
The fates forebode so much calamity,

النائبات كثيرة الإنذار

1. The fates forebode so much calamity,
And this day calls for vengeance.

١. النّائِباتُ كَثيرةُ الإنذارِ
واليومَ طالَبَ صَرْفُها بالثّارِ

2. Their ways to ease our misery are blocked,
So their events have saddened the young maidens.

٢. سُدَّتْ على عُونِ الرّزايا طُرْقُها
فسَمَتْ لنا بخُطوبِها الأبْكارِ

3. How strange is destiny in its caprice,
Made sport of by the turner of the fates!

٣. عَجَباً من القَدَرِ المُتاحِ تولّعَتْ
أحْداثُهُ بمُصَرِّفِ الأقدارِ

4. And we in death's arena have souls
That stand at the degree of irresistible decree

٤. ولَنا بمُعتَرَكِ المَنايا أنْفُسٌ
وقَفَتْ بمَدْرَجَةِ القَضاءِ الجاري

5. Each day some shock appalls us,
Leaving the eyes downcast in sorrow.

٥. في كلِّ يومٍ تعْتَرينا رَوعَةٌ
تَذَرُ العُيونَ كَواسِفَ الأبْصارِ

6. And death's a draught none shuns, so none
In drinking it finds cause for blame.

٦. والموْتُ شِرْبٌ ليسَ يُورِدُهُ الرّدى
أحَداً فيَطْمَعَ منهُ في الإصدارِ

7. The ancients drank its flowing bowl,
And we'll drink of its brimming cups.

٧. شرِبَ الأوائِلُ عُنفُوانَ غَديرِهِ
ولَنَشْربَنَّ بهِ من الأسْآرِ

8. Their graves have filled the earth as though
They were camel litters laden with loads.

٨. ملأَتْ قُبورُهُمُ الفَضاءَ كأنّها
بُزْلُ الجِمالِ أُنِخْنَ بالأكْوارِ

9. They cast down their staves in the abode of rest
After days short as the twinkling of an eye.

٩. ألْقَوا عِصِيَّهُمُ بدارِ إقامَةٍ
أنْضاءَ أيّامٍ مَضيْنَ قِصارِ

10. And as though they had reached their goal and stopped,
Reminiscing on the outcomes of their travels.

١٠. وكأنّهمُم بلَغوا المَدى فتَواقَفوا
يتَذاكَرونَ عَواقِبَ الأسْفارِ

11. They did not vanish long ago, and yet we wonder -
Where is eternity? Here we are among their ruins!

١١. لمْ يَذهَبوا سَلَفاً لنَغْبُرَ بَعدَهُمْ
أينَ البَقاءُ ونحنُ في الآثارِ

12. The minds wandered after them as though we were
A people made drunk by cups of poisoned wine.

١٢. حارَتْ وراءَهُمُ العُقولُ كأننا
شَرْبٌ تُطَوِّحُهُمْ كُؤوسُ عُقارِ

13. O you beguiled by wishes, though the fates
May have severed your lifeline!

١٣. يا مَنْ تُخادِعُهُ المُنى ولرُبّما
قطَعَتْ مَخائِلُها قُوى الأعمارِ

14. And people race in their arena
While death is the end of that racetrack.

١٤. والناسُ يستَبِقون في مِضْمارِها
والمَوتُ آخِرُ ذلكَ المِضْمارِ

15. And life goes by like lifetimes, so what
Can save you from this fleeting fantasy?

١٥. والعُمْرُ يَذْهَبُ كالحياةِ فما الذي
يُجْدي عَليكَ منَ الخَيالِ السّاري

16. While the gallant walks the earth in his cloak
He is made captive in the grip of tombs.

١٦. بَيْنا الفَتى يَسِمُ الثّرى برِدائِهِ
إذ حَلَّ فيهِ رَهينَةَ الأحْجارِ

17. Had one escorted by death slipped past,
He'd have saved his darling from fate's torrent.

١٧. لوْ فاتَ عاديَةَ المَنونِ مُشَيَّعٌ
لنَجا بمُهْجَتِهِ الهِزَبْرُ الضّاري

18. He sheltered his cubs in the lairs of the wasteland
And gave a fierce glance of a vicious lion.

١٨. أقْعى دوَيْنَ الغابِ يمنَعُ شِبلَهُ
ويُجيلُ نظرَةَ باسِلٍ كَرّارِ

19. And he protected the emir, Ja'far's son,
From the rush of every reckless deceiver.

١٩. وحَمى الأميرَ ابنَ الخَلائِفِ جعفَراً
إقْدامُ كُلِّ مغَرِّرٍ مِغْوارِ

