
I say to Saad while he is my closest friend,

أقول لسعد وهو خلي بطانة

1. I say to Saad while he is my closest friend,
And what great man have I not advised Saad about?

١. أَقولُ لِسَعدٍ وَهوَ خِلِّي بِطانَةً
وَأَيُّ عَظيمٍ لَم أُنَبِّهْ لَهُ سَعدا

2. If your riding camels stumble in Najd, I do not care
about livelihood, even if I find it plentiful.

٢. إِذا نَكَبَتْ نَجداً مَطاياكَ لَم أُبَلْ
بِعَيشٍ وَإِن صادَفتُهُ خَضِلاً رَغدا

3. Rest your eyes on me briefly,
Towards pastures that grow soft herbage.

٣. تَلَبَّثْ قَليلاً يَرْمِ طَرْفي بِنَظرَةٍ
إِلى رَبواتٍ تُنبِتُ النَّفَلَ الجَعْدا

4. For if you journey and your heart is eager,
You will regret it and will not smell fragrance or taste dew.

٤. فَإِنَّكَ إِن أَعرَقْتَ وَالقَلبُ مُنجِدٌ
نَدِمتَ وَلَم تَشمُم عَراراً وَلا رَندا

5. You did not want the water that increased your determination,
Although you have tasted the water of the two rivers with passion.

٥. وَلَم تَرِدِ الماءَ الَّذي زادَكَ النَّوى
وَقَد ذُقتَ ماءَ الرَّافِدَينِ بِهِ وَجدا

6. Do you cast us into the lands of non-Arabs, lost,
So that you increase your distance from what you desire?

٦. أَتَرمي بِنا أَرَضَ الأَعاجِمِ ضَلَّةً
فَتَزدادَ عَمّا تَشتَهي قُربَهُ بُعدا

7. And here I fear, while calamities abound,
That if you visit those lands, you will not see Najd again.

٧. وَها أَنا أَخشى وَالحوادِثُ جَمَّةٌ
إِذا زُرتَها أَن لا تَرى بَعدَها نَجدا