
We are afflicted with people who claim leadership,

بلينا بقوم يدعون رئاسة

1. We are afflicted with people who claim leadership,
Yet its ways are too difficult for them to follow.

١. بُلينا بِقَومٍ يَدَّعونَ رِئاسَةً
لَها طُرُقٌ يَعيَى عَلَيهِم سُلوكُها

2. Curses upon a time that raised them up,
For they are not the best rulers for this world.

٢. فَتَبّاً لِدَهرٍ قَدَّمَتهُم صُروفُهُ
وَما خَيرُ دُنيا هَؤلاءِ مُلوكُها