1. When the caravan departed at dawn,
No reunion but a specter that comes and goes.
١. إذا زُمَّ للبَيْنِ الغَداةَ جِمالُ
فَلا وَصْلَ إلا أنْ يَزورَ خَيالُ
2. The desires of all were scattered and provoked,
The slightest journey of the riders became far.
٢. تَفرَّقَ أهْواءُ الجَميعِ وثُوِّرَتْ
رَكائِبُ أدْنى سَيْرِهِنَّ نِقالُ
3. Among the traveling party are the two beloveds as if
They were the trust of Udhayy while they are does.
٣. وفي الرّكْبِ نَشْوى المُقلَتَيْنِ كأنّها
وديعَةُ أُدْحِيٍّ وهُنّ رِئالُ
4. The eyes of the watcher fill his hearing
With the rustling of satisfied hands wielding spears.
٤. لها نَظَراتُ الرّيمِ تَملأُ سَمْعهُ
حَفيفاً بأيدي القانِعينَ نِبالُ
5. And in the tears out of fear of spies when she called out to us
Is sympathy while the rider hurries.
٥. وفي الدّمْعِ منْ خَوفِ الوُشاة إذا رَنَتْ
إلينا أَناةٌ والمَطِيُّ عِجالُ
6. Oh regrets of the soul when ties
Of affection were severed as the jealous one willed.
٦. فَيا حَسَراتِ النّفْسِ حينَ تقطَّعَتْ
لبَيْنٍ كما شاءَ الغَيورُ حِبالُ
7. While we were in Najd before the spears arrived
Panicking the inhabitants and the shields rattled.
٧. ونحنُ بنَجْدٍ قَبلَ أن تَفْطُنَ النّوى
بِنا ويَروعَ القاطِنينَ زِيالُ
8. At a spring of fresh drink as if
The left hand circulated the cup of inclusion around it.
٨. على مَنْهَلٍ عَذْبِ النِّطافِ كأنّما
أدارَ بهِ كأسَ الشَّمولِ شمالُ
9. We fixed spears around it and we have nothing
Other than them if the departing shadows left.
٩. رَكزْنا حَوالَيْهِ الرِّماحَ وما لَنا
سِواها إذا فارَ الهَجيرُ ظِلالُ
10. A fearful fugitive takes refuge in them
Through them hopes are pollinated and they are antidotes.
١٠. يلوذُ بِها مِنْ عَبْدِ شَمْسٍ جَحاجِحٌ
بهِمْ تُلْقَحُ الآمالُ وهْيَ حِيالُ
11. Kings when they don mounted their steeds, destruction stirred up
Swords whose edges above them are blunt.
١١. مُلوكٌ إذا اسْتَلّوا الظُّبا استَنْهَضَ الرّدى
صَوارِمُ دبّتْ فوقَهُنَّ نِمالُ
12. They have nothing but glorious determination
And nothing but the edges of swords as provisions.
١٢. فليسَ لهُمْ غيرَ المَعالي لُبانةٌ
ولا غيرَ أطرافِ السّيوفِ ثِمالُ
13. Elevated as if the shafts of spears harmonized,
An honorable uncle built them for us.
١٣. عُلاً كأنابيبِ الرِّماحِ تَناسَقَتْ
بَناها لَنا عمٌّ أغَرُّ وخالُ
14. And the best of my battle gear is my Indian sword
That has resisted rust on its blade due to sharpening.
١٤. وخَيْرُ عَتادي في الحُروبِ مهَنَّدٌ
نَفى صَدأً عنْ مَضْرِبَيْهِ صِقالُ
15. And in peace the tilt of the wine-bearer is as if
When she turns, a gazelle fearing the watcher.
١٥. وفي السِّلْمِ مَيْلاءُ الخِمارِ كأنّها
إذا التَفَتَتْ خَوفَ الرّقيبِ غَزالُ
16. How often she approached me while the stars were
Like firebrands in the blackest night.
