
A flock of maidens from the Banu 'Amir

وسرب عذارى من ربيعة عامر

1. A flock of maidens from the Banu 'Amir
Their necks and tears and lips all alike

١. وَسِربِ عَذارى مِن رَبيعَةِ عامِرٍ
تَشابَهَ مِنها العِقدُ وَالدَّمعُ وَالثَّغرُ

2. The sound of their trailing robes as they walk
Their hips made heavy by their behinds, slender their waists

٢. وَفيهنَّ مِقلاقُ الوِشاحِ إِذا مَشَتْ
وَأَثقَلَها الرِّدفانِ خَفَّ بِها الخَصرُ

3. I say to her as night spreads its awning over us
And dawn has not yet lifted its edges

٣. أَقولُ لَها وَاللَيلُ مَدَّ رِواقَهُ
عَلَينا وَلَم يَهتِك جَوانِبَهُ الفَجرُ

4. Though night has erased her face and torn it away
Poetry brings back its darkness

٤. وَقَد سَفرَت عَن وَجهِها فَتَمَزَّقَتْ
دُجاهُ وَلكِن رَدَّ ظُلمتَهُ الشَّعرُ

5. Take my life if you wish to kill me
For it is what remains after your love and abandonment

٥. خُذي رَمَقِي إِن رُمتِ قَتلي فَإِنَّهُ
بَقيَّةُ ما أَبقاهُ حُبُّكِ وَالهَجرُ