1. Who is this caravan, O son of Al-Amiri, ahead of me?
Are they the secret of dawn in the conscience of darkness?
١. مَنِ الرَّكْبُ يا بْنَ العامِريِّ أمامي
أهُمْ سِرُّ صُبْحٍ في ضَميرِ ظَلامِ
2. My longing heart bids them farewell, and perhaps
It leads them to what has saddened it by the bridle.
٢. يُشَيّعُهُمْ قَلْبُ المَشوقِ وربّما
يُقادُ إِلى ما ساءَهُ بزِمامِ
3. My good fortune was stingy, so neither the specter came by at night,
Nor is my greeting brought back to me.
٣. وقدْ بَخِلَتْ سُعْدى فلا الطّيْفُ طارِقٌ
وليسَ بمَرْدودٍ إليّ سَلامي
4. You glance at them slyly with your fluttering eyes,
Robbing the full moon of its beauty and form.
٤. منَ الهِيفِ تَستَعدي على لَحْظِها المَها
وتَسلُبُ خُوطَ البانِ حُسْنَ قَوامِ
5. How much thirst is in my heart for you -
I quench it with sips from behind the veil.
٥. وكمْ ظَمَأٍ تحتَ الضّلوعِ أُجِنُّهُ
إِلى رَشَفاتٍ من وَراءِ لِثامِ
6. Yet I have not tasted your mouth, though I repeat
Tales spread by the branches of Basham.
٦. وما ذُقْتُ فاهَا غَيرَ أنّي مُكَرِّرٌ
أحاديثَ يَرْويها فُروعُ بَشامِ
7. Passion intervened between us, so I lead
My breaths to it while it remains.
٧. هَوىً حالَ صَرْفُ الدّهْرِ بيني وبَيْنَهُ
أقُدُّ لهُ الأنْفاسَ وهْيَ دَوامِ
8. It left me the awakening of sorrows, stirred
By the cooing of a dove or the crying of clouds.
٨. وغادَرَني نِضْوَ الهُمومِ يُثيرُها
غِناءُ حَمامٍ أو بُكاءُ غَمامِ
9. I yearn for the days at Aqeeq, when
Four dwellings bent me with the bridle of my mount.
٩. وأشْتاقُ أيّامَ العَقيقِ وأنْثَني
بأربَعَةٍ مِنْ ذِكْرِهِنّ سِجامِ
10. Can I forget that fresh life, as if
It borrowed greenness in the prime of youth?
١٠. وهلْ أتناسى العَيْشَ غَضّاً كأنّهُ
أُعيرَ اخضِراراً في عِذارِ غُلامِ
11. In a land where gardens in its folds
Drag the train of the headband above the dunes.
١١. بأرْضٍ كأنّ الرّوْضَ في جَنَباتِها
يجُرُّ ذُيولَ العَصْبِ فوقَ أَكامِ
12. When its perfumed locks are uncovered by the wind,
It leaves a trace in the stirrups of swords.
١٢. إذا صَفَحَتْ غُدْرانَهُ الرّيحُ خِلْتَها
تُدَرِّجُ أثْراً في غِرارِ حُسامِ
13. The knights slept around it as if
It passed the cup of wine amongst the lamps.
١٣. ونامَ حَوالَيْها العَرارُ كأنّها
تُديرُ على النُّوارِ كأْسَ مُدامِ
14. We outdistanced the suspicion of time in it,
Though our ears were stung by blame.
١٤. سَبَقْنا بِها رَيْبَ الزّمانِ إِلى المُنى
وقَدْ لَقِحَتْ أسْماعُنا بمَلامِ
15. Of my meadows, when passion leads me there,
I alight even if the censurers disapprove.
١٥. ومنْ أرْيَحيّاتي إذا اقْتادَني الهَوى
أفُضُّ وإنْ ساءَ العَذولُ لِجامي
16. The days continue to entice our purpose
And drag the train of my mantle and lance.
١٦. وما زالَتِ الأيّامُ تُغْري بِنا النّوى
وتَسْحَبُ ذَيْلَيْ شِرَّةٍ وعُرامِ
17. I see it jealous over my good fortune as if
It has what we have of infatuation and love.
١٧. أراها على سُعْدى غَيارى كأنّما
بِها مابِنا من صَبْوَةٍ وغَرامِ
18. Oh, if only when she pulls me into her company
She would leave her passion or I would fall ill!
١٨. فَيا لَيْتَها إذا جاذَبَتْني وِصالَها
تَرَكْنَ هَواها أو حَمَلْنَ سَقامي
19. By the glory of the Umayyad dynasty,
Fate has barred all my hopes.
١٩. لَعَمْرُ المَعالي حَلفَةً أُمَوِيّةً
لَسَدَّ علَيَّ الدّهْرُ كُلَّ مَرامِ
20. As for the vices of people, there is leeway for him
Whose nature needs no glory but generosity.
٢٠. أما في لئامِ النّاسِ مَندوحَةٌ لهُ
فحَتّامَ لا يَحْتاجُ غَيْرَ كِرامِ
21. I will clothe the night in mail whose morning gleams,
Flowing with the scent that permeates its folds,
٢١. لأَدَّرِعَنَّ اللّيلَ يَلْمَعُ صُبْحُهُ
تَحَدُّرَ راحٍ منْ خِلالِ فِدامِ
22. Onto a vast plain the darkness has departed from,
After the guide's arrows have disappeared.
٢٢. على أرْحَبيّاتٍ مَرَقْنَ منَ الدُّجى
وقد لَغِبَ الحادي مُروقَ سِهامِ
23. My carriers of needs unload their luggage
At the glorious, expansive threshold of the noble one.
