
I looked, and for the sand dunes amid the expanse in the east of Najd, O Huthaym, yearning

نظرت وللأدم النوافخ في البرى

1. I looked, and for the sand dunes amid the expanse in the east of Najd, O Huthaym, yearning
To some traces of Numayr, as though they were

١. نَظَرتُ وَللأُدْمِ النَّوافِخِ في البُرى
بِشَرقِيِّ نَجدٍ يا هُذَيمُ حَنينُ

2. Gazelles, like the twisting tears of the eyes
Whenever we vie in speech, then the love-lorn heart turns to it

٢. إِلى خَفِراتٍ مِن نُمَيرٍ كَأَنَّها
ظِباءٌ كَحيلاتُ المَدامِعِ عِينُ

3. Grieving, overflowing with passion
As though that which I confided in it was a pearl

٣. إِذا ما تَنازَعنَ الحَديثَ اِشتَفى بِهِ
مِنَ الوَجدِ مَتبولُ الفؤادِ حَزينُ

4. Gleaming in the hands of merchants, precious
And she had heard of me, so joy visited her

٤. كَأَنَّ الَّذي استُودِعتُهُ مِنهُ لؤلؤٌ
يَلوحُ عَلى اَيدي التِّجارِ ثَمينُ

5. And the like of me, in their eyes, refined
The cheek, ear, throat, bright cheek and brow

٥. وَقَد سَمِعَتْ بي فاِعتَرَتها بَشاشَةٌ
وَمِثلي بِها عندَ الكِرامِ قَمينُ

6. Complete the beauty of the temple
And Suleima said "Welcome! It appears to us

٦. وَسَدَّ خِصاصَ الخِدرِ طَرفٌ وَمَسمَعٌ
وَنَحرٌ وَخَدٌّ واضِحٌ وَجَبينُ

7. The marks of affliction are clear upon you"
So Huthaym, her confidante and adviser

٧. وَقالَت سُليمَى مَرحَباً بِكَ مالَنا
نَرى أَثَرَ البَلوى عَلَيكَ يَبينُ

8. Faithful to their secrets, responded
"Do you not know that fickle fate has wronged him

٨. فَقالَ هُذَيمٌ وَهوَ خِلِّي وَناصِحٌ
لَها وَعَلى أَسرارِهِنَّ أَمينُ

9. And your brother al-Aamiri has grown fat?"
She said "Who are you, desiring his lineage?"

٩. أَلَم تَعلَمِي أَنَّ الصَّبابَةَ أَجحَفَتْ
بِهِ وَأَخوكِ العامِريُّ سَمينُ

10. He said "Hijan, no hybrid bore me;
My father is Ulaymi the carpenter, and my mother

١٠. فَقالَتْ لَهُ مَن أَنتَ تَبغي اِنتِسابَهُ
فَقالَ هِجانٌ لَم يَلِدهُ هَجينُ

11. Her father was Zuhayri; the wolves raised me"
She said "May God banish him far

١١. أَبوه عُلَيمِيُّ النِّجارِ وَأُمُّهُ
أَبوها زُهَيريٌّ نَماهُ عَرينُ

12. From Nizari, his companion and confidante"
"Begone! No dog has lasting lodging in our land

١٢. فَقالَت يمانٍ أَبعَدَ اللَهُ دارَهُ
لَهُ مِن نِزارٍ صاحِبٌ وَخَدِينُ

13. That would protect it from sudden calamities"
We rejoiced at her dog simile, which maddened him,

١٣. تَنَحَّ فَما لِلحَيِّ كَلب بِأَرضِنا
قَرارٌ يَقيها النائِباتِ مَكينُ

14. And from her love I gained an illness and moaning,
As though we two, with the driver of the camels,

١٤. فَرحنا وَبالكَلبِيِّ غَيظٌ يُجِنُّهُ
وَلِي مِن هَواها زَنَّةٌ وَأَنينُ

15. Were brothers, both complaining of our wounds' pain.

١٥. كَأَنّي وَإِيّاهُ بِسائِقَةِ النَّقا
أَخو سَقَمٍ يَشكو الجِراحَ طَعينُ