
And maidens complain of desertion, as their hips complained

وكواعب تشكو الوشاة كما شكت

1. And maidens complain of desertion, as their hips complained
When they rose from the place where they had sat.

١. وَكَواعِبٍ تَشْكو الوُشاةَ كَما شَكَتْ
أَرْدافَها عِنْدَ القِيامِ خُصورُها

2. And they show you the tents of the hated tyrant,
And the abodes where the cattle spend the night.

٢. وتُريكَ أُدْحِيَّ الظَّليمِ حِجالُها
وَتَضُمُّ غِزْلانَ الصَّريمِ خُدورُها

3. When they moan, and languor takes hold of my bosom,
From the eyes of those who conquer hearts, their languor.

٣. وَإِذا رَنَتْ وَلَعَ الفُتورُ بِمُهْجَتِي
مِنْ أَعْيُنٍ مَلَكَ القُلوبَ فُتُورُها

4. Pleasant were the nights of union, when they resembled
Gardens, in their beauty and freshness.

٤. حَسُنَتْ لَيالي الوَصْلِ حِيْنَ تَشَابَهَتْ
وَجَناتُها في حُسْنِها وَبُدُورُها

5. And I turned from those well-spread carpets in chastity,
For saliva is wine, and kisses the sores.

٥. وَصَدَدْتُ عَنْ تِلْكَ المَراشِفِ عِفَةًّ
فَالرِّيقُ خَمْرٌ وَالحَبابُ ثُغورُها