1. A dreamer whose sorrows weigh down his resting place,
While the trees weep behind him,
١. وَلَهٌ تَشِفُّ وراءَهُ الأشجانُ
وهَوىً يَضيقُ بسِرِّهِ الكِتْمانُ
2. And a secret that tightens with its mystery,
And separation whose fire is stoked by estrangement.
٢. ومُتَيَّمٌ يُدمي مَقيلَ هُمومِهِ
وَجْدٌ يُضَرِّمُ نارَهُ الهِجْرانُ
3. So the eyelids fell off his swollen eyes,
Neglect played with his glance and tooth.
٣. فَنَطا الكَرى عن مُقلَتَيْهِ شادِنٌ
عَبِثَ الفُتورُ بلَحْظِهِ وَسْنانُ
4. He herds the stars when his phantom is delayed,
If only his watchful eyes would delay it.
٤. يَرعى النّجومَ إذا اسْتَرابَ بطَيفِهِ
هَلاّ اسْتَرابَ بطَرْفِهِ اليَقظانُ
5. He is accustomed to sleeplessness, so if his imagination came,
The eyelids would not feel him.
٥. ألِفَ السُّهادَ فلو أهابَ خَيالُهُ
بالعَيْنِ ما شَعَرَتْ بهِ الأجْفانُ
6. By God, our pact which guaranteed,
A passion the morning after the neighbors left.
٦. للهِ وَقْفَتُنا التي ضمِنَتْ لنا
شَجَناً غَداةَ تَفَرّقَ الجيرانُ
7. Half of desire with frightened tears,
That wet the black garment and the bracelets.
٧. نَصِفُ الهَوى بمَدامِعٍ مَذعورةٍ
تَبكي الأسُودُ بهِنّ والغِزْلانُ
8. And if we heard news from a critic,
Its tears would be more bitter than perfume.
٨. وإذا سَمِعْنا نَبْأةً منْ عاذِلٍ
جُعِلَتْ مَغيضَ دُموعِها الأرْدانُ
9. And I came upon the wall carrying my complaint,
Its plaster torn, still wet.
٩. ولقد طَرَقْتُ الحيَّ يحْمِلُ شِكّتي
ظامي الفُصوصِ أديمُهُ ريّانُ
10. Dawn broke and lit up his forehead,
His braid bursting open.
١٠. لبِسَ الدُّجى وأضاءَ صُبحُ جَبينِهِ
يَنشَقُّ عنهُ سَبيبُهُ الفَيْنانُ
11. And I swore to the Abode of Amer, after
The tumult subsided and the shepherds rested.
١١. وسَما لِدارِ العامريّةِ بعْدَما
خَفَتَ الهَديرُ وروّحَ الرُّعْيانُ
12. And I stopped him where I placed the right hand
As the girl’s necklace, and the reins in the left.
١٢. ووَقَفْتُهُ حيثُ اليَمينُ جَعَلْتُها
طَوقَ الفَتاةِ وفي الشِّمالِ عِنانُ
13. And I returned barefoot, dragging its tail,
While estrangement gnawed the skin of my palm.
١٣. ورَجَعْتُ طَلْقَ البُرْدِ أسْحَبُ ذَيْلَهُ
ويَعَضُّ جِلْدَةَ كفِّهِ الغَيْرانُ
14. O friends, did your sight ever wander
After that, or is madness agreeable?
١٤. يا صاحِبَيَّ تقَصّيا نَظَرَيْكُما
هَلْ بَعدَ ذَلكُما اللِّوى سَفَوانُ
15. For I remembered Amer in a memory
Beyond which oblivion cannot heal.
١٥. فلقدْ ذَكَرْتُ العامريّةَ ذِكْرَةً
لا يُسْتَشَفُّ وَراءَها النّسيانُ
16. The wind blew gently on the fence,
So it folded its cloak to it, compliant.
١٦. وهَفا بنا وَلَعُ النّسيمِ على الحِمى
فثَنى مَعاطِفَهُ إليهِ البانُ
17. And it walked slowly, so its foliage stirred
From its sleep and the branches' whispers.
