
I swore by the declining shadows,

حلفت بمرقوع الأظل تشبثت

1. I swore by the declining shadows,
Clinging to it are pliant branches, swaying at its steps.

١. حَلَفْتُ بمَرْقوعِ الأظَلِّ تَشَبَّثَتْ
بهِ فَلواتٌ نِلْنَ منْ خُطُواتِهِ

2. I will seek glory until I attain it,
And wrest splendor from its dwellings.

٢. لأبْتَغِيَنَّ العِزَّ حتى أنالَهُ
وأنْتَزِعَنَّ المَجْدَ منْ سَكِناتِهِ

3. So better for one who closes his eyelids on motes
And supplicates his enemies, losing his life.

٣. فخَيْرٌ لمَنْ يُغْضي الجُفونَ على القَذى
ويَضْرَعُ للأعْداءِ فقْدُ حَياتِهِ

4. How pleasant, no pleasant but Iraq and its Lord
Who is deceived about its groans.

٤. وما أنْسَ لا أنْسَ العِراقَ وربُّهُ
يُخادعُهُ أشياعُهُ عنْ أناتِهِ

5. They seduce Him against me, while adamance is my nature,
When they frighten me with His overwhelming power.

٥. ويُغْرونَهُ بيَ والإباءُ سجيّتي
إذا خوّفوني ضَلّةً سَطَواتِهِ

6. So I resorted to the pillar of the faith, adhering to him,
My arms binding the paws of the lion in its leaping.

٦. فزُرْتُ عِمادَ الدّينِ معتَصِماً بهِ
أسورُ سُؤُورَ الليْثِ في وَثَباتِهِ

7. He believed my suspicions, May God confirm his suspicions,
With that which hopes do not share from its gifts.

٧. فصدَّقَ ظنّي صدّقَ اللهُ ظنّهُ
بِما لا تُناجيهِ المُنى منْ هِباتِهِ

8. I am deterred by him from one who, if he looked at my sword,
Saw death inclining toward him from its sharpness.

٨. ورُعْتُ بهِ مَنْ لَوْ تأمّلَ صارِمي
رأى المَوْتَ يَرْنو نَحوَهُ منْ شَباتِهِ

9. But he turned away after fate had outstripped
In the morning at dawn, the chest of its scoop.

٩. فأعْرَضَ عنهُ بعْدَما سابَقَ الرّدى
إليهِ غَداةَ الرَّوْعِ صدْرُ قَناتِهِ

10. He left me the brightness of worries in a position
That the ignorant impugn in its separation.

١٠. وغادَرَني نِضْوَ الهُمومِ بمَنْزلٍ
تَعيبُ الحُبارى شُبْهَةً في بُزاتِهِ

11. So rise, O servants of God, with the rising of the glorious,
Whose sword was borrowed for his determination.

١١. فثِبْ يا عُبَيدَ اللهِ وثْبَةَ ماجِدٍ
أُعيرَ المَضاءَ السّيْفُ منْ عَزَماتِهِ

12. Do not think wealth pleases me,
For we have transcended, thanks to Him, its aspects.

١٢. ولا تَحْسَبَنَّ المالَ مما يَروقُني
فقِدْماً سَمَوْنا للغِنى منْ جِهاتِهِ

13. I have an ambition that aspires to every lofty seat
My forefathers branched out in its plateaus.

١٣. ولي همّةٌ تَهْفو إِلى كلِّ سُؤْدَدٍ
تَفرّعَ آبائي ذُرا هَضَباتِهِ

14. It seeks your victory over a man
Whose glory, if reckoned, was among its ruins

١٤. وتَبْغي لديْكَ الانتصارَ من امرئٍ
إذا عُدَّ مَجْدٌ كانَ في أخرَياتِهِ

15. And his forefathers are those you know among mankind
And were it not for piety, I would have made his mothers known.

١٥. وآباؤُهُ مَنْ تَعْرفونَ مِنَ الوَرى
ولولا التُّقى عرَّفْتُكُمْ أمَّهاتِهِ

16. Clinging to security is he who is your neighbor
Even if the lions of evil are his comrades.

١٦. ومُلْتَحِفٍ بالأمْنِ مَنْ أنتَ جارُهُ
ولوْ كان آسادُ الشّرى منْ عُداتِهِ

17. So heed the rights of virtue regarding me and do not
Say an enemy who harmed me with his stumbling.

١٧. فراعِ حُقوقَ الفَضْلِ فيَّ ولا تُقِلْ
عَدوّاً رَماني بالأذى عَثَراتِهِ

18. Below you is poetry which if you unseal its conclude
The winds of Šīḥ will roar in its transmission.

١٨. ودونَكَ شِعْراً إنْ فضَضْتَ خِتامَهُ
تضوَّعَ ريحُ الشّيحِ بينَ رُواتِهِ

19. I clothed an epoch you own its submission
With gems that sparkle across its expanse.

١٩. وألْبَسْتُ دَهْراً أنتَ مالِكُ رِقّهِ
بهِ غُرَراً يَلْمَعْنَ في صَفَحاتِهِ

20. So, O you who recited it, had you reached the goal with it
You would have known who was foremost in its arenas.

٢٠. فَيا قائِليهِ لوْ بَلَغْتُم بهِ المَدى
عَرَفْتُمْ مَنِ المَسْبوق في حَلَباتِهِ

21. And which gallant between the two Abī province
Has events that would turn a child grey because of his inexperience of them.

٢١. وأيُّ فَتًى ما بينَ بُرْدَيَّ حَطّهُ
خُطوبٌ تُشيبُ الطِّفْلَ عنْ نَخَواتِهِ

22. I am not, even if he wrongs me,
One who blames an era for your merits.

٢٢. ولَسْتُ وإنْ كانتْ إليَّ مُسيئَةً
أذُمُّ زَماناً أنتَ مِنْ حَسَناتِهِ

23. Its people preceded in vanguards I train
So do not make me a target for its daughters.

٢٣. سَبَقُ بَنيهِ في قَوافٍ أرُوضُها
فلا تَجْعَلَنّي عُرْضَةً لِبَناتِهِ