
Like the threads of an embroiderer's loom

عرضت كخوط البانة الأملود

1. Like the threads of an embroiderer's loom
You saunter between carpets and cushions

١. عَرَضَتْ كَخُوطِ البانَةِ الأُمْلودِ
تَختالُ بينَ مَجاسِدٍ وعُقودِ

2. Graceful, supple in your swaying gait
In a gown whose trains the buckles restrain

٢. هيفاءُ ليّنَةُ التّثَنّي أقْبَلَتْ
في خُرَّدٍ كَمَها الصّرائِمِ غِيدِ

3. And we passed by the valley's soft sands
Where they told of the swaying of slender date palms

٣. ومَرَرْنَ بالوادي على عَذَبِ الحِمى
فحَكَيْنَ هِزّةَ بانِهِ بِقُدودِ

4. And the anemones told of the darkening of their hearts
And their blushing cheeks borrowed redness

٤. وحَكى الشقيقُ بهِ اسْوِدادَ قُلوبِها
وأُعيرَ منهُنّ احْمِرارَ خُدودِ

5. As though their eyes from their lids
Had drunk the red juice of grapes on a vine

٥. وكأنّ أعيُنَهُنَّ منْ وَجَناتِها
شَرِبَتْ على ثَمَلٍ دَمَ العُنْقودِ

6. So they passed me when night's veil was frail
And stars began to peer out to twinkle and glitter

٦. فَطَرَقْنَني والليْلُ رقَّ أديمُهُ
والنّجْمُ كادَ يهُمُّ بالتَّعْريدِ

7. I felt the cool touch of their jewelry and the breeze
Shaking unkempt locks played notes lyrical

٧. ووَجَدْتُ بَرْدَ حُلِيّهِنّ وهَزَّ منْ
عِطفَيْهِ ذو الرّعَثاتِ للتّغْريدِ

8. So their light pierced its darkness and they
Were shaded by the gloom of trailing black trains

٨. فانْجابَ منْ أنوارِهِنَّ ظَلامُهُ
وأظَلَّهُنّ دُجى ذَوائِبَ سُودِ

9. While I where the distance rings from their steeds
Fell far and drew near the load on my chest

٩. وأنا بحَيثُ القُرْطُ من أجْيادِها
يَنْأى ويَقْرُبَ مِحْمَلي مِنْ جِيدي

10. Our beds honor guests with utmost decorum
My cheek covers my abstinence with its flush

١٠. كَرُمَتْ مَضاجِعُنا فلِيثَ على التُّقى
أُزْري وَجيبَ عنِ العَفافِ بُرودي

11. My youth fades but my whim is its advocate
To the stern judge, appealing for clemency

١١. أزْمانَ يَنْفُضُ لِمّتي مَرَحُ الصِّبا
وهوَ الشّفيعُ إِلى الكَعابِ الرّودِ

12. My drink is the blueness of clouds, so no days
Could water their herds at my runnels

١٢. ومَشارِبي زُرْقُ الجِمامِ فلَمْ يَنَلْ
منّي الأُوامُ بمَنهَلٍ مَورودِ

13. So the one who destroys severed the tie of fellowship
Binding covenants and pacts with decay

١٣. فارْفَضَّ شَملُ الأُنْسِ إذ جمَعَ البِلى
بِزَرودَ بينَ مَعاهِدٍ وعُهودِ

14. Then after fortunes divided me, their turns
Left me wandering, bereft of resolve or goal

١٤. وتَقاسَمَتْني بعْدَهُ عُقَبُ النّوى
حتى لَفَفْتُ تَهائِماً بنُجودِ

15. Would that the horse had perished in a land
Where no rider's path crossed the barren waste

١٥. وفَلَيْتُ ناصِيَةَ الفَلا بمَناسِمٍ
وَسَمَ المَطِيُّ بِها جِباهَ البيدِ

16. Clouds gave rain but I find no life in the world
Between mere recreation, like orient pearls

١٦. فسَقى الغَمامُ ولسْتُ أقنَعُ بالحَيا
أيّامَنا بينَ اللِّوى فَزَرودِ

17. Rather the son of Amer bestowed it freely
Quenching the molded stars of its sphere in his munificence

١٧. بلْ جادَها ابنُ العامِريِّ براحَةٍ
وَطْفاءَ صِيغَ بَنانُها منْ جُودِ

18. Kindling strong resolves which if thrown could
Extinguish celestial bodies, reducing them to embers

١٨. مُتَوقِّدُ العَزَماتِ لو رُمِيَتْ بِها
زُهْرُ النُّجومِ لآذَنَتْ بخُمودِ

19. Seeking exaltation sleeplessly among a tribe
Slumbering heedless of attaining any height

١٩. ومُواصِلٍ أرَقاً على طَلَبِ العُلا
في مَعْشَرٍ عن نَيْلِهِنَّ رُقودِ

20. With a plain none dare accuse and the repute
Of selflessness, and a crop self-sown

٢٠. ذو ساحَةٍ فَيحاءَ مَعروفٍ بِها
وَزَرُ اللّهيفِ وعُصْرَةُ المَنْجودِ

21. Whose fertile crescents are dwelling places for regiments
Or halting places for caravans on the move

٢١. مَلْثومَةُ العَرَصاتِ في أرْجائِها
مَثْوى جُنودٍ أو مُناخُ وفودِ

22. When dissension wrapped the lands in its gown
