
He bent his arm towards the flashing lightning

ثنى عطفه للبارق المتأجج

1. He bent his arm towards the flashing lightning
As a fire clung to the edges of the horizon

١. ثَنى عِطْفَهُ للْبارِقِ المتأجّجِ
كَما عَلِقَتْ نارٌ بأطْرافِ عَرْفَجِ

2. And the dawn shone brightly
As she smiled at me with flushed cheeks

٢. وقد صَغَتِ الجَوْزاءُ والفَجْرُ ساطِعٌ
كَما لمَعَتْ رَيّا إليَّ بدُمْلُجِ

3. I stayed up watching him at the edge of my elbow
With a gaze that longed to glance at him

٣. فبِتّ أراعيهِ على حدِّ مِرْفَقٍ
بطَرْفٍ مَتى يَطْمَحْ بهِ الشّوْقُ أنْشِجِ

4. And the chaste girls of the tribe almost caught his fire
When it blazed among the glowing embers

٤. وكادَتْ عَذارى الحَيِّ يَقْبِسْنَ نارَهُ
إذا ما تلَوَّتْ في السّنا المُتَوهِّجِ

5. And my passion is gentle, if not for the recklessness
That makes the rational lose composure

٥. وشَوقي حَليمٌ غَيْرَ أنّ صَبابَةً
تُسَفِّهُ حِلْمَ الوامِقِ المُتَحرِّجِ

6. When lightning flashed as the breeze blew
I was burdened with memories of the black-eyed one

٦. إذا ما سَرى بَرْقٌ وقد هَبّتِ الصَّبا
كَلِفْتُ بذِكْرى أكْحَلِ العَيْنِ أدْعَجِ

7. In the flashes of lightning, her smile
And for the wind, the scent of her flowing hair

٧. ففي وَمَضانِ البَرْقِ منهُ ابتِسامةٌ
وللريحِ رَيّا نَشْرِهِ المتأرِّجِ

8. There is a house on top of a hill in its shade
Playful curtains fluttering in the breeze

٨. لَبَيْتٌ بأعلى تَلْعَةٍ في ظِلالِهِ
مَلاعِبُ خَفّاقٍ من الرّيحِ سَجْسَجِ

9. The doves tie its lofty pillars
To a land where birds take refuge

٩. تَشُدُّ النِّزاريّاتُ أطْنابَهُ العُلا
بأرْضٍ يَلوذُ الطّيْرُ فيها بعَوْسَجِ

10. And they walk slowly, gracefully
Swaying with the undulating sand dunes

١٠. ويَمْشينَ رَهْواً مِشْيَةً قُرَشيّةً
تَنوءُ بكُثْبانِ النّقا المُتَرَجْرِجِ

11. And the cheeks shine radiantly
When she smiles with parted lips

١١. وتُشْرِقُ بالوَرْدِ الخُدودُ نَواضِراً
إذا ابْتَسَمَتْ عن أقْحُوانٍ مُفَلَّجِ

12. And the melody of the shepherd revives his camels
With a stick guiding them, moist with the night's dew

١٢. ونَغْمَةُ راعي الذّوْدِ يُزْجي إفالَهُ
بدِعْصٍ يُهاديهِ ندىً اللّيلِ أثْبَجِ

13. Our cave and the dawn dropped its veil
On every summit of the two plateaus

١٣. وغارَتُنا والصُّبْحُ حَطّ لِثامَهُ
على كُلِّ مَوّارِ المِلاطَيْنِ أهْوَجِ

14. Dearer to us than rest and sleep
On flowers that delight the gazing eyes

١٤. أحَبُّ إلَيْنا مِنْ قُوَيْقٍ وضَجْعَةٍ
على زَهَرٍ يسْتَوقِفُ العَيْنَ مُبهِجِ

