
While blaming at dawn, and dawn in its mother's lap,

وعاذلة والفجر في حجر أمه

1. While blaming at dawn, and dawn in its mother's lap,
You blame me, yet I know not for what you blame,

١. وَعَاذِلَةٍ وَالفَجْرُ في حِجْرِ أُمِهِ
تَلُوُمُ وَمَا أَدْري عَلامَ تَلومُ

2. You reproach me that glory should suckle my hopes,
Yet you know what I strive for and scheme,

٢. تُعَيّرُني أَنْ يَرْضَعَ الحَمْدُ نَائِلي
وَتَعْلَمُ مَا أَسْعَى لَهُ وَأَرُومُ

3. My ambitions which glory acknowledges not to be
Like the stars adorning the horizons of the sky,

٣. وَلَي هِممُ لا يُنكِرُ المَجْدُ أَنَّها
بِأَطْرارِ آفَاقِ السَّماءِ نُجُومُ

4. In it is the soul's joy, and ease that lures
My energy, and if I weary, it is anxieties,

٤. وَفِيها سُرُورُ النَّفْسِ وَاليُسْرُ جَاذِبٌ
بِضَبْعِي وَإِنْ أَعْسَرْتُ فَهْيَ هُمومُ

5. And below ambitions, death or perishing,
And all hover around the frequented abode of death,

٥. وَدُونَ المَعالي مُنْيَةٌ أَوْ مَنِيَّةٌ
وَكُلٌّ عَلى وِرْدِ المَنُونِ يَحُومُ

6. I will seek it while extermination dons its robe,
And naked swords in blood are swimming,

٦. سَأَطْلُبُها وَالنَّقْعُ يَضْفُو رِداؤُهُ
وَجُرْدُ المَذاكي في الدِّماءِ تَعومُ

7. So I wish for nothing but a throne and a pulpit,
And a remembrance lasting over the ages.

٧. فَما أَرَبي إِلَّا سَريرٌ وَمِنْبَرٌ
وَذِكْرٌ عَلى مَرِّ الزَّمانِ يَدومُ