1. O land of al-Udhayb, does a lightning bolt never cease
To take me to the meadows or an embrace?
١. أَرضَ العُذَيبِ أَما تَنفَكُّ بارِقَةٌ
تَسمو بِطَرفي إِلى الرَيّانِ أَو حَضَنِ
2. I long for the land of Najd though it moves away
While my heart holds tight to sorrow within me
٢. أَصبو إِلى أَرضِ نَجدٍ وَهيَ نازِحَةٌ
وَالقَلبُ مُشتَمِلٌ مِنّي عَلى الحَزنِ
3. I ask the caravans about it with tears that are blood
From an eye that has not drawn a lid over delight
٣. وَأَسأَلُ الرَّكبَ عَنها وَالدُّموعُ دَمٌ
بِناظِرٍ لَم يَخِطْ جَفناً عَلى وَسَنِ
4. And if lightning flashes on its own, I aim
My gaze at one with a rough mantle from an auspicious rain
٤. وَإِن سَرى البَرقُ مِن تِلقائِها غَرِضَت
عِيسِي بِذي سَلَمٍ مِن مَبرَكٍ خَشِنِ
5. And if the wind blows loftily, it drips down
My tears, yearning for the homeland, to the high ground
٥. وَالرِّيحُ إِن نَسَمَتْ عُلويَّةً نَضَحَتْ
بِالدَّمعِ حَنَّةَ عُلويٍّ إِلى الوَطَنِ
6. Is there a way to Najd and its inhabitants
That would rouse one accustomed to both Egypts against time?
٦. فَهَل سَبيلٌ إِلى نَجدٍ وَساكِنِهِ
يَهُزُّ مَن أَلِفَ المِصرَيْنِ لِلظَعَنِ
7. Iraq is not a home for it after the sanctuary lands
That are healthy between the basin and twisted rivers.
٧. لَيسَ العِراقُ لَهُ بَعدَ الحِمى وَطَناً
يَميسُ عافيهِ بَينَ الحَوضِ وَالعَطَنِ
8. The she-camels find rest from their constant roaming
When they reach the twisted sands with the saddlebags.
٨. وَتَستَريحُ المَطايا مِن تَوَقُّصِها
إِذا فَلَتْ لِمَمَ الحَوذانِ بِالثَفَنِ
9. I wonder, how much did fate delude nations
From the line of Adnan and misfortunes from Yemen?
٩. فَلَيتَ شِعري وَكَم غَرَّ المُنى أُمَماً
مِن فَرعِ عَدنانَ والأَذواءَ مِن يَمَنِ
10. Did it bring me down to lands whose people are Arabs
Who drank nothing but from the brimming rain-pouring cloud,
١٠. هَل أَهبِطَنَّ بِلاداً أَهلُها عَرَبٌ
لَم يَشرَبوا غَيرَ صَوبِ العارِضِ الهَتِنِ
11. Upon a trained, short-haired army, its regiments
White, with the foam of milk gleaming over them,
١١. عَلى مُطَهَّمَةٍ جُردٍ جَحافِلُها
بيضٌ تَلوحُ عَلَيها رَغوَةُ اللَبَنِ
12. When they shoot those who oppose them, the arrows return
Bloodied through the sides and ribs?
١٢. إِذا رَموا مَن يُعاديهِم بِها رَجَعَتْ
بِالنَّهبِ داميَةَ اللَّباتِ وَالثُنَنِ
13. They have no shields but their hides
And nothing over them but recklessness in their madness.
١٣. فَلا دُروعَ لَهُم إِلّا جُلودَهُمُ
وَلا عَلَيهِم سِوى الأَحسابِ مِن جُنَنِ
14. If God unites me, O Hudhaym, with them
Then I will not live the rest of my life in grief over time.
١٤. إِن يَجمَعِ اللَهَ شَملي يا هُذَيمُ بِهِم
فَلَستُ ما عِشتُ بِالزَّاري عَلى الزَمَنِ