
They are the tall ones from Najd whom the rays of Sirius shade,

من الطوالع من نجد تظلهم

1. They are the tall ones from Najd whom the rays of Sirius shade,
Calling out to their father with tender branches.

١. مَنِ الطَّوالِعُ مِن نَجدٍ تُظِلُّهُمُ
سُمرُ القَنا أَنِزاراً يَدَّعونَ أَبا

2. I see their swords as white as their faces,
So why are their eyes reddened with rage?

٢. أَرى سُيوفَهُمُ بيضاً كأَوجُهِهِمْ
فَما لأَعيُنِهِمْ مُحمَرَّةً غَضَبا

3. Truly they are rich, pulled by yearning,
And they brought with them from Sulaim choice youths.

٣. أَجَلْ هُمُ عامِرٌ هَزَّتهُمُ إِحَنٌ
واِستَصحَبوا مِن سُلَيمٍ غِلمَةً نُجُبا

4. When the battle cry calls they meet it generously
And the horses neigh, so they tremble for it out of joy.

٤. إِذا الصَّريخُ دَعا حَلوا الحُبا كَرَماً
وَحمحَمَ الخَيلُ فاِهتَزّوا لَها طَرَبا

5. They protect Najd with decorated spears
Whose blades speak on their tips with flames.

٥. يَحمونَ نَجداً بِأَرماحٍ مُثَقَّفَةٍ
تَحكي الأَسِنَّةُ في أَطرافِها الشُّهُبا

6. And many a companion among the people was unknown,
Taken captive without revealing her anklet out of shyness.

٦. وَرُبَّ آنِسَةٍ في القَومِ ما عَرَفَتْ
سَبياً وَلَم تُبدِ عَن خَلخالِها هَرَبا

7. It twangs the supple boughs of the ud bitterly
As the wine and revelry surge over it.

٧. تُزيرُ عودَ البَشامِ اللَّدنَ مَكسِرُهُ
فَماً يَمُجُّ عَلَيهِ الخَمرَ وَالضَرَبا

8. None but it tells of what it loves,
And it has related what it desired without lying.

٨. وَلا يُحَدِّثُ عَنهُ غَيرُهُ أَحَدٌ
وَقَد حَكى عَنهُ ما أَهوى فَما كَذَبا

9. She said to her companions secretly when she saw my mare,
"Who is he whose gift horse is so lively?"

٩. قالَت لِصَحبيَ سِرّاً إِذْ رأَتْ فَرَسي
مَنِ الَّذي يَتَقَدَّى مُهرُهُ خَبَبا

10. The one among them who knew me best said,
"His father was one who fatigued the loins of nobility."

١٠. فَقالَ أَعلَمُهُم بي إِنَّ والِدَهُ
مَن كانَ يُجهِدُ أَخلافَ العُلا حَلَبا

11. He did not die until all the people unanimously agreed
On his virtue, though he was of high pedigree.

١١. ما ماتَ حَتَّى أَقَرَّ النَّاسُ قاطِبَةً
بِفَضلِهِ وَهوَ أَعلى خِندِفٍ نَسَبا

12. And he has a son far away whose fame is known,
Possessing eloquence and deeds that adorn nobility.

١٢. وَذا غُلامٌ بَعيدٌ صيتُهُ وَلَهُ
فَصاحَةٌ وَفَعالٌ زَيَّنَ الحَسَبا

13. He continued reciting my poetry to her and thrilling her
Until she saw him at the hem of night veiled.

١٣. وَظَلَّ يُنشِدُها شِعري وَيُطرِبُها
حَتىّ رَأَتهُ بِذَيلِ اللَيلِ مُنتَقِبا

14. She bid him farewell, saying, “O brother of Mudar,
By my life, these are words that please the Arabs!”

١٤. فَوَدَّعَتهُ وَقالَت يا أخَا مُضَرٍ
هَذا لَعَمْري كَلامٌ يُعجِبُ العَرَبا

15. I am the one whose resolve the calamities of fate made firm,
And my lineage in the tribe was not pieced together.

١٥. أَنا الَّذي وَطِئَتْ هامَ السُّها هِمَمِي
وَلَم يَكُن نَسَبي في الحَيِّ مُؤتَشَبا

16. But I am in a time which always
Has fickle adversity enticing disasters upon me.

١٦. لَكِنَّني في زَمانٍ لا تَزالُ لَه
نَكراءُ مَرهوبَةٌ تُغري بيَ النُّوَبا

17. I gnaw my palm in my rage, for it is my nature
That the tail follows the head among its sons.

١٧. أَعُضُّ كَفِّيَ مِن غَيظي فَشيمَتُهُ
أَنْ يُتبِعَ الرَّأسَ مِن أَبنائِهِ الذَّنَبا

18. A roar that my ribs could not contain clung
To a fury I kindled within my breast, aflame.

١٨. وَزَفرَةٍ لَم تَسَعْها أَضلُعِي عَلِقَتْ
بِغَضبَةٍ خِلتُها بَينَ الحَشى لَهَبا

19. I will quench their insolence toward me with blood
In which the swirling of the sword floats, freshly dyed.

١٩. لأُخمِدَنَّ لَظاها مِنهُمُ بِدَمٍ
يَعومُ فيهِ غِرارُ السَّيفِ مُختَضِبا