1. An ailment was allowed in my heart, against which
I was powerless, with gazing at the unemployed women.
١. أُتيحَتْ لِداءٍ في الفؤادِ عُضالِ
رُباً بالظِّباءِ العاطِلاتِ حَوالِ
2. She flows down my tears while she is protected,
And I allow her the love while she is unruly.
٢. تُذيلُ دُموعَ العَيْنِ وهْيَ مَصونَةٌ
وأُرْخِصُها في الحُبِّ وهْيَ غَوالِ
3. Vast oceans that take away life and its concerns
When the clouds unload the isolated rain.
٣. سواجِمُ تَكْفيها الحَيا وانْهمالَهُ
إذا انْحَلَّ في وُطْفِ الغَمامِ عَزالي
4. Were it not for you, O you of the two veils,
My tears would not have adorned you.
٤. ولوْلاكِ يا ذاتَ الوِشاحَيْنِ لمْ تَكُنْ
موَشَّحةً منْ أدْمُعي بِلآلي
5. And I lowered my eyes from their desires, so I did not
Appear to them as annoying and frolicking.
٥. وأغْضَيْتُ عَيْني عنْ مَهاها فلَمْ أُبَلْ
لَدَيْها بعَيْني جُؤذَرٍ وغَزالِ
6. But I appeased waywardness in love,
And I carry in it what my misguidance reaped.
٦. ولكنَّني أرضَي الغِوايَةَ في الهَوى
وأحْمِلُ فيه ما جَناهُ ضَلالي
7. The cheeks of your face are white, beautiful,
Flourishing with freshness and beauty.
٧. وَقَتْكِ الرّدى بيضٌ حِسانٌ وُجوهُها
ومُثْرِيَةٌ منْ نَضْرَةٍ وجَمالِ
8. They appeared as full moons in dark tresses,
And touched branches in the interior of the sands.
٨. طَلَعْنَ بُدوراً في دُجىً من ذَوائِبٍ
ومِسْنَ غُصوناً في مُتونِ رِمالِ
9. I see the gazes of the young men stumbling over them
At the edges of the short palm trees or mountain peaks.
٩. أرى نَظَراتِ الصَّبِّ يَعْثُرْنَ دونَها
بأعْرافِ جُرْدٍ أو رؤوسِ عَوالِ
10. They offered me union but my heart as a whole
Is yours, so how can I seek my union?
١٠. عَرَضْنَ عليَّ الوَصْلَ والقَلبُ كلُّهُ
لدَيْكِ فأنّى يَبتغينَ وِصالي
11. And they are beautiful, except you turn
Your glances, so my slippers slipped because of them.
١١. وهُنَّ مِلاحٌ غيرَ أنّ نَواظِراً
تُديرينَها زلّتْ بهِنَّ نِعالي
12. Were it not for you, I would not have sold Iraq and its people
With the valley of protection and al-Mandali in neglect.
١٢. ولولاكِ ما بِعْتُ العِراقَ وأهْلَهُ
بِوادي الحِمى والمَنْدَليَّ بِضالِ
13. So what is with the jealous women of the tribe
Whose remoteness blamed me? What is their business and mine?
١٣. فَما لِنِساءِ الحَيِّ يُضْمِرْنَ غَيْرَةً
سَبَتْها العَوالي ما لَهُنَّ وما لي
14. And if my right hand contradicted me in pursuing love
I would not join it with my left hand.
١٤. ولو خالَفَتْني في مُتابعةِ الهَوى
يَميني ما واصَلْتُها بِشمالي
15. And in you are repellents of coquetry, which I think
Are to me as the informant described the repellents of tedium.
١٥. وفيكِ صُدودٌ منْ دَلالٍ أظنّهُ
علي ما حَكى الواشي صُدودَ مَلالِ
16. I sufficed with an imagination of you visiting me,
And which imagination finds its way to another imagination?