It harvested nothing but the souls of the preyed upon

٢٢. لمّا تَوشَّحَتِ البِلادُ بفِتْنَةٍ
ما إنْ تَصيدُ سوى نُفوسِ الصِّيدِ

23. Igniting discords, feeding on fruits of war
Begetting strife and nursing anger and feud

٢٣. وتَشُبُّ شَعْثاءَ الفُروعِ وتَمْتَري
أخْلافَ حَرْبٍ للمَنونِ وَلودِ

24. Subduing its bonds and quenching its flames
Before fury's inferno and after the fuel is burned

٢٤. أوْهى مَعاقِدَها وأطْفأَ نارَها
قبلَ انْتِشارِ لَظىً وبعْدَ وَقودِ

25. With the naked blade the deadly strokes are struck
Like lions amid canes in the bosky wood

٢٥. بالجُرْدِ تَمتاحُ العَجاجَ وغِلْمةٍ
في الغابِ منْ أسَلِ القَنا كأُسودِ

26. On the hilltops of enmity, on hooves created
From stubborn rock and frozen into solidity

٢٦. مِنْ كُلِّ وطّاءٍ على قِمَمِ العِدا
بحَوافِرٍ خُلِقَتْ منَ الجُلْمودِ

27. With sharp swords drawn from their sheaths
As though clad in coats of mail and armor

٢٧. وصَوارِمٍ عُرِّينَ منْ أغْمادِها
حتى ارْتَدَيْنَ منَ الطُّلى بغُمودِ

28. Had he let loose his dark plumed arrows
The white pages would have sought refuge from being torn

٢٨. ولَوِ انْتَضى أقلامَهُ السّودَ احْتَمى
بِيضُ الصِّفاحِ بِها منَ التّجْريدِ

29. While the red spears from fear of being shattered in fray
Show a tremor, ejected and cast out

٢٩. والسُّمْرُ منْ حَذَرِ التّحَطُّمِ في الوَغى
تُبدي اهْتِزازَ مُنَضْنِضٍ مَطْرودِ

30. As if unveiled before enemies on the day
Destinies cross and death foretold arrives

٣٠. فكأنّهُنّ أُعِرْنَ منْ أعدائِه
يومَ اللّقاءِ تَلَوّيَ المزْؤودِ

31. But when fears shrink their shadow from each
Craven heart given to panic and dread

٣١. وهمُ إذا ما الرّوعُ قلّصَ ظلَّهُ
عنْ كُلِّ مُسْتَلَبِ الحُشاشَةِ مُودِ

32. Whether prisoner hoping for leniency, fettered at waist
Or both from awe or greed, ferocity and generosity

٣٢. مِنْ سائِلٍ صَفَداً يُؤَمِّلُ سَيْبَهُ
ومُكَبَّلٍ في قِدِّهِ مَصْفودِ

33. Manacled in shackles and bound fast
How often have I told the cunning in their affairs

٣٣. وكِلاهُما من رَهْبَةٍ أو رَغْبَةٍ
بَأساً وجُوداً مُوثَقٌ بقُيودِ

34. To hurl at them the calamities of refutation
Loyalty is betrayed so their hearts hold no water

٣٤. كمْ قُلْتُ للمُتَمَرّسينَ بشأْوِهِ
أرْميهِمُ بقَوارِعِ التّفْنيدِ

35. But inside, fires of hatred smolder and burn
Whether present at events or absent they are the same

٣٥. غاضَ الوفاءُ فليسَ في صَفَحاتِهِمْ
ماءٌ وفي الأحشاءِ نارُ حُقودِ

36. Sitting for grievances as though in prayer bowed
They built no lofty glory or gained any lasting

٣٦. وحُضورُهمْ في حادِثٍ كمَغيبِهمْ
وقِيامُهُمْ لمُلِمّةٍ كقُعودِ

37. Renown with themselves or their forebears' devotion
Seek it not for the worst that can befall a man

٣٧. لم يَبْتَنوا المَجْدَ الطّريفَ ولا اقْتَنَوا
مِنهُ التّليدَ بأنْفُسٍ وجُدودِ

38. Is seeking disappointment for petitioner rejected
O Ali, yours are deeds compared to which

٣٨. لا تَطْلُبوهُ فشَرُّ ما لَقيَ امْرُؤٌ
في السَّعْي خَيْبَةُ طالِبٍ مَكْدودِ

39. A man is envied and excellence claimed by the envious
Your attributes that malice did not obscure

٣٩. لكَ يا عَليُّ مآثِرٌ في مِثلِها
حُسِدَ الفتى والفَضْلُ للمحسودِ

40. Are evident despite the enemies' disavowal
While other men went astray, all glory is yours

٤٠. وَضَحَتْ مَناقِبُكَ التي لمْ يُخْفِها
حَسَدٌ يُلثِّمُهُ العِدا بجُحودِ

41. Losing the markers on its blocked, dead-end path
So turn your face to the auspicious New Year

٤١. والناسُ غَيْرَكَ والعُلا لكَ كُلُّها
ضَلّوا مَعالِمَ نَهْجها المَسْدودِ

42. And time, fragrant as blossoms, soft as lute's wood
In a state lowering its banners over a glory

٤٢. فاسْتَقْبِلِ النّيروزَ طَلْقَ المُجْتَلى
والدّهْرَ عَذْبَ الوِرْدِ نَضْرَ العُودِ

43. Sheltered in its shade, ever-extending

٤٣. في دَولَةٍ تُرْخي ذَوائِبها على
عِزٍّ يُلاذُ بظِلِّهِ المَمْدودِ