1. The thought of you occurs to me, O Umaymah,
Bringing heartache that afflicts the longing lover,
١. خَطَرَتْ لِذِكرِكِ يا أُمَيمَةُ خَطرَةٌ
بِالقَلبِ تَجلِبُ عَبرَةَ المُشتاقِ
2. And guards my heart from all but you, as my tears refused
To let sleep pass through to the pupil.
٢. وَتَذودُ عَن قَلبي سِواكِ كَما أَبَى
دَمعي جَوازَ النَّومِ بِالآماقِ
3. Love has left me nothing but a whisper
Complaining of youth - so take the rest!
٣. لَم يُبقِ مِنّي الحُبُّ غَيرَ حُشاشَةٍ
تَشكو الصَبابَةَ فاِذهَبي بِالباقي
4. Can he who brought the sickness cure it?
Can one awaken from the spell of the charming eye?
٤. أَيُبِلُّ مَن جَلَبَ السَّقامَ طَبيبُهُ
وَيُفيقُ مَن سَحَرَتهُ عَينُ الرَّاقي
5. If your glance has tasted your saliva, then the one
Who pours from the water-skin did the pouring!
٥. إِن كانَ طَرفُكِ ذاقَ ريقَكِ فالَّذي
أَلقى مِنَ المَسقيِّ فِعلُ السَّاقي
6. My soul is your ransom from an oppressor - you were given
Command of hearts and obedience from the eyelids.
٦. نَفسي فِداؤُكِ مِن ظَلومٍ أُعطيَتْ
رِقَّ القُلوبِ وَطاعَةَ الأَحداقِ
7. For the paucity of your matches in what you were given,
You have come to lead multitudes of lovers.
٧. فَلِقِلَّة الأَشباهِ فيما أُوتِيَتْ
أَضحَت تُدلُّ بكثرةِ العشُّاقِ