
The effort of youth is that I am blamed,

جهد الصبابة أن أكون ملوما

1. The effort of youth is that I am blamed,
And passion reveals my hidden secret.

١. جُهْدُ الصّبابةِ أن أكون مَلومَا
والوَجْدُ يُظهِرُ سِرّيَ المَكتوما

2. O my friends, be gentle with a lovesick one,
Whose tears of youth are shed in anguish.

٢. يا صاحِبَيَّ تَرَفّقا بمُتَيَّمٍ
نَزَفَ الصّبابَةُ دمعَهُ المَسْجوما

3. A lightning flashed which almost took away my mind,
So avert your gaze to it and act with virtue.

٣. وأضاءَ بَرْقٌ كادَ يَسلُبُهُ الكَرى
فتَقَصّيا نَظَراً إليهِ وشيما

4. And know that I turn behind it
An eye that stirs worries in my heart.

٤. وتعلّما أني أُجيلُ وراءَهُ
طَرْفاً يُثيرُ على الفؤادِ هُموما

5. If it weren't for the beautiful one, I wouldn't be disturbed by lightning
That kindles the firewood nor split by the breeze.

٥. لولا أميمةُ ما طَرِبْتُ لِبارِقٍ
ضَرِمِ الزِّنادِ ولا انتَشَقْتُ نَسيما

6. So stand where it erased its trails,
Departing the homes as customs.

٦. فَقِفا بَحيثُ مَحا مَساحِبَ ذَيْلِها
نَكْباءُ غادَرَتِ الدّيارَ رُسوما

7. And the tryst that decay destroyed it, as if
She gave him her carved bracelet as a gift.

٧. والنُّؤْيُ أنْحَلَهُ البِلى فكأنّها
أهْدَتْ إلَيهِ سِوارَها المَفْصوما

8. The one waiting in her ruins is still raining
Generously while the blowing breeze is sick.

٨. لا زالَ مُرتَجِزُ الغَمامِ برَبْعِها
غَدَقاً وخَفّاقُ النّسيمِ سَقيما

9. I can't forget nor can I forget the farewell and her words
While the mouth reveals the strung pearls.

٩. ما أنسَ ولا أنسَ الوَداعَ وقَولَها
والثّغْرُ يَجلو اللّؤلُؤَ المَنظوما

10. Don't approach the young one, for behind him
Are clamoring and bleating goats from his clan.

١٠. لا تَقْرَبِ البَكريّ إنّ وراءَهُ
مِنْ أُسْرَتَيْهِ جَحاجِحاً وقُروما

11. So the withering one fell on me, lost,
Enough! Leave me be for you have gained a generous man.

١١. فخَرَتْ عليّ الوائِليّةُ ضلّةً
كُفّي وَغاكِ فقَدْ أصَبْتِ كَريما

12. If you take pride in your father's sons, I have
A prominent and brave tribe from Khandaf as well.

١٢. إنْ تَفخَري ببَني أبيكِ فإنّ لي
منْ فَرْعِ خِنْدِفَ ذِرْوَةً وصَميما

13. Tribes of Mudar gloated over me
While noble stars rose over you.

١٣. حَدَبَتْ عليّ قَبائلٌ مُضَريّةٌ
طَلَعَتْ عليكِ أهِلّةً ونُجوما

14. God gave them prophethood and guidance
And a firmly established great kingdom.

١٤. آتاهُمُ اللهُ النّبُوّةَ والهُدى
والمُلكَ مُرتَفِعَ البِناءِ عظيما

15. He named Abraham, defender of His religion,
The honorable father of his forefather Abraham.

١٥. وسَما بإبراهيمَ ناصِرِ دينِهِ
شَرَفُ الخليلِ أبيهِ إبراهيما

16. Exultant, guarding the truth of the devout one
With the sword's sharpness and abundant supplies.

١٦. مُتَهَلِّلٌ يَحمي حَقيقةَ عامِرٍ
بالسّيفِ عَضْباً والنَّوالِ جَسيما

17. And the melody of praise shakes him as if
He is listening enchantly to gentle singing.

١٧. ويهُزُّهُ نَغمُ الثّناءِ كأنّهُ
مُتَسَمِّعٌ هَزَجَ الغِناءِ رَخيما

18. The neighbor feels safe in his lands as if
His virtues have protected him with amulets.

١٨. والجارُ يأمَنُ في ذَراهُ كأنَّما