١٧. ومَشى بأجْرَعِهِ فهَبَّ عَرارُهُ
منْ نَومِهِ وتَناجَتِ الأغْصانُ
18. And when the morning breeze stole a glance at it
It swayed like a nashwan drunk with nasha.
١٨. وإذا الصَّبا سَرَقَتْ إليها نَظرَةً
مالَتْ كَما يتَرَنّحُ النّشوانُ
19. The edges of the ground were clouded by its waters
That trickled to shape its pools.
١٩. غُبِقَتْ حواشي التُّرْبِ منْ أمْواهِهِ
راحاً تَصوغُ حَبابَها الغُدْرانُ
20. As if the wind's delegation cured its land
With fresh rain to stir its marshes.
٢٠. فكأنّ وَفْدَ الرّيحِ شافَهَ أرْضَها
بثَرًى تُعَفَّرُ عندَهُ التّيجانُ
21. People from a yard who branded foreheads with its soil,
Game fenced in by their glory, submitting.
٢١. منْ عَرْصَةٍ تَسِمُ الجِباهَ بتُرْبِها
صِيدٌ يُطيفُ بعِزِّهِمْ إذعانُ
22. They bowed to the owner of an ancient, lofty lineage,
For the glorious, homeland for Adnan.
٢٢. خَضَعوا لمَلْثومِ الخُطا عَرَصاتُهُ
للمُعْتَفينَ وللعُلا أوطانُ
23. A people, if they loudly proclaimed descent from Amer,
The oryx trembled, and the small deer shook.
٢٣. ذو مَحْتِدٍ سَنِمٍ رَفيعٍ سَمْكُهُ
تُعلي دَعائِمَ مَجدِهِ عَدنانُ
24. And an eagle shaded the edges of the plain,
A burly lion foretelling its young.
٢٤. قوْمٌ إذا جَهَروا بدَعوى عامِرٍ
قَلِقَ الظُّبا وتَزَعْزَعَ الخِرْصانُ
25. The tails of the she-camel flock spilling over,
Polished swords and seasoned blades.
٢٥. وأظَلَّ أطرافَ البسيطةِ جَحفَلٌ
لَجِبٌ يُبَشِّرُ نَسرَهُ السِّرْحانُ
26. With the palms of heroes whose armors
Melt away at the clash of forearms.
٢٦. تَفْري ذُيولَ النّقعِ فيهِ صَوارِمٌ
مَذْروبَةٌ وذَوابِلٌ مُرّانُ
27. Whenever war grew harsh, their supple mounts
Frolicked, playing with their flexible necks.
٢٧. بأكُفِّ أبطالٍ تَكادُ دُروعُهُمْ
عِندَ اللّقاءِ تُذيبُها الأضْغانُ
28. And a brown-skinned one whose tents were stained with blood
From a hand generosity flourished through.
٢٨. منْ كُلِّ عَرّاصٍ إذا جَدَّ الرّدى
في الرّوْعِ لاعَبَ مَتْنَهُ العَسَلانُ
29. If spirits had a remainder in it,
The bodies would cling to its every part.
٢٩. ومُهَنّدٍ تندىً مَضارِبُهُ دَماً
بيدٍ يَنُمُّ بجودِها الإحسانُ
30. The sons of Ruwas travel the path of glory,
A route deprivation itself loses sight of.
٣٠. لو كانَ للأرْواحِ منهُ ثائِرٌ
لَتَشَبّثَتْ بغِرارِهِ الأبْدانُ
31. Noble, while the heavy clouds are vile,
Wise when the brave are foolish.
٣١. وبَنو رُؤاسٍ يَنهَجونَ إِلى الندىً
طُرُقاً يَضِلُّ أمامَها الحِرْمانُ
32. Whether they wrest smiles from the swords,
Or the guests wrest dinner from the bowls.
