1. Is there a stop at the south of the land that gathers us?
Or is there no rest in this barren wilderness?
١. هَل وَقفَةٌ بِجَنوبِ القاعِ تَجمَعُنا
أَم لا مَقيلَ بِهَذا الصَّفصَفِ السَبِخِ
2. Turn back for us a dwelling, O Saad, and pitch it there,
For I have no companion nor brother in this restricted area.
٢. فاِرْتَدْ لَنا مَنزِلاً يا سَعدُ نَثْوِ بِهِ
فَلَيسَ لي بِالحمى مِن صاحِبٍ وَأَخٍ
3. If the lofty dunes allow our settling there, then pitch it,
And if that refuses us, then leave it be, and do not pitch.
٣. إِن تَقْرِ عَلوَةُ نِضوَينا بِهِ فأَنِخْ
وَإِن أَبَتْ ذاكَ فاترُكْهُ وَلا تُنِخِ