
Alas! Would that I knew, shall I see the abodes in El-Heema,

ألا ليت شعري هل أرى الدور بالحمى

1. Alas! Would that I knew, shall I see the abodes in El-Heema,
Though its environs are made desolate by absence?

١. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَرى الدُّورَ بالحِمى
وَإِن عُطِّلَتْ بِالغانياتِ حَوَالِيا

2. Or is affection forgotten after separation, so it comes to naught?
And does estrangement only succeed in making forgetfulness?

٢. أَمِ الوُدُّ بَعدَ النَّأيِ يُنسى فَيَنقَضي
وَهَل يُعقِبُ الهِجرانُ إِلّا التَناسِيا

3. Alas! I do not see my days renewing in the neighborhood of the house, or becoming
Like the fresh wounds inflicted by separation on the aged.

٣. أَلا لا أَرى عَهدي دَنا الدَّارُ أَو نأَتْ
بِعَلوَةَ ما كَرَّ الجَديدانِ بالِيا

4. For it I found two watchers with me, one hidden, the other apparent,
As my constrained sigh of passion and my flowing tears.

٤. وَجَدتُ لَها وَالمُستَجِنِّ بِطَيْبَةٍ
رَقيبَينِ عِندي مُستَسِرّاً وَبادِيا

5. For it in my ribs is an affection
Which will remain for it as long as life remains.

٥. فَأَمّا الَّذي يَخفَى فَشَوقٌ أُجِنُّهُ
وَأَمّا الَّذي يَبدو فَدَمعِيَ جارِيا

6. And for its sake I show humility and feign blindness,
Weeping copiously and spending the days of life weeping,

٦. لَها بَينَ أَحناءِ الضُّلوعِ مَوَدَّةٌ
سَتَبقى لَها ما أُلفيَ الدَّهرُ باقِيا

7. And honoring those who refuse highness that I may exalt them,
And shunning those who shared with me familiar friendship.

٧. وَمِن أَجلِها أُبدي خُضوعاً وَأَمتَري
دُموعاً وَأَطوي رَيِّقَ العُمرِ باكِيا

8. And I have a passion whose mention I fear
May show a manifest foe or a reproachful friend.

٨. وَأُكرِمُ مَن يأبى العُلا أَن أُجِلُّهُ
وَأَهجُرُ مَن كانَ الخَليلَ المُصافِيا

9. And I while away the days regarding what harms me
On the ashes ablaze and enliven the dark nights.

٩. وَلي شَجَنٌ أَخشى إِذا ما ذَكَرتُهُ
عَدوّاً مُبيناً أَو صَديقاً مُداجِيا

10. Therefore, do not accept, O gentle one, what
A slanderer may tell, nor give ear to a talebearer.

١٠. وَأُفِني بِهِ الأَيَّامَ فيما يَسوءُنِي
عَلى كَمَدٍ بَرحٍ وَأَحيِي اللَّيالِيا

11. Nor incite my enemies against me, but ask
About me my son Nizar or my uncle or my maternal uncle.

١١. فَلا تَقبَلي يا عَذبَةَ الرِّيقِ ما حَكى
عَذولٌ وَلا تُرعي المَسامِعَ واشِيا

12. For verily my spears ward off harm from me
And my tribe were never afraid of enemies.

١٢. وَلا تُطمِعِي فِيَّ الأَعاديَ واِسأَلي
بيَ ابنيَ نِزارٍ أَو بِعَمِّي وَخالِيا

13. We are a people who assume mildness as a habit
And are angry at times, so we bend strong bows.

١٣. فَإِنَّ قَناتي يَتَّقِي دَرْءَها العِدا
وَما كانَ قَومي يَتَّقونَ الأَعاديا

14. Were it not for love, no eye would overlook a mote
In one whom he had wronged, and who had wronged him.

١٤. وَنَحنُ أُناسٌ نَرتَدي الحِلمَ شيمَةً
وَنَغضَبُ أَحياناً فَنُزوي العَوالِيا

15. I see every love but yours ephemeral;
And every heart distracted, save mine, forgetful.

١٥. وَلَولا الهَوى لَم يُغضِ عَيناً عَلى قَذىً
فَتىً كانَ مَجنيّاً عَلَيهِ وَجانِيا

16. And he who has wronged you is wary of my wrath,
Though he is pleased by you, I become pleased.

١٦. أَرى كُلَّ حُبٍّ غَيرَ حُبِّكِ زائِلاً
وَكُلَّ فؤادٍ غَيرَ قَلبيَ سالِيا

17. When the backbiters inquire about my secret,
I praise Suluwwa or blame the nightly visitors.

١٧. وَيَحذَرُ سُخْطِي مَن أَرابَكِ فِعلُهُ
وَإِن نالَهُ مِنكِ الرِّضى صِرتُ راضِيا

18. And your love does not grow old, but grows
More intense for me, and my longing for you remains.

١٨. إِذا اِستَخبَرَ الواشُونَ عَمّا أُسِرُّهُ
حَمَدتُ سُلوى أَو ذَمَمتُ التَّصابِيا

19. Does a heart in whose secret you are cease to be distracted by you?
It was never for a moment without remembering you, O best of maternal relatives!

١٩. وَحُبُّكِ لا يَبلى وَيَزدادُ جِدَّةً
لَديَّ وَأَشواقي إِليكِ كَما هِيَا

٢٠. أَيَذهَلُ قَلبٌ أَنتِ سِرُّ ضَميرِهِ
فَلا كانَ يَوماً مِنكِ يا عَلوَ خالِيا