١٦. قَنِعْتُ بطَيْفٍ منْ خَيالِكِ طارِقٍ
وأيُّ خَيالٍ يَهْتَدي لخَيالِ
17. So do not deny my walking to you over the sands
On she-camels that are not shod except with shadows.
١٧. فلا تُنْكِري سَيْري إلَيْكِ على الوَجى
رَكائِبَ لا يُنْعَلْنَ غيرَ ظِلالِ
18. When scolded, the slight sounds of their anklets,
And fatigue has touched them having reins.
١٨. إذا زُجِرَتْ منهُنَّ وَجْناءُ خِلْتَها
وقد مسّها الإعياءُ ذاتَ عِقالِ
19. And my adventuring to you at night, I ride its dangers,
And even if the journey is far, I do not care.
١٩. وخَوْضي إلَيْكِ اللّيلَ أرْكَبُ هَوْلَهُ
وإنْ بَعُدَ المَسْرى فلَسْتُ أبالي
20. And do not accept the words of the blamer, so you regret
When the slanderers cut you off from my ropes.
٢٠. ولا تَقْبَلي قَولَ العَذولِ فتَنْدَمي
إذا قَطَعَتْ عنكِ الوُشاةُ حِبالي
21. Ask the son of Nizar about my ancestors, after
You heard of my heroism when I brandished my swords.
٢١. سَلي ابْنَيْ نِزارٍ عنْ جُدودي بَعْدَما
سمِعْتِ ببأْسي إذْ هزَزْتُ نِصالي
22. Did the book of lineage contain the like of my paternal uncle
O Umaim and my maternal uncle?
٢٢. هلِ اشتَمَلتْ فيهِمْ صَحيفةُ ناسِبٍ
على مِثْلِ عمّي يا أُمَيْمَ وخالي
23. So is the warrior with the soft lips my spear when it calls
My swordsmen overrun the battlefields with descent?
٢٣. فهَلْ مَلْثَمُ اللّبّاتِ رُمْحي إذا دَعا
مَصاليتُ يَغْشَوْنَ المِصاعَ نَزالِ
24. So do not oblige me with the guilt of a time that accuses me
With the coarseness of days, the tenderness of my state.
٢٤. فلا تُلْزِميني ذَنْبَ دَهْرٍ يَسومُني
على غِلَظِ الأيّامِ رِقّة حالِ
25. And the passion walks between my lofty determination
That blames a time in which my scope is narrowed.
٢٥. وتَمْشي الهُوَيْنى بَيْنَ جَنْبَيَّ هِمّةٌ
تَذُمُّ زَماناً ضاقَ فيهِ مَجالي
26. And when his daughters are feared among his sons
The hearts of women in the bodies of men.
٢٦. وعندَ بَنيهِ حينَ تُخْشى بَناتُهُ
قُلوبُ نِساءٍ في جُسومِ رِجالِ
27. And do not deny the lack that I complain of
Which I knew the calamities from past nights.
٢٧. ولا تُنْكِري ما أشْتَكي منْ خَصاصَةٍ
عَرَفْتُ بها البأساءَ منذُ لَيالِ
28. So the fine sand dunes of the Kufan land,
Blessed, do not destroy the chests of my camels.
٢٨. فبالتّلَعاتِ الحُوِّ منْ أرْضِ كُوفَنٍ
مَبارِكُ لا تُدْمي صُدورَ جِمالي
29. Its protectors are a young Umayyad tribe
With broadly spread excellent casts.
٢٩. يَحوطُ حِماها غِلْمَةٌ أُمويّةٌ
بخَطّيَّةٍ مُلْسِ المُتونِ طِوالِ
30. And every bending of the two blades is well-groomed
As if needles were mounted on its curves.
٣٠. وكُلِّ رَميضِ الشّفْرَتَيْنِ مُهَنّدٍ
كأنّ بغَرْبَيْهِ مَدَبَّ نِمالِ
31. They hit with their arrows as the wind is still
On the humps of the ostrich of abundant thinness.
