
God watered my sand dunes, covering them with heavy rainclouds

سقى الله رملي كوفن الغيث حافلا

1. God watered my sand dunes, covering them with heavy rainclouds
The udder was filled by it, from the sides of the two cisterns

١. سَقَى اللهُ رَمْلَيْ كوفَنَ الغيثَ حَافِلاً
بِهِ الضَّرْعُ مِنْ جَوْنِ الرَّبابَيْنِ وَابلِ

2. And it poured a breeze, whose diffusion perfumes the soil
With it, the prancing of the wind, between the swaying palms

٢. وَفَضَّتْ نَسيماً يُعْبِقُ التُّرْبَ نَشْرُهُ
بِها رَكَضاتُ الرِّيحِ بَيْنَ الخَمائِلِ

3. And its shade still touches gently, turned
Toward it the morning, accustomed to it at the thickets

٣. وَلا زالَ فيها الظِّلُّ أَلْمَى تَلَفَّتتْ
إليهِ صَباً تَعتادُهُ بالأَصائِلِ

4. The places of the doe’s pasturing hide
Beneath the dark dancer of the slender shoots, fading

٤. مَواقِعُ عَرّاصِ الشَّآبيبِ تَحْتَمي
بِأَسْمَرَ رَقّاصِ الأَنابِيبِ ذابِلِ

5. And to it returns every elegant gazelle, rising
To glory, fierce in valor, sweet in grace

٥. وَيَأْوي إِلَيْها كُلُّ أَروعَ يَرْتَقِي
إِلى المَجْدِ حُرِّ البَأْسِ حُلْوِ الشَّمائِلِ

6. Quick in steering the canal, when it rises
To battle, firm of shaft, loose of sheath

٦. لَبيقٍ بِتَصْريفِ القَناةِ إِذَا سَما
إِلى الحَرْبِ صُلْبِ العُودِ رِخْوِ الحَمائِلِ

7. It grew under the protection of the tribe of Umayyah
To which voluntarily bow the necks of tribes

٧. نَماهُ إِلى فَرْعَيْ أُمَيَّةَ عُصْبَةٌ
تَذِلُّ لَها طَوْعاً رِقابُ القبائِلِ

8. In their hands the forelock of elevation shakes
And the unblemished milks the udder of the attainer

٨. بِأَيْديهمُ تَهْتَزُّ ناصِيَةُ العُلا
وَيَحْتَلبُ العافِي أَفاوِيقَ نائِلِ

9. I will suffice them the grave affair with a sharp sword
That tastes deaths between its two edges, harvesting

٩. سَأَكْفيهمُ الخَطْبَ الجَسيمَ بِصارِمٍ
تَمَطَّى المَنايا بَيْنَ غَرْبَيْهِ ناحِلِ

10. And I stab the throat of every cultivated eloquent one
Insightful, when I unleash him with the killers

١٠. وَأُلْثِمُ نَحْرَ القِرْنِ كُلَّ مُثَقَّفٍ
بَصيرٍ إِذا أَشْرَعْتُهُ بِالْمَقاتِلِ

11. So I extended through it the purse of my protector
Which includes on the day of panic the flow of casualties

١١. فَقَدْ بَسَطتْ باعي بِهِ خُنْزُوانَةٌ
تَضمَّنُ يَوْمَ الرَّوعِ رِيَّ المَناصِلِ