20. He strode like the lions stride into fray
While the horses stumble into the terrible battlefield.

٢٠. يمشي كما مَشَتِ الأسودُ إِلى الوَغى
والخَيْلُ تَعثُرُ بالقَنا الخَطّارِ

21. And he plunged into the thick of the spears with a troop
Whose mounts were Arabian thoroughbreds.

٢١. ويخوضُ مُشْتَجَرَ الرِّماحِ بغِلْمَةٍ
عرَبيّةٍ نَخَواتُها أغْمارِ

22. And he charged the battalions of soldiers with a regiment
Of intrepid warriors, at whom the hillsides roar.

٢٢. ويَجوبُ أرديَةَ العَجاجِ بجَحْفَلٍ
لَجِبٍ تئِنُّ لهُ الرُّبا جَرّارِ

23. The lovely damsels watching were like
Water poured on embers giving off smoke.

٢٣. والمَشْرَفيّاتُ الرِّقاقُ كأنّها
ماءٌ أصابَ قَرارَةً في نارِ

24. They were branches of the trailing train of a prestigious camel,
Whose edges were graced with fresh-blooming flora.

٢٤. ينعَوْنَ فَرْعاً من ذَوائِبِ دَوْحَةٍ
خَضِلَتْ حَواشِيها عَلَيْهِ نُضارِ

25. Highborn, powerful ladies of glorious stock
Who disclose nobility and generous birth.

٢٥. نَبَويّةِ الأعراقِ مُقْتَدَرِيّةٍ
تَفْتَرُّ عنْ كَرَمٍ وطِيبِ نِجارِ

26. The eyes of the noble ladies poured forth tears
As burning sorrows cleaved their hearts.

٢٦. ذَرَفَتْ عُيونُ المَكْرُماتِ وأعْصَمَتْ
أسَفاً بأكْبادٍ علَيْهِ حِرارِ

27. Patience, Commander of the Faithful! For you
Have given the visions of glory a place, a dignity.

٢٧. صَبْراً أميرَ المؤْمنينَ فأنْتُمُ
أسْكَنتُمُ الأحْلامَ ظِلَّ وَقارِ

28. This crescent - though you wished its growth -
Fate hurried off in secrecy.

٢٨. هذا الهِلالُ وقد رَجَوْتَ نُمُوَّهُ
للمَجْدِ عاجَلَهُ الرّدى بسِرارِ

29. If its lights have waned, beyond it still
Is a horizon adorned by you with moons.

٢٩. إن غاضَ مِنْ أنوارِهِ فَوراءَهُ
أُفُقٌ تَوَشّحَ منكَ بالأقمارِ

30. The pillars were nearly toppled by his loss
Until you allowed them to be firm.

٣٠. كادَتْ تَزولُ الرّاسِياتُ لِفَقْدِهِ
حتى أذِنْتَ لهُنَّ في استقْرارِ

31. And whenever some accident befalls or bypasses you
Of what alerts the pride of the Almighty,

٣١. ومتى أصابَ ولا أصابَكَ حادِثٌ
مِما يُطامِنُ نَخوةَ الجبّارِ

32. Recall your loss in Ahmad, your cousin,
And the cave at the mountainside, a sanctuary for your noble fathers.

٣٢. فاذْكُرْ مُصابَكَ بابنِ عمّكَ أحْمَدٍ
والغُرِّ منْ آبائِكَ الأخْيارِ

33. They were circles of intimacy and pulpits
Where they gleamed with faces noble and free.

٣٣. كانوا بُدورَ أسِرَّةٍ ومَنابِرٍ
يتهلّلونَ بأوْجُهٍ أحْرارِ

34. They were a people, when Quraysh mentioned their merit,
To whom the esteemed house bowed its curtains.

٣٤. قومٌ إذا ذَكَرَتْ قُرَيْشٌ فضْلَهُمْ
أصْغى إليها البَيتُ ذو الأسْتارِ

35. Through them the heaven was reached by reverence, and clothed itself
In glory, greeting honored Arabs and chivalry.

٣٥. بلغَ السّماءَ بهِمْ كِنانَةُ وارْتَدى
بالفَخْرِ حَيّا يَعْرُبٍ ونِزارِ

36. So surrender, O highest of all beholders, to the most high,
That necklaces of verse may be bestowed upon you.

٣٦. فاسْلَمْ رَفيعَ النّاظِرينَ إِلى العُلا
تُهْدى إليكَ قَلائِدُ الأشْعارِ

37. For Time is a slave, commands obeyed,
The kingdom received, and your glory a citadel.

٣٧. والدّهْرُ عَبْدٌ والأوامِرُ طاعَةٌ
والمُلْكُ مُقْتَبَلٌ وزَنْدُكَ وارِ