٢٣. حَوامِلَ للحاجاتِ تُلقى رِحالُها
إِلى ماجِدٍ رَحْبِ الفِناءِ هُمامِ
24. I spur my dogs against him reverently
So eyes avert as they approach.
٢٤. أغَرُّ كِلابي عَلَيْهِ مَهابَةٌ
تُغَضُّ له الأبْصارُ وهْيَ سَوامي
25. Among the people, glory's flint did not spark for anyone
In pride unless they lit it with steel.
٢٥. منَ القَوْمِ لمْ يَسْتَقْدِحِ المَجْدُ زَنْدَهُ
لدى الفَخْرِ إلاّ أوْقَدوا بِضِرامِ
26. And highest among them in scarce glory
Is the brother of blessings, mighty in body,
٢٦. وأعلاهُمُ في قُلّةِ المَجْدِ مَرْقَباً
أخو نِعَمٍ في المُعْتَفينَ جِسامِ
27. Veiled on both sides of the corridor with spears
When the two horses clothe it in the shade of darkness,
٢٧. مُحَجَّبُ أطرافِ الرِّواقَيْنِ بالقَنا
إذا ادّرَعَ الخَيْلانِ ظِلَّ قَتامِ
28. And they do not stumble except on the corpses of boys
Who satisfy the watcher's craving.
٢٨. ولمْ تَعثُرا إلا بأشْلاءِ غِلْمَةٍ
تُرَوّي غَليلَ المَشْرَفيِّ وهامِ
29. From his pens and swords we glimpse
The stirrings of life in the swaying of a dove.
٢٩. نُطالِعُ منْ أقْلامِهِ وحُسامِهِ
مَقَرَّ حَياةٍ في مَدَبِّ حِمامِ
30. And his glance informs the desires of souls
As secrets pour forth from every seal.
٣٠. ويَخْبُرُ أهواءَ النّفوسِ بنَظْرَةٍ
تَفُضُّ لها الأسرارُ كلَّ خِتامِ
31. His palms gush with gain and bounty
Like the flowing of two springs' confluence.
٣١. وتَنْضَحُ كفّاهُ نَجيعاً ونائِلاً
تدَفُّقَ نائي الحَجْرَتَيْنِ رُكامِ
32. With wisdom, when perils arise for him,
He repels them with a languid, decisive blow.
٣٢. بحِلْمٍ إذا الخَطْبُ استُطيرَتْ لهُ الحُبا
رَماهُ برُكْنَيْ يَذْبُلٍ وشَمامِ
33. And a nature like a sick north wind's gust
Upon the garden's flowers with failed sprinkles of rain.
٣٣. وخُلْقٍ كما هَبّتْ شَمالٌ مَريضَةٌ
على زَهَراتِ الرّوْضِ غِبَّ رِهامِ
34. And honor like the gleaming Indian scabbard -
Glories shy from it and take cover.
٣٤. وعِرْضٍ كمَتْنِ الهِنْدُوانيِّ ناصِعٌ
تَذُبُّ المَعالي دونَهُ وتُحامي
35. The burnished margins are the theater of his praise -
Spacious, with none settled in it.
٣٥. صَقيلُ الحَواشي مَسْرَحُ الحَمْدِ عندَهُ
رَحيبٌ وما فيهِ مُعَرَّسُ ذامِ
36. So glory to God, whose brilliance has outshone the stars,
Elevating you to the highest summit.
٣٦. فللهِ مَجْدٌ أعْجَزَ النّجْمَ شأوُهُ
أحَلَّكَ أعْلى ذِرْوَةٍ وسَنامِ
37. And through you hopes were realized after their loss
Among a people asleep, not tending to them.
٣٧. وهبّتْ بكَ الآمالُ بعدَ ضَياعِها
لَدى مَعْشَرٍ عنْ رَعْيِهِنَّ نِيامِ
38. Because of you, the thoughts that were dispersed
Have stripped coral beads of all their stringing.
٣٨. فَدونَكَ مما يَنظِمُ الفِكْرُ شُرَّداً
سَلَبْنَ حَصى المَرْجانِ كُلَّ نِظامِ
39. You walk thankfully with hidden remembrance, praised,
As my fervent tongue converses with me.
٣٩. تَسيرُ بشُكْرٍ غائِرِ الذِّكْرِ مُنْجِدٍ
يُناجي لِسانَيْ مُعْرِقٍ وشَآمي
40. The kings of earth desire to be praised through it,
Yet not every ear is pleased with my speech.
٤٠. ويَهْوى مُلوكُ الأرضِ أن يُمْدَحوا بِها
وما كُلُّ سَمْعٍ يرتَضيهِ كَلامي
41. Don't they know I have taken a position
That relaxes atop the two streams, my tent?
٤١. ألَمْ يَعلَموا أني تبوّأْتُ مَنزِلاً
يُطَنِّبُ فوقَ النَّيِّرَيْنِ خِيامي
42. I used to refuse to be content though my echo was pure
Other than a freshwater spring or cloudy sky.
٤٢. وقد كُنتُ لا أرضى وبي لاعِجُ الصّدى
سِوى مَنْهَلٍ عَذْبِ الشريعَةِ طامِ
43. And when the intentions settled in you through us
And the dwellings honored us, I pitched my tent pegs.
٤٣. ولَمَّا اسْتَقرّتْ في ذراكَ بِنا النّوى
وقد كَرُمَ المَثْوى نَقَعْتُ أُوامي