1. A birth in Bani 'Ajl is adorned with
As the necks of horses are adorned with pearls
١. ولادَةٌ في بَني عجلٍ تُزان بها
كَما تُزان عتاقُ الخَيْلِ بالغُرَر
2. The morning sun appeared rising for her
Then the crescent moon, the son of the full moon, shone in its wake
٢. بَدَتْ لَها الشَّمْسُ بنت الفَجْر طالعةً
ثم الهلال ابن بدر لاح في الأَثر
3. So the son of Sa'd shall always follow them
With the tail of good fortune between the sun and the moon
٣. فلا يزال ابن سَعدٍ ساحباً بهما
ذيلَ السَّعادَة بينَ الشَّمْس وَالقَمَرِ
4. And man is adorned with beloved children
As the meadow is adorned with flowers and the trees with fruit
٤. وَالمَرءُ يَزْدانُ بالأَولادِ مَحتِدهُ
فالرَّوْضُ بالزَّهْرِ والأَشجارُ بالثَّمرِ
5. It is enough pride for Rabee'ah
To be congratulated by her, the clan of Allah's Caliphs from Mudar
٥. كَفَى رَبيعَةَ فَخْراً أَنْ يُهَنّئها
بها بَنو خلفاءِ الله مِن مُضَرِ