
He came in the tail of darkness cloaked,

زار بذيل الظلام منتقبا

1. He came in the tail of darkness cloaked,
A friend when pleased is anger provoked,

١. زارَ بِذَيلِ الظَّلامِ مُنتَقِبا
ريمٌ إِذا سُمتُهُ الرِّضى غَضِبا

2. He turns from me while the cup's in his hand,
And with its lights he's brightly soiled.

٢. يُعرِضُ عَنّي وَالكأسُ في يَدِهِ
وَهوَ بِأَنوارِها قَدِ اِختَضَبا

3. O pourer of wine, your saliva to me,
Is pure honey from your lovely lips poured,

٣. يا ساقِيَ الخَمرِ إِنَّ ريقَكَ لي
صَهباءُ تُكسىَ مِن ثَغرِكَ الحَبَبا

4. I'd ransom you with my soul, though folk not my sire,
For I'm the noblest of people, O lord.

٤. يَفديكَ نَفسي وَالنَّاسُ غَيرَ أَبي
فَإِنَّني أَشرَفُ الأَنامِ أَبا

5. Come let's drink vintage matured,
Refined, clarified, and aged for years,

٥. هَلُمَّ نَشرَبْ راحاً مُعَتَّقَةً
صَفَتْ وَرَقَّتْ وَعُمِّرَتْ حُقُبا

6. If pleased by water, ecstasy she grants,
Delighting souls with joy and cheer.

٦. إِن راضَها الماءُ أَذعَنَتْ وَجَنَتْ
مِنها النُّفوسُ السُّرورَ وَالطَّرَبا

7. That is pure silver, and this is gold,
Plundering silver and gold galore,

٧. ذاكَ لُجَينٌ وَهَذِهِ ذَهَبٌ
يَنتَهِبانِ اللُّجَينَ وَالذَّهَبا

8. With it my youth in robes I wrapped,
Suckling its house until ran no more.

٨. بِها طَوَيتُ الشَّبابَ في جِدَةٍ
أَرضَعُ مِن دَرِّها الَّذي نَضَبا

9. Days when encampment was home to us,
No neighbor there fearing the nomad's night raid,

٩. أَيّامَ كانَ الحِمى لَنا وَطَناً
لا يَرهَبُ الجارُ عِندَهُ النُّوَبا

10. And we in the garb of bliss therein,
Dragging the tail of wealth ne'er dragged.

١٠. وَنَحنُ في حُلَّةِ النَّعيمِ بِهِ
نَسحَبُ ذَيلَ الثَّراءِ ما اِنسَحَبا