٣٢. كُرَماءُ والسُّحْبُ الغِزارُ لَئيمَةٌ
حُلَماءُ حينَ تُسَفَّهُ الشُّجْعانُ
33. And when the vagabonds cloaked themselves in their homes,
The two guests dressed in its shade.
٣٣. إن جالَدوا لَفَظَ السّيوفَ جُفونُها
أو جاوَدوا غَمَرَ الضّيوفَ جِفانُ
34. Spilt blood boiled in its corners,
Fires stoked around it.
٣٤. وإذا العُفاةُ تمَرّسوا بفِنائِهِمْ
وتوَشّحَتْ بظِلالِهِ الضِّيفانُ
35. And toward the glory of the state we faltered,
The feet of travelers danced and the riders sang.
٣٥. طَفَحَ الدّمُ المُهَراقُ في أرْجائِها
دُفَعاً تُضَرَّمُ حَولَها النّيرانُ
36. Full of praise like one intoxicated by his cup,
And the finest lute nourished him with pure wine.
٣٦. وإِلى سَناءِ الدّولةِ اضْطَرَبَتْ بِنا
شعب الرِّحالِ وغَرَّدَ الرُّكْبانُ
37. O you the enemies fell short of,
We celebrated his terrifying assault.
٣٧. ثَمِلُ الشّمائِلِ للمَديحِ كأنّما
عاطاهُ نَشْوَةَ كأسِهِ النَّدْمانُ
38. Our holidays in your sheltering care
Are white like the hem of a robe.
٣٨. ونَماهُ أرْوَعُ عُودُهُ مِنْ نَبْعَةٍ
رَفّتْ على أعْراقِها الأفْنانُ
39. So meet the Feast with a resplendent kingdom,
With the mark of glory across its pages.
٣٩. يا مَنْ تَضاءَلَ دونَ غايتِهِ العِدا
وعَنا لسَوْرَةِ بأسِهِ الأقْرانُ
40. And browse through the words that the heights of eloquence reached,
Forcefully, smoothly, and clearly.
٤٠. أيّامُنا الأعْيادُ في أفيائِكُمْ
بِيضٌ كَحاشيَةِ الرِّداءِ لِدانُ
41. They put their reins in my hands out of obedience,
And they are free with the sensitive.
٤١. فاسْتَقْبِلِ الأضحى بمُلْكٍ طارِفٍ
للعِزِّ في صَفَحاتِهِ عُنوانُ
42. For glory disdains to be flattered by an unskilled one,
While the excellent have intelligence.
٤٢. وتصَفّحِ الكَلِمَ التي وَصَلَتْ بها
مِرَرَ البلاغَةِ شِدّةٌ ولَيانُ
43. And poetry is pleased with its spontaneous outpouring,
Foolishness of youth, and clarity and eloquence.
٤٣. تُلْقي إليّ عِنانَها عنْ طاعَةٍ
ولَها على المُتَشاعِرينَ حِرانُ
44. My hand is honored, so I do not give
Handouts over their bent wrists shamefully.
٤٤. فالمجْدُ يأنَفُ أن يُقَرِّظَ باقِلٌ
أربابَهُ ولَدَيهِمُ سَحْبانُ
45. The water in clefts is abundant, and wealth is
Where contentment and modest provisions are.
٤٥. والشِّعْرُ راضَ أبِيَّهُ لي مِقْوَلٌ
ذَرِبُ الشَّبا وفَصاحَةٌ وبَيانُ
46. Wishes give birth to determination, while
Humiliation sterilizes my resolve.
٤٦. ويَدي مُكَرَّمَةٌ فلا أعْطو بِها
مِنَحاً على أعْطافِهِنَّ هَوانُ
٤٧. والماءُ في الوَجَناتِ جَمٌّ والغِنى
حيثُ القَناعَةُ والحَشى طَيّانُ
٤٨. تَلِدُ المُنى هِمَمٌ وتَعقُمُ همّتي
فيَمَسُّهُنَّ الهُونُ وهْيَ حَصانُ