1. With a tamyim flower that bloomed for him
Coquettish, leading the glance of the night companion
١. ومُتَيَّمٍ زَهَرَتْ بواقِصَةٍ لهُ
مَشْبوبَةٌ تَقْتادُ طَرْفَ العاشي
2. And lighting up the dark that provokes youth
The grayness of age conforming to trembling
٢. وتُضيءُ أحْوَرَ يَسْتَفِزُّ إِلى الصِّبا
نِضْوَ المَشيبِ مُحالِفَ الإرْعاشِ
3. When the fates were settled, his bed calmed
And I abandoned him restless upon my bed
٣. ألِفَ الكَرى لمّا اطْمأنَّ فِراشُهُ
وهَجرْتُهُ قَلِقاً عليَّ فِراشي
4. O he who disturbs me, his love and my tears
Pouring like the rain of the passing cloud
٤. يا مَنْ يُؤرِّقُني هَواهُ ومَدْمَعي
هَطِلٌ كَصَوْبِ العارِضِ الرّشّاشِ
5. Your love did not diminish in my heart alone
But it flowed in my inner self and my mind
٥. لمْ يَثْوِ حُبُّكَ في فؤادي وَحْدَهُ
لكنْ جَرى في أعْظُمي ومُشاشي
6. Do not think the secret I confided in you
Is what the slanderers' hearsay escapes from
٦. لا تَحْسَبِ السِّرَ الذي استَوْدَعْتَني
ممّا يَفُرُّ حَشايَ عنهُ الواشي
7. And longing dreams of it, were it not for a watcher
Who lost dignity frequenting the frivolous
٧. والشّوقُ يحلُمُ عنهُ لولا ناظِرٌ
سُلِبَ الوَقارَ بواكِفٍ طَيّاشِ
8. Like well known fragrance concealed by the unblemished
A scent by which praises thrive and multiply
٨. كالعُرْفِ يَكْتُمُهُ الأغَرُّ وعرْفُهُ
أرِجٌ تَنُمُّ بهِ المَدائِحُ فاشِ
9. The forelocks of the enemies rose against the land
So he humiliated them with a firm and decisive blow
٩. نَشَزَتْ عَرانينُ العُداةِ على البُرى
فأذَلّها بأزِمّةٍ وخِشاشِ
10. His opinion clears the unknown of matters
And time is dusty, and calamities raging
١٠. يَجلو دَياجيرَ الأمورِ برأيهِ
والدّهْرُ أغْبَرُ والخُطوبُ غَواشِ
11. The swords gleam under its shade
Disturbed, settled, ready to unsheathe
١١. وتُظِلُّ منهُ السّمْهَريّةُ ضَيْغَماً
قَلِقَ الصّوارِمِ مُطمَئِنَّ الجاشِ
12. And it is as if the circle of eagles, when they invaded
Swooped on the slain to their nests
١٢. وكأنّ حائِمَةَ النّسورِ إذا غَزا
تأوي منَ القَتْلى إِلى أعْشاشِ
13. Oh Saad, reconciliation with you has vanished
So beware the evils of a grumbling backbiter
١٣. يا سَعْدُ إنّ الصِّلَّ عِندَكَ مُطْرِقٌ
فاحْذَرْ سُؤورَ مُنَضْنِضٍ نَهّاشِ
14. And avoid, for your brother, any change of blessing
You thought him a friend, yet he rewarded you with rejection
١٤. واجْنُبْ أخاكَ كُلَّ حادِثِ نِعْمَةٍ
آنَسْتَهُ فَجَزاكَ بالإيحاشِ
15. He is ignorant of merit, so he denies people of merit
And the sun becomes dark to the eyes of bats
١٥. جَهِلَ الفَضيلَةَ فهْوَ يُنْكِرُ أهْلَها
والشّمْسُ تُعْشي ناظِرَ الخَفّاشِ
16. He kindles a fire whose flames cannot be extinguished
And the night is camping, echoing with the sounds of mattresses
١٦. ويَشُبُّ ناراً لا يَرُدُّ زَفيرُها
والليلُ مُعْتَكِرٌ طَنينَ فَراشِ
17. Haughtiness carried him away when wealth pulled
His forearms, and flying is for bats
١٧. طارَتْ بهِ الخُيلاءُ إذْ جَذَبِ الغِنى
ضَبْعَيْهِ والطّيرانُ للمُرْتاشِ
18. And I was certainly afflicted with him an affliction of degradation
With recklessness, neither dignity nor composure
١٨. ولقد بُليتُ بهِ بَلاءَ مُهَنَّدٍ
بأبَلَّ لا وَرَعٍ ولا بَطّاشِ
19. People are corrupt, so everyone I accompanied
Was either a pretender or a rude lowlife
١٩. فسَدَ الأنامُ فكُلُّ مَنْ صاحَبْتُهُ
راجٍ يُنافِقُ أو مُداجٍ خاشِ
20. And when I tested them, I found inside
A scowling face, and outside, a smiling one
٢٠. وإذا اخْتَبَرْتُهُمُ ظَفِرْتُ بباطِنٍ
متجهِّمٍ وبِظاهِرٍ نَشّاشِ
21. I do not gloat at the gleam of the miserable one, even if
My camels stumble over rocky terrain
٢١. لا شِمْتُ بارِقَةَ اللّئيمِ وإنْ غَدَتْ
إبِلي تَلوبُ على صَرًى نَشّاشِ
22. And the inactive sun, its spittle melting
While shade sweeps, sometimes its sweeps slowly
٢٢. والشّمسُ راكِدةٌ يَذوبُ لُعابُها
والظِّلُّ يَكْنِسُ تارَةً ويُماشي
23. And it is as if they, while they adapt to the echo
With their patience upon it, not thirsty
٢٣. وكأنّهُنَّ وهُنَّ يأْلَفْنَ الصّدَى
مِنْ صَبْرِهنَّ عليهِ غَيْرُ عِطاشِ
24. So the lofty overlook the granting of gifts
By which the despicable thrive, the worst livelihood
٢٤. فتبَرُّضُ العافي عُفافَةَ مِنْحَةٍ
يَحْبو بِها اللّؤَماءُ شَرُّ مَعاشِ
25. The heights were raised over the idols and the
Tops of the mountains were lowered to the pits of lowlives
٢٥. رُفِعَ الأظَلُّ على السّنامِ وأوطِئَتْ
قِمَمَ السُّراةِ أخامِصَ الأوْباشِ