١٦. وكمْ طَرَقَتْني والنّجومُ كأنّها
على مَفْرِقِ الليْلِ الأحَمِّ ذُبالُ
17. So magic, although illicit, has fascinated me with her glance,
My blood is halal for you, O magic of eyes.
١٧. فبرَّح بي سِحْرٌ حَرامٌ بطَرْفِها
دَمي لكَ يا سِحْرَ العُيونِ حَلالُ
18. So do not deny me, O daughter of the people, attaining
Fulfilment, while seeking it is prolonged.
١٨. فلا تَعِديني يا بْنَةَ القَومِ نائِلاً
يَطولُ اقْتضاءٌ دونَهُ ومِطالُ
19. Whoever is chaste in his love for you, his conscience
Deems isolation from you the same as reunion.
١٩. ومَنْ كان عَفّاً في هَواكِ ضَميرُهُ
فسِيّانِ هَجْرٌ عندَهُ ووصالُ
20. Were it not for piety, I would not leave the innocent ones
Even if shaded by veils and screens.
٢٠. ولولا التُّقى لمْ أتْرُكِ البيضَ كالدُّمى
وإنْ ظُلِّلَتْ بالمُرْهَفاتِ حِجالُ
21. I restrain my soul from what it desires
If blaming me for it will persist.
٢١. وإني لأثْني النَّفْسَ عمّا تُريدُهُ
إذا كانَ في العُقْبى عليَّ مَقالُ
22. I do not accept a friend whose affection lasts
Based on greed while I still have wealth.
٢٢. ولا أرْتَضي خِلاً يَدومُ وِدادُهُ
على طَمَعٍ مادامَ عِنديَ مالُ
23. I see people follow wealth so whoever
Fate enriches wearies and tires of it.
٢٣. أرى الناسَ أتْباعَ الغِنى ولمَنْ نَبا
بهِ الدّهْرُ منهُمْ ضَجْرَةٌ ومَلالُ
24. When you gain wealth, they incline their love to you
And turn away if your state changes.
٢٤. إذا ما اسْتَفَدْتَ المالَ مالُوا بوُدِّهِمْ
إليكَ وحالُوا إن تغَيَّرَ حالُ
25. Who do I have, in the unpredictability of wishes, as a companion
Whose resolve to the noblest goals is exemplary?
٢٥. فمنْ لي على غَيِّ التَمَنّي بصاحِبٍ
عَزيمتُهُ للمَشْرَفيِّ مثالُ
26. When he stretches his stride its extent
Does not make him speak to his shins out of laziness.
٢٦. إذا مَدَّ مِنْ أثْناءِ خُطْوَتِهِ المَدى
فليسَ يُناجي أخْمَصَيْهِ كَلالُ
27. He steps forth while swords are sheathed in scabbards
And the horses have blood on their hooves.
٢٧. ويُقْدِمُ والأسْيافُ تُغْمَدُ في الطُّلى
وللْخَيْلِ مِنْ صَوْبِ الدِّماءِ نِعالُ
28. If he raids the enemy and the night is dark
Morning bares its blades upon them.
٢٨. وإنْ طَرَقَ الأعْداءَ واللّيلُ مُظْلِمٌ
أطَلَّتْ علَيهمْ بالصّباحِ نِصالُ
29. So he unleashes them away from himself
As they had come to a meadow and they were saplings.
٢٩. فيُصْدِرُها عَنهُمْ رِواءً مُتونُها
وقد وَرَدَ الهَيْجاءَ وهْيَ نِهالُ
30. A man whose praise is the fetter of his sword while his sword
In the blood of exemplary warriors is sheathed.
٣٠. فتىً سَيْبُهُ قَيْدُ الثّناءِ وسَيْفُهُ
لأُدْمِ المَتالي في الشّتاءِ عِقالُ
31. If you ask the living about their best
Women and men point towards him.
٣١. إذا ما سأَلْتَ الحيَّ عنْ خَيْرِهِمْ أباً
أشارَتْ نِساءٌ نحوَهُ ورِجالُ