
Ghadah's beauty is witnessed by admirers

وغادة تشهد الحسان لها

1. Ghadah's beauty is witnessed by admirers
Her radiance outshines the full moons

١. وَغادَةٍ تَشهَدُ الحِسانُ لَها
أَنَّ سَنا النَيِّرَينِ مَحتَدُها

2. Her noble fathers are from Dhirar's progeny
Honored by the name of their Muhammad

٢. آباؤُها الغُرُّ مِن ذُرا مُضَرٍ
في شَرَفٍ زانَهُ مُحمَّدُها

3. And her mother is from Wail, so when joined
Her ancestry includes Bastaam and Marthad

٣. وَالأُمُّ مِن وائِلٍ إِذا اتَّصَلَتْ
فالجَدُّ بسطامُها وَمَرثَدُها

4. She surpasses women in her elegance
As tomorrow surpasses today in generosity

٤. تَفضُلُ في حُسنِها النِّساءَ كَما
يَفضُلُ في الخَيرِ يَومَها غَدُها

5. She mounts none but high-bred, swift camels
Her hands milk only productive she-camels

٥. فَما اِصطَلَتْ غَيرَ مِجمَرٍ أَرِجٍ
وَلا اِمتَرَتْ ضَرعَ لِقحَةٍ يَدُها

6. If she travels, shyness excuses me
If she gazes, the doe-eyed beauties envy her

٦. إِن سَفَرَتْ فالعَذولُ يَعذُرُني
أَو نَظَرَتْ فالظِّباءُ تَحسُدُها

7. Her sight makes the bashful lose composure
And modesty clothes them in shyness

٧. أَحوَرَها لا يُفيقُ مِن خَجَلٍ
وَيَرتَدي بِالحَياءِ أَغيدُها

8. Or if the singers act indecently
Dignity makes her composed and seated

٨. أَو طاشَتِ الغانياتُ مِن أَشَرٍ
يُقيمُها فالوقارُ يُقعِدُها

9. In my heart she made her dwelling
Taking the lightning for her lamp

٩. وَفي فؤادي تَبَوَّأتْ وَطناً
وَكان بالأَبرَقَينِ مَعهَدُها

10. Where the rising breeze finds her
Her brazier fanned by the cool morning breeze

١٠. بِحَيثُ يَلقى السَّاري مُشَهَّرَةً
يُقضِمُها المَندَليَّ موقِدُها

11. O Najd, no maiden traveled you
More generous, more hospitable than her

١١. يا نَجدُ لا أَخطأَتْكِ غاديَةٌ
أَغزَرُها لِلحمى وَأَجودُها

12. Until your hill-tops are neighbored
By unstirred, late-coming camel herds

١٢. حَتىّ تُناصي أَراكَهُ إِبِلٌ
خَوامِسٌ لا يَنِشُّ مَورِدُها

13. Since I left you, sleeplessness keeps my eyes open
Remembering nights when she lay asleep

١٣. فالطَّرفُ مُذ غِبتُ عَنكَ يُسهِرُهُ
ذِكرى لَيالٍ قَد كانَ يَرقُدُها

14. When I see the traveling caravans departing
My heart leaves with them to find her

١٤. إِذا رَأَيتُ الرِّكابَ صادِرَةً
سارَ بِقَلبي إِلَيكَ مُنجِدُها

15. Umm Khishf lost her son and set out
Seeking him desperately, and he seeks her

١٥. وَأُمِّ خِشفٍ ضَلَّتْهُ فاِنطَلَقَتْ
تَنشُدُهُ والِهاً وَينشُدُها

16. She met him slain in Mahlikah
Among snakes writhing around his corpse

١٦. فَصادَفَتهُ لَقىً بِمَهلِكَةٍ
يَغَصُّ بِالضَّارياتِ فدفَدُها

17. She approached in awe and alarm
Fear keeping her from nearing him

١٧. وَحاذَرَتْها فاِستَشعَرَتْ وَجَلاً
تَقرُبُ مِنهُ وَالرُّعبُ يُبعِدُها

18. Gasping out of her ribs a breath
That bloodied and tore her collar

١٨. وَتَنتَضي مِن ضُلوعِها نَفَساً
يَدمى وَيَشجى بِهِ مُقَلَّدُها

19. That is like me, when I visited her abode
And found it desolate, where is its household?

١٩. فَتِلكَ مِثلي إِذ زُرتُ مَنزِلَةً
أَرى مَهاها فأَينَ خُرَّدُها

20. Between my ribs is an anguish that burns
With only tears to extinguish its embers

٢٠. وَبَينَ جَنَبيَّ لَوعَةٌ وَقَدَتْ
وَلَيسَ إِلّا ظَمياءُ تُخمِدُها