٣١. ضَرَبْنَ بألْحِيهِنَّ والريحُ قَرّةٌ
على قُلَّتَيْ أرْوَنْدَ غِبَّ كَلالِ
32. So the kinsfolk of Quraysh did not watch over the rights of kinship or fear
My blame, nor was my mind upset by that.
٣٢. فما رَعَتِ القُرْبى قُرَيْشٌ ولا اتّقَتْ
عِتابي ولمْ يَكْسِفْ لذلك بالي
33. And the most generous dwelling place honored it among settlements
Were the clan of Khalaf until I descended my departures.
٣٣. وأكْرَمَ مَثْواها وأمْجَدَها القِرَى
بَنو خَلَفٍ حتى حَطَطْتُ رِحالي
34. And they succeeded in winning my praise when I attained their love
So I did not after it incline towards anyone's gift.
٣٤. وفازوا بحَمْدي إذْ ظَفِرْتُ بودِّهمْ
فلمْ أتعرَّضْ بعْدَهُ لنَوالِ
35. They are horsemen from the sons of Bahram Zadah
With whom wars are kindled after term.
٣٥. مَغاويرُ منْ أبناءِ بَهْرامَ ذادَةٌ
بهِمْ تُلْقَحُ الهَيْجاءُ بعدَ حِيالِ
36. They terrify towards escape as if their faces
Were the chests of swords forged with polishing.
٣٦. يهَشّونَ للعافي كأنّ وُوجوهَهُمْ
صُدورُ سُيوفٍ حُودِثَتْ بصِقالِ
37. So I accompanied every brave one who harbored glory
With a soft-lipped one having disputing generosity.
٣٧. فصاحَبْتُ منهمْ كلَّ قَرْمٍ حَوى العُلا
بمَلثومَةٍ في الجودِ ذاتِ سِجالِ
38. He was guided in life when he gave generously and the lion when it pounced
On the spear in an attack and assault.
٣٨. وبذَّ الحَيا إذْ جادَ والليثَ إذ سَطا
على القِرْنِ في أُكْرومَةٍ وصِيالِ
39. He sees with the swords of Al-Za'abiya like a planet
So he thrusts until he bends like a crescent.
٣٩. يَرى بسِنانِ الزاعبيّةِ كَوْكَباً
فيَطْعَنُ حتى ينثني كهِلالِ
40. And he does not transcend a killing, as if he
When thrusting lives towards it with sacrificing.
٤٠. ولا يتخطّى مَقْتلاً فكأنّه
لدى الطّعنِ يعشو نَحوَهُ بذُبالِ
41. He watched over the sanctities of glory in honoring me
When my determination to travel became firm.
٤١. رَعى حُرُماتِ المَجْدِ فيَّ تكرُّماً
وقد شدّ عَزمي للمَسيرِ قِبالي
42. And he was certain that I do not seek refuge in a miser
Who wastes honor in guarding money.
٤٢. وأيقَنَ أني لا ألوذُ بباخِلٍ
يُضَيِّعُ عِرْضاً في صِيانَةِ مالِ
43. And I was light shoulder so I forced them
To favors I collared with burdens.
٤٣. وكُنتُ خَفيفَ المَنكِبَيْنِ فأُكْرِها
على مِنَنِ طُوِّقْتُهُنَّ ثِقالِ
44. And I gained freshness that exemplary status was not its concern
And gained praise that my exemplary status did not taint.
٤٤. وحُزْتُ ندىً ما شانَهُ بمِطالِهِ
وحازَ ثَناءً لمْ يَشِنْهُ مِطالي
45. So I gave thanks to him after his request
And he gave me the customary gift before my request.
٤٥. فسُقْتُ إليهِ الشُّكْرَ بعدَ سؤالِهِ
وساقَ إليَّ العُرْفَ قَبلَ سؤالي