
She is the shapely doe her upbringing refined

هي الجرعاء صادية رباها

1. She is the shapely doe her upbringing refined
So visit her, O Huthaym, do you not see her there?

١. هيَ الجَرعاءُ صاديَةٌ رُباها
فَزُرها يا هُذَيمُ أَما تَراها

2. And with her shed your tears though they suffice her not
Like scattered clouds made faint, all lacking rain

٢. وَخَلِّ بِها دموعَكَ واكِفاتٍ
وَكِيفَ السُّحْبِ واهيَةً كُلاها

3. Let not her feet alarm you, treading blood they spurn
With their brightness on a meadow where the dew's outpoured

٣. وَلا تَذعَر بِها أَدماءَ تُزجِي
بِرَوْقَيها عَلى لَغَبٍ طَلاها

4. Can you forget your companion's words when she appeared?
She is Wa'il's daughter, were it not for modesty

٤. أَتَنسى قَولَ صَحبِكَ إِذ تَراءَتْ
هيَ ابنَةُ وائِلٍ لَولا شَواها

5. Yet you imagine her a towering woman walking
On thin slippers, she who's lost her shoes somewhere

٥. فَأَنتَ تَخالُها ظَمياءَ تَمشي
عَلى خَفَرٍ وَقَد فَقَدَت حُلاها

6. Not boastful, though she shakes the ground, every bit of it
With a glance, did she want she'd reach the farthest span

٦. وَما فَتخاءُ تَنفُضُ كُلَّ أَرضٍ
بِعَينٍ إِن رَنَتْ بَلَغَتْ مَداها

7. A lover's crime whose love he tells her of
While she complains of love's caprice and pain

٧. جَريمَةُ ناهِضٍ يَشكو طَواهُ
إِلَيها وَهْيَ شاكيَةٌ طَواها

8. So she flew away, though her heart glanced his way
And forgot him though he never forgot her

٨. فَطارَت وَالفؤادُ لَهُ التِفاتٌ
إِلَيهِ وَقَد عَناهُ ما عَناها

9. She hunts though strays not, even if she pretended
She'd not desire him, or wish to be rid of him

٩. تَصيدُ وَلا تَحيدُ وَلَو تَمَطَّى
بِها ما حاوَلَتهُ إِلى رَداها

10. So may her hunting prosper! For each soul
Death or rest from seeking is the hoped for end

١٠. فَيُسِّرَ نُجحُها وَلِكُلِّ نَفسٍ
مِنَ الطَلَبِ المَنيَّةُ أَو مُناها

11. She looked for him again but did not find him
And her passion almost melted her insides

١١. وَعادَتْ تَبتَغيهِ وَلَم تَجِدهُ
وَكادَ يُذيبُ مُهجَتَها جَواها

12. She spent the night speaking of him with sleepless
Eyes that mixed her tears with her abhorrence

١٢. وَباتَت وَهي تَنشُدُهُ بِعَينٍ
مُؤرَّقَةٍ يُصارِمُها كَراها

13. With more profound sadness and passion than you
When the lovely one is carried away by her passion

١٣. بِأَبرَحِ مِن أَخيكَ أَسىً وَوَجداً
إِذا الحَسناء شَطَّ بِها نَواها

14. A noble lady whose hidden charms provoke
Rapture though veiled, so fiercely they entice

١٤. نَبيلَةُ ما تواري الأُزرُ مِنها
صَموتٌ حَجلُها خَفِقٌ حَشاها

15. She has a lofty, capacious house which she boasts of
When she claims descent from her distinguished forebears

١٥. لَها بَيتٌ رَفيعُ السَّمكِ ضَخمٌ
بِهِ تُزهى إِذا اِنتَسَبَتْ أَباها

16. I think she savored wine, and my notion
Is confirmed when I kiss her mouth directly

١٦. أَظُنُّ الخَمرَ ريقَتَها وَظَنِّي
تُحَقِّقُهُ إِذا قَبَّلتُ فاها

17. When she smiles her teeth gleam
Like a pendant amidst her dark tresses

١٧. مَتى اِبتَسَمَت تَكَشَّفَ عَن أَقاحٍ
تُقَرِّطُهُنَّ ساريَةٌ نَداها

18. For love of her I love the waists of Nejd
And but for passion I'd never have loved her

١٨. أُحِبُّ لِحُبِّها تَلَعاتِ نَجدٍ
وَما شَغَفي بِها لَولا هَواها

19. By the dancers barely moving their hips
Like hawks standing atop their perches!

١٩. أَما وَالرَّاقِصاتِ تُقِلُّ رَكْباً
كَأَنَّهُمُ الصُّقورُ عَلى مَطاها

20. She will throw herself at me when night falls dark
The Pleiades inclining, their faces veiled

٢٠. لَتَرتَميَنَّ بي وَاللَّيلُ داجٍ
إِليها العيسُ مائِلَةً طُلاها

21. For with her are intimates who challenged me
With glances that provoked my jealousy

٢١. فَإِنَّ بِها أَوانِسَ ناضَلَتْنِي
بِأَلحاظٍ تَغيظُ بِها مَهاها

22. And with them the curls entice
The whisperers to lean towards their cheeks

٢٢. وَمُرتَبَعاً بِهِ الغُدرانُ تَخدي
إِلَيها الناجياتُ عَلى وَجاها

23. And health clings to disease from her
When her trinkets embrace her neck's nape

٢٣. وَتَلصِقُ صِحَّةً بِالدَّاءِ مِنها
إِذا اِعتَنَقَتْ كَلاكِلُها ثَراها