It would not scoop its edges with yearning
١٣. وإذا تنكّرَ مَورِدٌ لمَطيّهِ
لمْ يَشْتَشِفَّ بحافَتَيْهِ العَرْمَضا
14. It would bolt like a wild beast, its shadow outpacing
The poles of the tents shaken and uprooted
١٤. وانْصاعَ كالوَحْشيِّ سابَقَ ظِلَّهُ
وتقَعْقَعَتْ عَمَدُ الخِيامِ فقوّضا
15. I do not incline toward disgrace, nor is my affair
Entrusted to the spineless trustee
١٥. لا أسْتَنيمُ إِلى الهَوانِ ولا يُرى
أمْري إِلى الوَكَلِ الجَبانِ مُفوّضا
16. I repel the permutations of nights if they
Cross my resolves which are cutting swords
١٦. وأرُدُّ طارِقَةَ اللّيالي إنْ عَرَتْ
بعزائِمي وهيَ الصوارِمُ تُنْتَضى
17. And I stir him if he extends his hopes toward it
With both his hands like one whose grasp was not withheld
١٧. وأغرَّ إنْ بسَطَ الَرَجّي نحوَهُ
كِلْتا يَدَيهِ لنائِلٍ لمْ تُقْبَضا
18. He has commands of Sodad which the enemy
Despaired of him and sickened his enviers
١٨. ولهُ أمائِرُ سؤْدَدٍ أَيِسَ العِدا
منهُ وأمْرَضَ حاسِدِيهِ وأرْمَضا
19. A face around which humanity circulates in its horizons
And a hand that would suffice for a tribe, if it brandished
١٩. وجْهٌ يَجولُ البِشْرُ في صَفَحاتِهِ
ويَدٌ تَنوبُ عنِ الحَيا إنْ برّضا
20. A resolve which had tethered its reins to him
Formerly roaming the deceits of wishes
٢٠. ألْقَتْ أزِمَّتَها إليهِ هِمّةٌ
كانتْ على خُدَعِ الأماني رَيِّضا
21. I thanked him, my winged one whose flight
Sprouted, its pinions fluttered up to take off
٢١. وشَكَرْتُهُ شُكْرَ المَهيضِ جَناحُهُ
نَبَتَتْ قَوادِمُ هزَّهُنَّ ليَنْهَضا
22. O bestower of my wellbeing who was not spiteful
And pilferer of my wealth, though I was not destitute
٢٢. يا مُنْعِماً بالي ولمْ يَكُ كاسِفاً
ومُؤَثِّلاً مالي ولمْ أكُ مُنْفِضا
23. You have been excessive toward me in granting this world
Clothing me in the garb of wealth, or am I mistaken?
٢٣. أسْرَفْتَ في الدّنيا عليّ أواهِباً
ألْبَسْتَني حُللَ الغِنى أمْ مُقْرِضا