1. The ruins called to the chest pained with passion
At the pure gathering, sister of Bani Kaab
١. تَراءَت لِمَطوِىِّ الضُّلوعِ عَلى الهَوى
لَدى السَرحَةِ المِحلالِ أُختُ بَني كَعبِ
2. It opened a wound whose closure I hoped for
With a wound that increased the heart's sorrows upon sorrows
٢. فَقَد نَكأَتْ قَرحاً رَجَوتُ اندِمالَهُ
بِقَرحٍ فَزِيدَ القَلبُ كَرباً عَلى كَربِ
3. It made Hudhaymah weep, God made his tears flow
Moaning until my companion woke me
٣. وَأَبكى هُذَيماً أَرقأَ اللَهُ دَمعَهُ
أَنينيَ حَتىّ أَيقَظَتْ أَنَّتي صَحبي
4. I held my palms over my breast
And threw one of my eyelids towards the riding camels
٤. وَقَبضيِ بِكِلْتا راحَتَيَّ عَلى الحَشَى
وَرَمي بإِحدى مُقلَتَيَّ إِلى الرَّكبِ
5. None consoled me but my she-camel, my mount
Oh! Who can see what humbles the cheek out of distress?
٥. وَلَم يَكُ لي غَيرَ العُلَيميِّ مُسعِدٌ
أَلا لا رأى ما يُضرِعُ الخَدَّ مِن خَطبِ
6. So receive from me, O Ghumayya, my fluttering soul
My passion will carry it on the difficult ship
٦. فَدونَكِ يا ظَمياءُ مِنّي جَوانِحاً
سَيَحمِلُها وَجدي عَلى مَركَبٍ صَعبِ
7. My tears flowed and my heart crammed with worries
Your necklace is from my tears and your heart from my heart
٧. جَرَت عَبرَتي وَالقَلبُ غَصَّ بِهَمِّهِ
فَعِقدُكِ مِن دَمعي وَقُلبُكِ مِن قَلبي
8. To delight you that I still suffer sorrow
And that I only find you after crossing tribulations
٨. لِيَهنِكِ أَنّي لا أَزالُ عَلى أَسى
وَأَنّيَ لا أَلقاكِ إِلّا عَلى عَتبِ
9. I yearn for Maytha, and the place of dust
And I look towards Wa'asa, the land of good soil
٩. أَحِنُّ إِلى مَيثاءَ حاليَةَ الثَّرَى
وَأَصبو إِلى وَعساءَ طَيِّبَةِ التُّربِ
10. I befriend those who inhabited the empty wilderness
And gleam from your memory in the coolness of spring
١٠. وَأَصحَبُ مِن جَرّاكِ مَن سَكَنِ الفَلا
وَأَشرَقُ مِن ذِكراكِ بالباردِ العَذبِ