1. My ruin, these remnants and ashes
Why do you await the flood, for this is my homeland
١. يا عَبرَتي هَذِهِ الأَطلالُ وَالدِّمَنُ
فَما اِنتِظارُكِ سيلي فَهيَ لي وَطَنُ
2. Never before did I find rest in the daughter of Sa'd
My soul nearly departs my body after her
٢. لَم أَلقَ قَبلَ ابنَةِ السَّعديِّ لي سَكَناً
يَكادُ يَلفِظُ روحي بَعدَهُ البَدَنُ
3. My heart turned towards the caravan when
My eyes turned from contemplation, my tears seduced me
٣. تَلَفَّتَ القَلبُ نَحوَالرَّكبِ حينَ ثَنى
عَنِ التأَمُّلِ طَرْفِي دَمعِيَ الهَتِنُ
4. Tomorrow, though the dawn has not yet cracked its dawn
The night for people other than me is home after them
٤. غَدوا وَما فَلَقَ الإِصباحَ فالِقُهُ
فاللَيلُ لِلنّاسِ غَيري بَعدَهُم سَكَنُ
5. Whether near or far I have no relief from them
Longing if they settle, and yearning if they journey
٥. في القُربِ وَالبُعدِ مالي مِنهُمُ فَرَجٌ
فالوَجدُ إِن نَزلوا والشَّوقُ إِن ظَعَنوا
6. And I had settled for news of them after their departure
While the two disquieters for me are memory and sadness
٦. وَقَد سَكَنتُ إِلى الأَخبارِ بَعدَهُمُ
وَعِندي المُزعِجانِ الذِّكرُ وَالحَزَنُ
7. My ear hears them and my heart accompanies them
While you, oh eye, are not accustomed to drowsiness
٧. والأُذنُ تَسمَعُها وَالقَلبُ يَصحَبُهُم
وَأَنتِ يا عَينُ لا يَعتادُكِ الوَسَنُ
8. If only your fortune with them were like that of the heart and ear
No affliction of the eye but the heart and ear
٨. فَلَيتَ حَظَّكِ مِنهُم مِثلُ حظِّهِما
ما آفَةُ العَينِ إِلّا القَلبُ والأُذنُ