
Amr's mother saw my troubles, so she appealed

رأت أم عمرو ما أعاني فعرضت

1. Amr's mother saw my troubles, so she appealed
With a complaint and in a flood of tears, her case was clear

١. رَأَتْ أُمُّ عَمْروٍ ما أُعاني فعَرَّضَتْ
بِشَكْوَى وفي فَيْضِ الدُّموعِ بَيانُها

2. Once I loved a smiling rosebud and its thorns
But now I'm smitten by a gazelle and her horns

٢. وَقَدْ كُنْتُ أَهْوَى مَبْسِماً وَجُمانَهُ
فَقَدْ شَغَفَتْني مُقْلَةٌ وَجُمانُها

3. He who seeks what I seek, glory, will not care
For the calamities that befall the young or their woes

٣. وَمَنْ يَبْغِ ما أَبْغِي مِنَ المَجْدِ لَمْ يُبَلْ
نَوائِبَ تَتْلُو البِكْرَ مِنْها عَوانُها

4. May God protect a soul between two cold nights
From whatever misfortune whose trials are not light

٤. رَعى اللهُ نَفْساً بَيْنَ بُرْدَيَّ مُرَّةً
على أَيِّ خَطْبٍ لَيْسَ يُلْقَى جِرانُها

5. Time comes to her with every greatness
And no glory makes her arrogant, her soul is steadfast

٥. يُفِيءُ إِلَيْها الدَّهْرُ كُلَّ عَظيمَةٍ
وَلا يَزْدَهيها فَهْيَ ثَبْتٌ جَنانُها

6. And she knows that I yearn for ruin
When her disgrace creeps upon her, that's her time

٦. وَيَعْلَمُ أَنّي أَستَنيمُ إِلى الرَّدى
بِها حِينَ يَسْتَشْري عَلَيْها هَوانُها

7. And I flee whatever supremacy a gang attains
A vile age that seized me, such was its time

٧. وَأَبْرَحُ ما أَلْقَى رِئاسَةُ عُصْبَةٍ
أَخَسُّ زَمانٍ نالَ مِنِّي زَمانُها

8. My swords and their sharp blades hover over her
And my climbing and my teeth aim at her

٨. يَحومُ عَلَيْها صَارِمِي وَغِرارُهُ
وَتَصْبو إِلَيْها صَعْدَتي وَسِنانُها

9. And everyone reaching out to supremacy through her
A hand raised in poverty, crippled are its fingers

٩. وَكُلُّ امْرِئٍ مِنْها يَمُدُّ إِلى العُلا
يَداً نَشَأَتْ في الفَقْرِ شُلَّ بَنانُها

10. And hopes that I despair with my resolve
To him, but the ways of villains are not her ways

١٠. وَيَأْمَلُ مِنّي أَنْ أُسِفَّ بِهِمَّتِي
إِليهِ وَما شَأْنُ اللِئامِ وَشَانُها

11. And if I were granted a Umayyad leap
I would silence him with my sword, such is its time

١١. وَلَوْ أَمْكَنَتْنِي وَثْبَةٌ أُمَوِيَّةٌ
لأَلْجَمْتُهُ سَيْفِي فَهذا أَوانُها