1. O my ribs burning in depression
O my tears prepare to pour out
١. يا ضُلُوعي تَلَهَّبي في اكْتِئابِ
يا دُموعي تَأَهَّبي لِانْسِكابِ
2. The wounds of passion bleed tears
My longing is content in adversity
٢. إِنَّ بَرْحَ الغَرامِ يَنْزِفُ دَمْعاً
راضَ شَوْقي إِباءَهُ في التَّصابِي
3. And so water only flows
With the heat of blazing branches
٣. وَكَذا الماءُ لَيْسَ يُجْريهِ إِلَّا
وَهَجُ النارِ مِنْ غُصونٍ رِطابِ
4. And my afflictions struck me three times
With sleeplessness, agony, and lamentation
٤. وَبلائِي ثَلاثَةٌ طَرَقَتْنِي
بِسُهادٍ وَلَوْعَةٍ وَانْتحابِ
5. Sorrow after a scream, and wailing
From a rider, driver, and raven
٥. حَنّةٌ بَعْدَ صَيْحَةٍ وَنَعيبٌ
مِنْ مَطِيٍّ وَسَائِقٍ وَغُرابِ
6. So my youth passed amid complaining
Rejection, abandonment, and rebuke
٦. فَتَقَضَّتْ شَبيبَتِي بَيْنَ شَكْوَى
وَتَجَنٍّ وَهِجْرَةٍ وَعِتابِ
7. And my awareness of my old age shows me
A number whose betrayal I do not deserve
٧. والْتِفاتي إِلى سِنِيَّ يُريني
عَددَاً لَيْسَ يَقْتَضي غَدْرُها بي
8. My hair turned gray but my right hand is unblemished
At the age of forty in my reckoning
٨. شَابَ رَأْسِي وَلَمْ تَمَسَّ يَميني
ذَنَبَ الأَرْبَعِينَ عِنْدَ حِسابي
9. And the lovely one saw my grey hair and said
What did it gain you, so I said, love of the lovely one
٩. وَرَأَتْ شَيْبيَ الرَّبابُ فَقالتْ
ما جَناهُ فُقُلتُ حُبُّ الرَّبابِ
10. My passion captured my youth until
The dawn of old age entered the night of youth
١٠. مَلَكَتْ رِقِّيَ الصَّبابَةُ حَتّى
خاضَ صُبْحُ المَشيبِ لَيْلَ الشَّبابِ