1. A clan we descended upon, with life still full of joy,
In a wide, fertile place of plenteous dwellings,
١. وَشِعبٍ نَزَلناهُ وَفي العَيشِ غِرَّةٌ
بِمُرتَبَعٍ رَحبِ المَحَلِّ خَصيبِهِ
2. Yet no glorious man among us has sheathed his sword,
The exuberant folly of impetuous youth in his dotage.
٢. وَلَم يَكُ فينا ماجِدٌ أَغمَدَ النُّهَى
غرارَ الشَّبابِ المُنتَضَى في مَشيبِهِ
3. We in a valley encamped, where Umm Salim pitched
A tent, on soft soil, of plants freshly green.
٣. وَنَحنُ بِوادٍ خَيَّمَتْ أُمُّ سالِمٍ
بِهِ ذي ثَرىً غَضِّ النَّباتِ رَطيبِهِ
4. She exuded musk when her train neared her,
As if her robes were steeped in its fragrance.
٤. تَضَوَّعَ مِسكاً حينَ ناجاهُ ذَيلُها
كَأَنَّ مَحانيهِ مَذاكٍ لِطيبِهِ
5. How many days we journeyed, while the sun drew in
Its skirts, the pebbles melting from its heat?
٥. وَكَم مِن نَهارٍ ضَمَّ قُطرَيهِ سَيرُنا
يَذوبُ الحَصى مِن جَزعِهِ في لَهيبِهِ
6. At night we folded the miles, the travelers cheered
When a shooting star streaked across the sky.
٦. وَلَيلٌ طَوَيناهُ وَللرَكبِ طَربَةٌ
إِذا عَبَّ نَجمٌ جانِحٌ في مَغيبِهِ
7. You who camp on the dunes, can you provide
A cure for one whose illness comes from his healer?
٧. فَيا نازِلي رَملَ الحِمَى هَل لَدَيكُمُ
شِفاءٌ لِصَبٍّ داؤُهُ مِن طَبيبِهِ
8. You have settlements for visitors; yours we visited,
A lover, to catch a glimpse of his beloved.
٨. وَفيكُم قِرىً لِلطارِقينَ فَزارَكُم
مُحِبٌّ لِيُقْرَى نَظرَةً مِن حَبيبِهِ