
You promised, and the promise is kept by the cheek

وعدت والخل موفي له زفرا

1. You promised, and the promise is kept by the cheek
With the son of clouds intermingled with the daughter of grapes

١. وَعَدتِ وَالخِلُّ مَوفِيٌّ لَهُ زُفَراً
بابنِ الغَمامِ مَشوباً بابنَةِ العِنَبِ

2. So come, O bearers of pure wine
With it, before the smile of dawn closely appears

٢. فَجئنَ يا ساقياتِ الخَمرِ صافيَةً
بِها قُبَيلَ اِبتِسامِ الفَجرِ عَن كَثَبِ

3. For the tingling of cups is a gift
That leads me to the intoxication of drunkenness messing with me

٣. فَإِنَّ دَغدَغَةَ الأَقداحِ مُهدِيَةٌ
إِليَّ تَعتَعَةً لِلسُّكرِ تَعبَثُ بي

4. And you, O sublime beauty, your glance indeed
Has struck in my heart wildly like a shooting star

٤. وَأَنتِ يا عَلْوَ شيمي اللَّحظَ إِنَّ لَهُ
في القَلبِ وَقعَ شَبا المأثورَةِ القُضُبِ

5. The pitcher laughed then cried, grieving
For the saliva and mouth are like the wind and seeds

٥. ضَحِكتِ ثُمَّ بَكى الإِبريقُ مُنتَحِباً
فالرِّيقُ وَالثَّغرُ مِثلُ الرَّاحِ وَالحَبَبِ

6. While we are in a garden, in which the breeze dragged
A tail laden with raindrops from the clouds

٦. وَنَحنُ في رَوضَةٍ جَرَّ النَّسيمُ بِها
ذَيلاً بِهِ بَلَلٌ مِن أَدمُعِ السُّحُبِ

7. When I mention it, Najd and its dwellers
I place the bead of my dream in the hand of rapture

٧. إِذا ذَكَرتُ بِها نَجداً وَساكِنَهُ
وَضَعتُ حُبوَةَ حِلمي في يَدِ الطَرَبِ