
The mother of Amr has passed away, may God bring her home near,

نأت أم عمرو قرب الله دارها

1. The mother of Amr has passed away, may God bring her home near,
And my tears have revealed what ribs can hide,

١. نأَت أُمُّ عَمروٍ قَرَّبَ اللَهُ دارَها
وَأَظهَرَ دَمعي ما تُجنُّ الأَضالِعُ

2. By God, I shall not let anyone near me after her,
Nor reveal my secret grief until tears are consulted.

٢. فَواللَهِ لا أَكرَهتُ جَنبيَ بَعدَها
عَلى السِرِّ حَتّى تُستَشارَ المَدامِعُ