1. O clan of rain, surely hardships will pass
And my talk of you is full of sorrow
١. بَني مَطَرٍ إِنَّ الخُطوبَ تَهُونُ
وَإِنَّ حَديثي عَنْكُمُ لَشُجون
2. What ingrates were you in caring for me
And how generous will I be in reward
٢. فَأَيَّ لِئامٍ كُنْتُمُ في رِعايَتي
وَأَيَّ كَريمٍ في الجَزاءِ أَكونُ
3. I accompanied you when life was dreary and barren
But prospered from you while winds were still
٣. صَحبْتُكُمُ وَالْعَيْشُ أَغْبَرُ وَالغِنى
تَحَسَّرَ عَنْكُم وَالرِّياحُ سُكونُ
4. When you gained wealth, you spurned me
Indeed you spurned me, though madness has skills
٤. فَلمّا اسْتفَدْتُمْ ثَرْوَةً طِرْتُمُ بِها
نَعَمْ وَبَطِرْتُمْ والجُنونُ فُنونُ
5. Luxury deceived you, you donned its shadows
Trusting in fate, which is deceitful
٥. وَغَرَّتْكُمُ نُعْمَى لَبِسْتُمْ ظِلالَها
عَلى ثِقَةٍ بِالدَّهْرِ وَهْوَ خَؤونُ
6. Do not let love of wealth consume your hearts
For time keeps an eye on all
٦. فَلا تُشْرِبُوا حُبَّ الثَّراءِ قُلوبَكُمْ
فَكُلٌّ عَلَيْهِ لِلْزَّمانِ عُيونُ
7. You leaned on it though misfortunes were accustomed
To humbling a man's wealth, even if safeguarded
٧. رَكَنْتُمْ إِلَيهِ وَالحَوادِثُ عُوِّدَتْ
إِذالَةَ مَالِ المَرْءِ وَهْوَ مَصونُ
8. Ease is only a twin of hardship, and death
Seduces the helpless with delusions
٨. فَما اليُسْرُ إِلَّا تَوْأَمُ العُسْرِ وَالمُنَى
تُسَوِّلُها لِلْعاجِزينَ ظُنونُ