15. By God, the views of the red valley and a voice
One evening as she passed by the sanctuary

١٥. فللّهِ مَرْأىً بالعَقيقِ ومَسْمَعٌ
عشيّةَ مرّتْ بالحِمى أُخْتُ مُدْلِجِ

16. Surrounded by the young and virtuous
Heading to the perfect, towering camels

١٦. يَحُفُّ بها مِنْ فَرِْ خِنْدِفَ غِلْمَةٌ
كِنانيّةٌ تَنْحو خَمائِلَ مَنْعِجِ

17. They leaned between the ears of white-footed camels
Echoing among the houses of Dubayb and Auja

١٧. أمالوا العَوالي بينَ آذانِ قُرَّحٍ
تردَّدْنَ في آلِ الضُّبَيْبِ وأعْوَجِ

18. Never before have I seen lions under armor
Nor a doe amidst the turbulence

١٨. فلمْ أرَ أُسْداً قَبْلَهُمْ تَحْتَ أدْرُعٍ
ولا رشأً مِنْ قَبْلِها وَسْطَ هَوْدَجِ

19. She appeared to us like the sun, its orb guarded
By revolving towers concealed by barricades

١٩. تجلّتْ لنا كالشّمْسِ يَكْنُفُ خِدْرَها
بُدورٌ تَوارَتْ مِنْ حُدوجٍ بأبْرُجِ

20. My eyes have never been lined while we are apart
Better than the day of farewell, however solemn

٢٠. فما اكْتحَلَتْ عَيْني وللبَيْنِ رَوْعَةٌ
بأحْسَنَ منْ يَومِ الوَداعِ وأسمَجِ

21. And the recklessness of youth and passion raged
Sparks erupting from a fervent heart

٢١. وهاجَتْ تَباريحُ الصّبابةِ والهَوى
بَلابِلَ منْ صَدْرٍ على الوَجْدِ مُشْرَجِ

22. As if my heart is amidst the intestines of a villain
Called by the brave warrior, fearing and trembling

٢٢. كأنّ فُؤادي بينَ أحْشاءِ مُجْرِمٍ
دَعاهُ الفَتى الجوثيُّ يَخشى ويَرْتجي

23. He competes with the seasons of spring
Clashing with its raging winds

٢٣. يُلِمُّ بمَغْشيِّ الرّواقَيْنِ ماجِدٍ
يُساجِلُ أنواءَ الرّبيعِ المُثَجّجِ

24. And the people of Musayyab trace his lineage
To every honorable and glorious forefather

٢٤. ويَنْسِبُهُ آلُ المُسَيّبِ في الذُّرا
إِلى كُلِّ مَشْبوحِ الذِّراعَيْنِ أبْلَجِ

25. In him, the traits of Wuhayb and Ja'far are known
Characteristics to be proud of, undoubtedly

٢٥. وتُعْرَفُ فيهِ من وُهَيْبٍ وجَعْفرٍ
شَمائِلُ مَنْ يَفْخَرْ بِها لا يُلَجْلِجِ

26. Magnanimity when winter hurls its spears
And misfortune strikes you from every side

٢٦. سَماحٌ إذا ألْقى الشّتاءُ جِرانَهُ
وهبّتْ لكَ النّكْباءُ مِنْ كُلِّ منْأَجِ

27. A piercing stab that drags the lofty spear
As it flickers through the blood-stained garment

٢٧. وطَعْنٌ يُجِرُّ القِرْنَ عاليَةَ القنا
ويَخْطِرُ منهُ في الرِّداءِ المُضَرَّجِ

