1. 'Amr's mother cried "Woe!" and turned towards me,
Rebuking me while dawn had barely drawn breath,
١. دَعَتْ أُمُّ عَمْروٍ وَيْلَها ثُمَّ أَقْبَلَتْ
تُؤَنِّبُني وَالصُّبْحُ لَمْ يَتَنَفَّسِ
2. And wondering at my granting every wish,
My open-handedness with all I possess;
٢. وَتَعْجَبُ مِنْ بَذْلِي لِكُلِّ رَغيبَةٍ
وَجُودِي بِمَا أَحْويهِ مِنْ كُلِّ مُنْفِسِ
3. And knowing I'm of a family
Whose nobility the loftiest genealogy stressed,
٣. وَتَعْلَمُ أَنِّي مِنْ بَقِيَّةِ مَعْشَرٍ
نَماهُمْ إِلى العَلْياءِ أِكرَمُ مَغْرَسِ
4. Masters of men by valor and munificence,
And the glory of generous, towering Ma'add's race;
٤. هُمُ مَلَكُوا الأَعْناقَ بِالبَأْسِ وَالندى
وَعِزٍّ مُعاوِيِّ المَباءَةِ أَقْعَسِ
5. Who were born to Quraysh ladies delicate
Of dazzling fairness and lightly-dimpling face;
٥. وَقَدْ وَلَدَتْهُمْ مِنْ قُرَيْشٍ سَراتُها
على نَمَطَيْ بَيْضاءَ مِنْ سِرِّ فَقْعَسِ
6. So I said "Forbear, enough!" but she turned away,
On her cheek a rose peeping from narcissus' place.
٦. فَقُلْتُ لَها كُفِّي وَغاكِ فَأَعْرَضَتْ
وَفي خَدِّها وَرْدٌ يُطِلُّ بِنَرْجِسِ
7. Am I miserly? - my tribe traced back to Umayya
Never with fame unmingled has been obsessed;
٧. أَبُخْلاً وَبَيْتِي مِنْ أُمَيَّةَ في الذُّرا
وَعِرْقِي بِغَيْرِ المَجْدِ لَمْ يَتَلَبَّسِ
8. Nor am I one who finds the smiles of wealth agree,
If poverty should come to me, I won't acquiesce.
٨. وَما أَنَا مِمَّنْ يَأْلَفُ الضِّحْكَ في الغِنى
وَإِنْ نَالَ مِني الفَقْرُ لَمُ أَتَعَبَّسِ
9. A man may live at times in wealth, at times distress,
While branches now are leafless, now in leaf dressed.'
٩. فَفي العُسْرِ أَحْياناً وفي اليُسْرِ تَارَة
يَعيشُ الفَتى وَالغُصْنُ يَعْرَى وَيَكتَسي