
And one who jested, I dissuaded him from going too far

ومكاشح نهنهته عن غاية

1. And one who jested, I dissuaded him from going too far
The lions roared, defeated beneath her den

١. وَمُكاشِحٍ نَهْنَهْتُهُ عَنْ غايَةٍ
زَأَرَ الأُسودُ الغُلْبُ دونَ عَرينِها

2. We, the Mu'awiyahs, extend our hands
In generosity, its left like its right

٢. إِنّا مُعاوِيُّونَ نَبْسُطُ أَيْدِياً
في المَكْرُماتِ شِمالُها كَيَمينِها

3. From every noble stock, a filly was born
A lively white blaze shone above her forehead

٣. مِنْ كُلِّ ذي حَسَبٍ نَمَتْهُ حُرَّةٌ
غَرَّاءُ لاحَ العِتْقُ فَوْقَ جَبينِها

4. To the one with the slender waist, the traveller hastens
The journey has worn out her flank and chest

٤. خَضِلِ البَنانِ إِليهِ يُزْجي المُجْتَدي
وَجْنَاءَ أَبْلَى السَّيْرُ ثِنْيَ وَضَينِها

5. And when the barefoot ones emigrated to us
They did not yearn for their homelands

٥. وَإذا العُفاةُ تَيَمَّمَتْنا عِيسُهُمْ
لَمْ يَذْكُروا أَوْطانَهُمْ بِحَنِينِها

6. Pastures grew lush, endowed with springs
Meandering between ebb and flow

٦. تَقْرو مَراتِعَ وُشِّحَتْ بِمَناهِلٍ
تَخْتالُ بَينَ نَميرِها وَمَعينِها

7. And we, when the Arabs are stirred up, have
Muhammad, created from its clay

٧. وَلَنا إِذا العَرَبُ اعْتَزَتْ جُرْثُومَةٌ
خُلِقَ النَّبِيُّ مُحَمَّدٌ مِنْ طِينِها