1. O you who serves the king faithfully, are you listening
To a call sounding your praises from Umayyah's youth
١. أَلا يا صَفِيَّ الملكِ هَل أَنتَ سامِعٌ
نِداءً عَلَيهِ لِلحَفيظَةِ مِيسَمُ
2. Seeking your protection - look who comes to you and who they are
As the sun's heat makes his neck perspire
٢. دَعاكَ غُلامٌ مِن أُمَيَّةَ يَرتَدي
بِظِلِّكَ فانظُر مَن أَتاكَ وَمَن هُمُ
3. With your sweat - and wombs are honored and respected
Should I be cast aside in the wilds and pass by
٣. وَقَد لفَّتِ الشُمُّ الغَطاريفُ عِرقَهُ
بِعِرقِكَ وَالأَرحامُ تُرعى وَتُكرَمُ
4. All I fear of humiliation and wounding of pride?
And he who milks wealth's udder with begging
٤. أُيُنبَذُ مِثلي بِالعَراءِ وَمارِني
بِما أَتَوَقَّاهُ مِنَ الذُلِّ يُخْطَمُ
5. For glory I strive when blood is milked
So have you thanks that speak to one in oath
٥. وَمَن يَحتَلِبْ دَرَّ الغِنى بِضَراعَةٍ
فَلِلمَجدِ أَسعى حينَ يُحتَلَبُ الدَّمُ
6. Of the distaste in his words' allure, ominous and bleak
And were it not for fame's height, wealth would not be sought
٦. فَهَلْ لَكَ في شُكرٍ يُحَدِّثُ مُعرِقاً
بِما راقَ مِن أَلفاظِهِ الغُرِّ مُشئِمُ
7. While you know best what keeps your name alive
٧. وَلَولا اِرتِفاعُ الصِّيتِ لَم يَطلُبِ الغِنَى
وَأَنتَ بِما يُبقي لَكَ الذِّكرُ أَعلَمُ