
The path of victory in the shades of darkness,

مقيل النصر في ظلل القتام

1. The path of victory in the shades of darkness,
And the course of glory in the thickets of swords,

١. مَقيلُ النَّصْرِ في ظُلَلِ القَتامِ
وَمَسْرَى العِزِّ في ظُبَةِ الحُسامِ

2. I have resolves that crouched on ribs,
Which are wrapped in worries upon worries,

٢. وَلي هِممٌ جَثَمْنَ على ضُلوعٍ
تُلَفُّ مِنَ الهُمومِ على كِلامِ

3. Difficulties pass by them, yet they are fiery,
So they withstand them with lasting claws,

٣. تَمُرُّ بِها الخُطوبُ وَهُنَّ شُوسٌ
فَتَقْرِفُها بِأَظْفارٍ دَوامِ

4. And my heart is reassured by this comfort,
I gather its warmth upon my chest,

٤. وَقَلْبي يَطْمئِنُّ بِهِ الْتِياحٌ
أَضُمُّ حَشايَ مِنْهُ عَلى ضِرامِ

5. I do not aspire to an easy, humiliating path,
If I meet my glory during my lifetime,

٥. وَلا أَصْبو إِلى رِيٍّ ذَليلٍ
إِذا صَادَفْتُ عِزِّي في أُوامِي

6. The cloud of youth will dissipate from me,
And no hand has ever controlled my reins,

٦. سَتُجْلَى غَمْرَةُ الحَدَثانِ عَنِّي
وَما مَلَكتْ عَلَيَّ يَدٌ زِمامِي

7. So the light of dawn is awaited by one wandering
Between the folds of darkness.

٧. فَضَوءُ الصُّبْحِ مُرْتَقَبٌ لِسارٍ
تَرَدَّد بَيْنَ أَثْناءِ الظَّلامِ