1. The moments of weakness complain of their remoteness
From the place of their contracts after the distance
١. وَعَليلَةِ اللَّحَظاتِ يَشْكو قُرْطها
بُعْدَ المَسافَةِ مِنْ مَناطِ عُقُودِها
2. She told of the gazelle and the deer in their absence
And their hostility, face, and neck
٢. حَكَتِ الغَزالَةَ وَالغَزالَ بِبُعْدِها
وَبِصَدِّها وَبِوَجْهها وَبِجيدِها
3. So who can attain them when they are united
And their estrangement even when they are close
٣. فَمنالُ تِلكَ إِذا نَأَتْ كَوِصالِها
وَنِفارُ ذاكَ وَإِنْ دَنَتْ كَصُدودِها
4. She is in my heart and in it the fires of passion
So my tears take refuge there when they are kindled
٤. هِي في الفُؤادِ وَفيهِ نيرانُ الهَوى
فَبِمَدْمَعَيَّ تَلوذُ عِنْدَ وَقُودِها
5. And when I complain, I attribute her in my poetry
The lament of the dove that moans in its singing
٥. وَإِذا شَكَوْتُ نَسَبْتُ في شِعْري بِها
شَكْوى الحَمامِ تَنوحُ في تَغْريدِها
6. She appeared before us, strutting among maidens
While the garden enchants its nymphs away from their singing
٦. عَرَضَتْ لَنا تَخْتالُ بَيْنَ كَواعِبٍ
وَالرَّوْضُ يُذْهِلُ حُورَها عن غِيْدِها
7. When the thorns of longing pierced him through her beauty
Their hearts and cheeks told of him in their flush
٧. إِذْ شَقَّ أَرْدِيَةَ الشَّقيقِ بِهِ الحيا
فَحَكيْنَهُ بِقلوبِها وَخُدُودِها