
And a lovely gazelle, companion of the sandy dunes,

وغادة كمهاة الرمل آنسة

1. And a lovely gazelle, companion of the sandy dunes,
The dwellers of the camp ward her off from Saba'.

١. وغادَةٍ كَمهاةِ الرَّملِ آنِسَةٍ
تَذودُ عَنها سَراةُ الحَيِّ مِن سَبإِ

2. When her eyes steal a glance, she glimpses
The falcon in fright, above the hilltop.

٢. إِذا بَدَتْ سارَقَتْها العَينُ نَظرَتَها
تَلَمُّحَ الصَّقرِ رُعباً فَوقَ مُرتَبإِ

3. She said, as she denied a face he was waving,
"What can a rusted sword do to me?"

٣. قالَتْ وَقَد أَنكَرَتْ وَجهاً يُلَوِّحُهُ
طَيُّ المَهامِهِ ما لِلسَّيفِ ذا صَدأِ

4. I said, "Do not deny him, I have a nature,
The dwellers of the camp would approve, if asked about my character."

٤. فَقُلتُ لا تُنكريهِ إِنَّ لي شِيَماً
تَرضَينَها إِن سأَلتِ الحَيَّ عَن نَبئِي

5. I hope, your waist sways, not having seen an opening,
That God may quench, what he complains of thirst.

٥. أَرجو وَخَصرُكِ يَهوى لا رأى فَرَجاً
أَن يُرويَ اللَهُ ما يَشكوهُ مِن ظَمإِ