28. A determined search as if his glancing
Incites one with smooth cheeks

٢٨. وتيهٌ عُقَيْليٌّ كأنّ دِلاصَهُ
يُزَرُّ على ذي لِبْدَتَيْنِ مُهَيّجٍ

29. You deserve the charm of the two cheeks that have inclined
The noble Hawazin in their swirling fray

٢٩. عليكَ بَهاءَ الدّلَتَيْنِ تعطّفَتْ
هَوازِنُ في جُرْثومِها المتوَشِّجِ

30. They charge into battle while the people waver between
Being called by Al-Amri and startled by Al-Musrij

٣٠. تَخوضُ الوَغى والقَوْمُ ما بينَ مُلْجِمٍ
أتاهُ الصّريخُ العامريُّ ومُسْرِجِ

31. When the Qaysi grabs a spear, its sharp edge shatters
Against the chest of Al-Kami in shining armor

٣١. إذا اعْتَقَلَ القَيْسيُّ رُمْحاً تكسّرَتْ
أعالِيهِ في صَدْرِ الكَميِّ المُدجَّجِ

32. Oh how many glorious days of clashing
And slain foes strewn by the victorious blades

٣٢. فكَمْ لكَ منْ يَومٍ أغَرَّ مُحَجَّلٍ
وقَتْلى علَيها الأنْسُرُ الفُتْخُ تَنْتَجي

33. You left the corpses of the Bani Wail
Sprinkled at Al-Nashash, in every valley

٣٣. تَرَكْتُمْ لَدى النّشّاشِ منْ سِرِّ وائِلٍ
جُثاً حَنَفيّاتٍ بِكلِّ مُعرَّجِ

34. And the pitted Qanani grave lies ruined
With wind that did not blow on the Mudhij dwellings

٣٤. وبالحَفَرِ القَبْرُ القَنانيُّ داثِرٌ
بهِ هامَةٌ لمْ يَسْقِها آلُ مَذْحِجِ

35. And every young and valiant tribesman, when resolved
Does not heed the screams of Al-Muhajjahj

٣٥. وكُلُّ غُلامٍ عامريٍّ إذا سَما
إِلى القِرْنِ لمْ يحْفِلْ صِياحَ المُهَجْهِجِ

36. You ignite a ferocious soul for battle
Whenever you provoke the barren war, it bears fruit

٣٦. تُرشّحُ للهَيْجاءِ نَفْساً شَريسةً
متى تُلْقِحِ الحَرْبَ العَقيمَةَ تُنتِجِ

37. Had you been with us at the Jun battle, Shurayh
Would not have blocked, nor would the songs of Hunduj

٣٧. ولو كُنتَ يومَ الجَوْنِ بالشِّعْبِ لمْ يَسُدْ
شُرَيْحٌ ولم يُذْكَرْ غَناءٌ لحُنْدُجِ

38. You sealed the Abadi route at the heights
Instead of Al-Khafaji, the short man with the turban

٣٨. فسدَّ بِكَ الحيُّ العَباديُّ في العُلا
مَكانَ الخَفاجيِّ الأغَرِّ المُتَوَّجِ

39. And hopes always lead to you
Every path comes to you with people's hopes

٣٩. ونِيطَ بكَ الآمالُ لا زالَ يَنتَهي
إليكَ بآمالِ الوَرى كُلّ مَنهَجِ

40. And Nidwa brought me to you, as if above it
A terrifying creature with flapping wings

٤٠. وجاءَكَ بي نِضْوٌ كأنّيَ فوقَهُ
مُهيبٌ بصَفّاقِ الجَناحَيْنِ أخْرَجِ

41. And were it not for you, I would not wander
The darkness and desolation with a journey that pains

٤١. ولَولاكَ لمْ أخْبِطْ دُجَى الليْلِ والفَلا
بسَيْرٍ يُلَوّي منْ طُلَى الرّكْبِ مُزْعِجِ

42. And you have people who incite our disdain
So inflict the pregnant she-camels with Mukhdrij

٤٢. وعندكَ قَوْمٌ يُلْقِحونَ ضَغائِناً
فألْحِقْ مُتِمَّ الحامِلاتِ بمُخْدِجِ

43. The one with mange is cauterized when his affliction persists
And every resolute brother, when ripe, bears fruit

٤٣. فَذو العُرِّ يُكْوَى حينَ يُعْضِلُ داؤُهُ
وكلُّ أخي حَزْمٍ متى يَكْوِ يُنْضِجِ