
I passed by the one with flashing lightnings humbled,

مررت على ذات الأبارق موهنا

1. I passed by the one with flashing lightnings humbled,
As the whiteness of the carpets opposed me.

١. مَرَرتُ عَلى ذاتِ الأَبارِقِ مَوهِناً
فَعارَضَني بيضُ التَّرائِبِ غيدُ

2. Faces shone polished by the hand of the morning breeze,
With freshness upon them and cheeks reddened.

٢. وَقَد أَشرَقَتْ مَصقولَةً بيَدِ الصِّبا
وُجوهٌ عَلَيها نَضرَةٌ وَخُدودُ

3. She cast off the veil of dawn before its time,
So the doves of the thorn-trees fluttered and cooed.

٣. وَأَلقَتْ قِناعَ الفَجرِ قَبلَ أَوانِهِ
فَهبَّ حَمامُ الأَيكِ وَهيَ هُجودُ

4. I saw my companion swaying,
Led by the bent of conversation and its cord.

٤. وَأَبصَرتُ أَدنى صاحِبيَّ يَهُزُّهُ
عَلى طَرَبٍ مِيلُ السَّوالِفِ قُودُ

5. Love made him lean and weep as if
He were a bending branch in the wind.

٥. فَمالَ وَأَبكاهُ الغَرامُ كَأَنَّهُ
عَلى الكورِ غُصنٌ ريحَ وَهوَ مَجودُ

6. He said, "Do you see, O son of nobles, what I see?
Have watchfires blazed or necklaces shone?"

٦. فَقالَ تَرى يا بْنَ الأَكارِمِ ما أَرى
أَلاحَ ثُغورٌ أَم أَضاءَ عُقودُ

7. I said to him, "Hush your tears which are
Wild cows whose herdsman is black."

٧. فَقُلتُ لَهُ نَهنِهْ دُموعَكَ إِنَّها
ظِباءٌ حَمى أَسْرابَهُنَّ أُسودُ

8. Rise, O Qurashi, prepare your camels, passion is not stilled
And the mouth of el 'Amiri shall not cease its praise.

٨. هَبِ القُرَشِيَّ اِعتادَهُ لاعِجُ الهَوى
وَمادَ فَما لِلعامِريِّ يَمييدُ

9. I turned my eyes and heart towards her, both
And I knew not which of the two gazed more intensely,

٩. رَنا نَحوَها طَرْفي وَقَلبي كِلاهُما
فَلَم أَدرِ أَيَّ النَّاظِرَينِ أَذودُ

10. If one of her arrows lodges in my ribs
What the curtains conceal will not be concealed,

١٠. لَئِن نَشَبَت مِن سِربِها في حِبالَتي
مَليحَةُ ما وارى البَراقَعُ رودُ

11. For I and my love for her, a passionate lover,
Are evidence enough, though I swear no oaths.

١١. فَإِنّي وَحُبِّيها أَليَّةَ عاشِقٍ
يَبَرُّ التُّقى أَيمانَهُ لَصَيودُ