1. We mingled blood with tears of sorrow
Leaving no room for mercy
١. مَزَجنا دِماءً بالدُّموعِ السَّواجِمِ
فَلَم يَبقَ مِنّا عَرصَةٌ لِلمَراحِمِ
2. The weapon that most harms a man is the tears that flow from him
When the flames of war are kindled by the swords
٢. وَشَرُّ سِلاحِ المَرءِ دَمعٌ يُفيضُهُ
إِذا الحَربُ شُبَّت نارُها بِالصَّوارِمِ
3. Woe to you, O sons of Islam, after you
Are events that bring the atoms back to the wholes
٣. فإِيهاً بَني الإِسلامِ إِنَّ وَراءَكُم
وَقائِعَ يُلحِقنَ الذُّرا بِالمَناسِمِ
4. Living in the shadow of security and bliss
And a life as gentle as the soft sand dunes
٤. أَتَهويمَةً في ظِلِّ أَمنٍ وَغِبطَةٍ
وَعَيشٍ كَنُّوارِ الخَميلَةِ ناعِمِ
5. How can the eye sleep when its eyelids are filled
With delusions that keep every sleeper awake
٥. وَكَيفَ تَنامُ العَينُ مِلءَ جُفونِها
عَلى هَفَواتٍ أَيقَظَتْ كُلَّ نائِمِ
6. While your brothers in Damascus sacrifice their lives
As backs for whips or bellies for spears
٦. وَإِخوانُكُم بِالشَّامِ يُضحي مَقيلُهُم
ظُهورَ المَذاكي أَو بُطونَ القَشاعِمِ
7. The Romans humiliate them while you
Drag the train of disgrace like the submissive
٧. تَسومُهُمُ الرُّومُ الهَوانَ وَأَنتُمُ
تَجُرُّونَ ذَيلَ الخَفضِ فِعلَ المُسالِمِ
8. So much blood has been shed and from chaste women
Whose beauty hides in shame behind the veils
٨. وَكَم مِن دِماءٍ قَد أُبيحتْ وَمِن دُمىً
تواري حَياءً حُسنَها بِالمَعاصِمِ
9. The white swords bloodied, reddening the wolves
And the hilltops bloodstained by the crushing blows
٩. بِحَيثُ السُّيوفُ البيضُ مُحمَرَّةُ الظُّبا
وَسُمرُ العوالي دامياتُ اللَهاذِمِ
10. Between the stabbing and striking is a pause
In which children will gray like the newcomers
١٠. وَبَينَ اِختِلاسِ الطَّعنِ وَالضَربِ وَقفَةٌ
تَظَلُّ لَها الوِلدانُ شيبَ القوادِمِ
11. These are wars - he who is absent from their turmoil
Will regret it later, repentant in years
١١. وَتِلكَ حُروبٌ مَن يَغِب عَن غِمارِها
لِيَسلَمَ يَقرَعْ بَعدَها سِنَّ نادِمِ
12. The pagans have seized sharp swords
That will be sheathed in skulls and bones
١٢. سَلَلنَ بِأَيدي المُشرِكينَ قواضِباً
سَتُغمَدُ مِنهُم في الطُّلَى وَالجماجِمِ
13. The adulterer in Taybah almost cries out
Oh Hashimites! In the loudest voice
١٣. يَكادُ لَهُنَّ المُستَجِنُّ بِطَيبَةٍ
يُنادي بِأَعلى الصَوتِ يا آلَ هاشِمِ
14. I see my nation not taking up arms for their religion
Their spears weak, their faith unstable
١٤. أَرى أُمَّتي لا يُشرِعونَ إِلى العِدا
رِماحُهُمُ وَالدِّينُ واهي الدَّعائِمِ
15. They avoid the fire fearing harm
Not considering dishonor a lasting wound
١٥. وَيَجتَنِبونَ النَّارَ خَوفاً مِنَ الرَدَى
وَلا يَحسبونَ العارَ ضَربَةَ لازِمِ
16. Are the chieftains of the Arabs content with this humiliation
While the chiefs of the non-Arabs overlook such disgrace
١٦. أَتَرضى صَناديدُ الأَعاريبِ بِالأَذى
وَيُغضِي عَلى ذُلٍّ كُماةُ الأَعاجِمِ
17. If only when they did not defend zealously
The faith, they were jealous for the sanctities
١٧. فَلَيتَهُمُ إِذ لَم يَذودوا حَمِيَّةً
عَنِ الدِّينِ ضَنُّوا غيْرَةً بِالمَحارِمِ
18. And if they were ascetic for reward when war called out
Why didn’t they join it greedily for the spoils
١٨. وَإِن زَهِدوا في الأَجرِ إِذ حَمِسَ الوَغَى
فَهَلّا أَتَوْهُ رَغبَةً في الغَنائِمِ
19. If those snub-nosed cowards have surrendered to humiliation
They did not even sneeze except with restrained breath
١٩. لَئِن أَذعَنَت تِلكَ الخَياشيمُ لِلبُرى
فَلا عَطَسوا إِلّا بِأَجدعَ راغِمِ
20. Leave us while war greedily desires us
With the glances of ferocious eagles
٢٠. دَعوناكُمُ وَالحَربُ تَرنو مُلِحَّةً
إِلَينا بِأَلحاظِ النُّسورِ القَشاعِمِ
21. It awaits a chance to pounce on us
While the Romans eye us with clenched fists
٢١. تُراقِبُ فينا غارَةً عَرَبيَّةٌ
تُطيلُ عَلَيها الرُّومُ عَضَّ الأَباهِمِ
22. If you are still not angry after this
We will pelt our enemies with atrocities
٢٢. فَإِن أَنتُمُ لَم تَغضَبوا بَعدَ هَذِهِ
رَمَينا إِلى أَعدائِنا بِالجَرائِمِ