1. When horses stumble on the rough terrain,
And lions fiercely roar and rage,
١. أَمَا وَالخَيْلِ تَعْثُرُ في العَجاجِ
وَآسادٍ تَهَشُّ إِلى الهِياجِ
2. And blows rain down without cease,
Matching the quick thrusts that pierce and wound,
٢. وَضَرْبٍ لا يُنَهْنِهُهُ تَريكٌ
يُطابِقُ خِلْسَةَ الطَّعْنِ الخِلاجِ
3. If fruitless war is ignited by them,
Death is birthed for the offspring.
٣. إِذا لَقِحَتْ بِهِ حَرْبٌ عَقيمٌ
تَمَخَّضَتِ المَنايا لِلنِّتاجِ
4. I would charge into the darkness until
My steely resolve breaches the enemy ranks,
٤. لَأَرْتَدينَّ بِالظَّلْماءِ حَتّى
تَشُقَّ عَزائِمي ثُغَرَ الدَّياجِي
5. And the knights engage in cunning
That shows you the glint of lances through the dust.
٥. وَتَعْتَرِكُ الفَوارِسُ في مَكَرٍّ
يُريكَ السُّمْرَ دامِيَةَ الزِّجاجِ
6. How I veil my eyes from their tips
When the earth feels too narrow to contain them.
٦. فَكمْ أُغْضي الجُفونَ على قَذاهَا
بِحَيْثُ الأَرْضُ ضَيِّقَةُ الفِجاجِ
7. Am I not the son of kings? Is my people
Prey for the terrified or sheep for the wolf?
٧. أَلَسْتُ ابْنَ المُلوكِ وَهَلْ كقَوْمِي
ذَراً لِمُرَوَّعٍ وَحَياً لِراجِ
8. And how many highbred among them are fathers
And protectors against floods of calamity?
٨. وَكَمْ مُتَخَمِّطٍ فيهِمْ أَبِيٍّ
وَخَرّاجٍ مِنَ الغَمَراتِ ناجِ
9. Most awe-inspiring with his defiant gaze
And above his forehead gemstone crowns shine.
٩. وَأرْوَعَ تَحْتَ أَخْمَصِهِ الثُّرَيَّا
وَفَوْقَ جَبينِهِ خَرَزاتُ تاجِ
10. They reared me for greatness until I surpassed it,
Where the earring can be seen on the intimate confidant.
١٠. نَموْني لِلْعُلا فَحَلَلْتُ مِنْها
بِحيْثُ يُرَى مِنَ الأُذُنِ المُناجِي
11. And I have a nature, desolate ruins are familiar to me,
Where the sweet is mingled with the bitter.
١١. وَلي شِيمٌ أَوابِدُ آنِساتٌ
يُشابُ العَذْبُ مِنْها بِالأُجَاجِ
12. Whenever a worthless fool seeks to defy me,
My fiery temper bars the doors of concession.
١٢. مَتى يَطْلُبْ مُعانَدَتي لَئيمٌ
فَدُونَ سَجاجَتي غَلْقُ الرِّتاجِ