1. I contemplated mankind generation after generation
Yet most of them seemed few to me
١. تأمّلْتُ الورى جِيلاً فجيلا
فكانَ كَثيرهُمْ عِندي قَليلا
2. With beautiful faces but no wisdom
And strong bodies yet no minds
٢. لهُمْ صُوَرٌ تَروقُ ولا حُلومٌ
وأجسامٌ تَروعُ ولا عُقولا
3. I see an inactive sage whose wisdom is fading
And a scholar complaining of ignorance
٣. وأُبْصِرُ خامِلاً يَجْفو نَبيهاً
وأسْمَعُ عالِماً يَشكو جَهولا
4. If you wish to find an enemy among them
Take one as an intimate friend
٤. إذا ما شئْتَ أنْ يَلقاكَ فيهِمْ
عَدوٌّ فاتّخِذْ مِنهُمْ خَليلا
5. And if you prefer their company be prepared
For harm that will last long
٥. وإنْ تُؤثِرْ دُنُوَّهُمُ تُمارِسْ
أذىً تَجِدُ العَناءَ بهِ طَويلا
6. And if you extend to them the ropes of affection
Turn away beautifully from them
٦. وإنْ ناوَلْتَهُم أطرافَ حَبْلٍ
وهَى فاهْجُرْهُمُ هَجْراً جَميلا
7. Whether you deceive them or be harsh
And tread heavily upon their feelings
٧. ولِنْ لهُم وخادِعْهُمْ أوِ اشْدُدْ
على صَفَحاتِهِمْ وَطْئاً ثَقيلا
8. Either you will defeat them honorably
Or manage them miserably
٨. فإما أن تُغالِبَهُمْ عَزيزاً
وإما أنْ تُداريَهُمْ ذَليلا
9. Whoever's bed is too soft for him
In a house where the miserable makes little noise
٩. ومَن راقَتْهُ ضَجْعَتُهُ بِدارٍ
يُقِلُّ المَشْرَفيُّ بِها صَليلا
10. I am neither disgraced nor from me
So dress him in humility and armor him in submission
١٠. فلَسْتُ منَ الهَوانِ ولَيسَ منّي
فألْبَسَهُ وأدَّرِعَ الخُمولا
11. When the Umayyad brings someone undignified
And couples an Indian with a well-groomed Persian
١١. إذا الأُمَويُّ قَرَّبَ أعْوَجِيّاً
وضاجَعَ هِندُوانِيّاً صَقيلا
12. Leave him and the drinking for you will be brought
A feared king or a killed one
١٢. فذَرْهُ والمِصاعَ فسوفَ تُؤتَى
بهِ مَلِكاً مَهيباً أو قَتيلا
13. And the one with expectant eyes for her riding camels
Takes the Sumar as companions
١٣. وطامِحَةِ العُيونِ على مَطاها
أُسودٌ يتّخِذْنَ السُّمْرَ غِيلا
14. I think her resting place is uncomfortable so
She is thirsty and has not drunk any water
١٤. أظُنُّ مِراحَها راحاً فمِنْهُ
بِها ثَمَلٌ وما شَرِبَتْ شَمولا
15. And I deter her followers when
Her caravan passes through the valley
١٥. وأزْجُرُ منْ نَزائِعِها رَعيلاً
إذا وَقَذَ الوَجى منها رَعيلا
16. And I make her taste war and conflict
So she drags her tails from the meadow
١٦. وأُورِدُها الوَغى والنّقُْ كابٍ
فتَسْحَبُ منْ وشائِعِهِ ذُيولا
17. And stumbles over the bodies of prey
Then is startled seeing them as palm trees
١٧. وتَعْثُرُ بالكُماةِ الصِّيدِ صَرْعَى
فتَنْفِرُ وهْيَ تَحْسَبُهمْ نَخيلا
18. Where the eagle cannot find except
The eternal wolf that has a meal
١٨. بحَيثُ النَّسْرُ لا يُلفِي لَدَيْهِمْ
سِوى الذّئبِ الأزَلِّ لهُ أكيلا
19. And she passes through a low place of stabbing
And a valley that robs the sluggish hero
١٩. وتَخْطِرُ في نَجيعٍ غِبَّ طَعْنٍ
وَجيعٍ يَسْلُبُ البَطَلَ الشّليلا
20. As if the sun poured on my horses
The gleam of yellow orris when it rose as a stallion
٢٠. كأنّ الشّمسَ قد نَضحَتْ جِيادي
بِذَوْبِ التّبْرِ إذ جَنَحَتْ أصيلا
21. And my sword people fear it until
It leaves its sheath before the appointed time
٢١. وسَيفي تتّقيهِ الهَامُ حتَّى
تُفارِقَ قَبلَ سلّتِهِ المَقيلا
22. With it after God I have reached such distinction
That eyes glance at it only a little
٢٢. بهِ بَعدَ الإلهِ بَلَغْتُ شأواً
يُسارِقُهُ السُّها نَظَراً كَليلا
23. And my ambitions roamed high
Then were satisfied with thriving on little
٢٣. وطافَتْ بالعُلا هِمَمي وعافَتْ
غِنًى أرْعى بهِ كَلأً وَبِيلا
24. So I have not praised a generous one for his generosity
Nor blamed a stingy one for his stinginess
٢٤. فلَمْ أحْمَدْ لِعارِفَةٍ جَواداً
ولم أذْمُمْ على مَنْعٍ بَخيلا
25. My honours whoever is fair and white-faced among the Abshem
The girls count him as a tribe
٢٥. نَماني كُلُّ أبْيَضَ عَبْشَميٍّ
تُعَدُّ النّيِّراتُ لهُ قَبيلا
26. As for my forefathers their fortresses are swords
With which they slashed the expanses and plains
٢٦. فآبائي مَعاقِلُهُمْ سُيوفٌ
بِها شَجّوا الحُزونَةَ والسُّهولا
27. And God’s support for the religion pleased them
When their cousin was sent as a messenger
٢٧. وأرضى اللهَ نَصْرُهُمُ لِدِينٍ
بهِ بُعِثَ ابنُ عمّهِمُ رَسولا
28. And they are caves that shone among the Nizar
While their descendants after them were fools
٢٨. وهُمْ غُرَرٌ أضاءَتْ في نِزارٍ
وكانَ بَنوهُ بَعْدَهُمُ حُجولا
29. Whenever the tribes boasted vainly
With tongues they shake with them tent pegs
٢٩. متى هَذَرَ القَبائلُ في فَخارٍ
بألْسِنَةٍ تَهُزُّ بِها نُصولا
30. Then we will be the longest branches
If they are attributed and roots most generous
٣٠. فنحنُ نكون أطْوَلَها فُروعاً
إذا نُسِبَتْ وأكرَمَها أُصولا