
Poetry is magic, and of its masterpieces

الشعر سحر وعندي من روائعه

1. Poetry is magic, and of its masterpieces
I have the purest water or the brightest pearls.

١. الشِّعْرُ سِحْرٌ وَعِنْدي مِنْ رَوائِعِهِ
أَصْفَى منَ المَاءِ أَوْ أَبْهى مِنَ الدُّرَرِ

2. Its rhymes were strung like necklaces, so for their poets
They are the radiance of steeds with pearls on their chests.

٢. قُدَّتْ قَوافِيهِ غُرّاً فَالرُّواةُ لَهُم
بِهِنَّ زَهْوُ عِتاقِ الخَيْلِ بِالغُرَرِ

3. They are drawn from an ocean of gentleness,
And sculpted from its sturdiness into stone.

٣. فَهُنَّ يُغْرَفْنَ مِن بَحْرٍ لِرِقَّتِهِ
وَمِنْ جَزالَتِهِ يُنْسَفْنَ مِنْ حَجَرِ

4. Bedouin odes which I have reached
With fragments upon them, the city's softness,

٤. قَصائِدٌ بَدَوِيَّاتٌ وَصَلْتُ بها
مُقَطّعاتٍ عَليها رِقّةُ الحَضَرِ

5. And I excelled at rhyming verses in nomad encampments
And those settling the cities from a watering place,

٥. وَفُقتُ ساكِنَةَ الأبْياتِ مِنْ وَبَرٍ
بِها وَنَازِلَةَ الأمْصارِ مِنْ مَدَرِ

6. So everyone after me who came with verse
Brought what was ruined by his feeble attempt at my traces.

٦. فَكُلُّ مَنْ فاه بَعدي بِالقَريضِ أَتَى
بِما تَقَيَّلَ في تَحبيرِهِ أَثَرِي