عَقَدَتْ مَكارِمُهُ عليهِ تَميما

19. He keeps company with the meadows in spring
And with the passing clouds he is a companion.

١٩. يَغدو لِحالِيَةِ الرّبيعِ مُجاوِراً
ولصَوْبِ غاديَةِ الغَمامِ نَديما

20. He holds the reins of his father's sadness when
The winter wind blows barren on the heights.

٢٠. ولهُ ذِمامُ أبيهِ حَزْنٍ إنْ جَرَتْ
ريحُ الشِّتاءِ على السّوامِ عَقيما

21. And he has the qualities of the courageous horseman
With which war spurred on the helpers of old.

٢١. ولفارِسِ الهَرّارِ فيهِ شَمائِلٌ
لَقِحَتْ بِها الحَرْبُ العَوانُ قديما

22. A group with bright faces clad themselves
With manners created from highness and sweetness.

٢٢. مِن مَعْشَرٍ بيضِ الوُجوهِ توشّحوا
شِيَماً خُلِقْنَ منَ العُلا وحُلوما

23. If they advance, they march against you with swords
Or if they grant favor, they rain clouds upon you.

٢٣. إنْ أقدَموا بَرزوا إليكَ صَوارِماً
أو أنعَموا مَطَروا عليْكَ غُيوما

24. They meet the brave hunters around their homes
While the polished horses chew reeds.

٢٤. تَلقى الكُماةَ الصّيدَ حَولَ بُيوتِهِمْ
والخَيلُ صافِنَةً تَلوكُ شَكيما

25. And a battalion from the elite tribe, glorious,
Like lions, filling your hearing with snoring.

٢٥. وكَتيبَةٍ منْ سِرِّ جَوثَةَ فَخمَةٍ
كالأُسْدِ تَملأُ مِسمَعَيْكَ نَئيما

26. The mother of boys roared with them, so they advanced
Like warriors, with purpose and determination.

٢٦. زَخَرَتْ بهمْ أمُّ البَنين فأقبَلوا
كالمَشْرَفيّةِ نَجدَةً وعَزيما

27. And when the maternal uncles are not timid,
The nephew marches out with them, reckless.

٢٧. وإذا العُمومَةُ لمْ تُشَجْ بِخؤولَةٍ
خَرَجَ النّسيبُ بها أغَرَّ بَهيما

28. And the drowsy ones I awakened,
While the eye crushes its eyelid out of drowsiness.

٢٨. ومُرَنَّحينَ مِنَ النُّعاسِ بَعَثْتُهُمْ
والعينُ تَكسِرُ جَفنَها تَهْويما

29. So the tame camels strode with them briskly,
Yearning towards the family of Musayyab eagerly.

٢٩. فسَرَتْ بهِمْ ذُلُلُ المَطيّ لَواغِباً
تَهفو إِلى آلِ المُسَيّبِ هيما

30. A people, if fate brings about an incident,
Their neighbor will not be found with his ear cut off.

٣٠. قَومٌ إذا طَرَقَ الزّمانُ بِحلدِثٍ
لم يُلْفَ مارِنُ جارِهِمْ مَخْطوما

31. They sneak up to the plunder with faces
That softened while time has become cruel.

٣١. يتهلّلونَ إِلى العُفاةِ بأوْجُهٍ
رَقّتْ وقَدْ غَلُظَ الزّمانُ أديما

32. O master of Arabs and the most high, they gained through you
An exalted honor at the time of greatness.

٣٢. يا سيّدَ العَرَبِ الإِلى زيدوا بهِ
شَرَفاً بمَيسَمِ عزّةٍ مَرْموقا

33. Your lineage branched out in the tribes of Hawazin
Flowing freely, not constricted by knots.

٣٣. نشأَتْ قَناتُكَ في فُروعِ هَوازِنٍ
ريّا المَعاقِدَ لا تُسِرُّ وُصوما

34. And for your enviers while you are in your prime of youth
Like a torrent about to crack the throat bones.

٣٤. ولِحاسِديكَ وأنت مُقتَبَلُ الصِّبا
كَمَدٌ يَكادُ يُصَدِّعُ الحَيْزوما

35. There is no excuse for the Qaysi to strike his necklace
And not darken his short cloak.

٣٥. لا عُذْرَ للقَيْسيِّ يَضرِبُ طَوْقُهُ
طَرَفَ اللَّبانِ ولا يَسود فَطيما