1. On the sweet slopes, blowing from the wellspring on the auspicious side,
Is a dwelling whose forefathers are ruins in the wasteland,
١. عَلى التَّلَعاتِ الحُوِّ مِن أَيمَنِ الحِمى
لِكَعبيَّةٍ آباؤُها طَلَلٌ قَفرُ
2. As if its remnants were those of a right hand,
Which it displays, that traders might make much of it.
٢. كَأَنَّ بَقاياهُ وَشائِعُ يُمنَةٍ
يُنشِّرُها كَيما يُغالي بِها التَّجرُ
3. We stopped by it as the eye shed its setting,
And the goat bleated in its fold in despondency,
٣. وَقَفنا بِهِ وَالعَينُ تَجري غُروبُها
وَتُرزمُ عِيسٌ في أَزِمَّتها صُعرُ
4. My companions blame me and let their tears flow,
My friend Hudhaym - but the rain has soaked his mantle.
٤. وَيَعذِلُني صَحبي وَيُسبِلُ دَمعَهُ
خَليلي هُذَيمٌ بَلَّ هامَتَهُ القَطرُ
5. I do not care who blames me for passion,
For in my passion for Salma and her dwellings there is an excuse.
٥. وَلَستُ أُبالي مَن يَلومُ عَلى الهَوى
فَلي في هَوى سَلمى وَأَترابِها عُذرُ
6. Slim of waist, wearing a flimsy robe, purchased,
When she gets up, the waist cannot retain her.
٦. نَحيلَةُ مُستَنِّ الوِشاحِ خَريدَةٌ
إِذا نَهَضَت لَم يَستَطِع رِدفَها الخَصرُ
7. She sways with the bending of the branch from the rapture of the zephyr,
Or has the wine from her glances intoxicated the foot?
٧. تَميسُ اِهتِزازَ الغُصنِ مِن نَشوَةِ الصِّبا
أَمِنْ مُقلَتَيها أَسكَرَ القَدَمَ الخَمرُ
8. How forgetful she was! She did not forget the farewell, and her words:
"You, sons of the servant of the Sun, will travel tomorrow."
٨. وَما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ الوَداعَ وَقَولَها
بَني عَبدِ شَمسٍ أَنتُمُ في غَدٍ سَفْرُ
9. Yes, we travel tomorrow, and our tears
Are in your throat or in the necklace and mouth.
٩. أَجَل نَحنُ سَفْرٌ في غَدٍ وَدموعُنا
بِنَحرِكِ أَو بالمَبسِمِ العِقدُ وَالثَّغرُ
10. And we went quickly, and the hearts were yearning,
Wherein grief stayed and patience departed.
١٠. وَرُحنا سِراعاً وَالقُلوبُ مَشوقَةٌ
أَقامَت بِها الأَشجانُ واِرتَحَلَ الصَّبرُ
11. O turtle-dove of the sidr, for God's sake sing!
My companions will answer you - the sidr is watered.
١١. حَمامَةَ ذاتِ السِّدرِ بِاللَهِ غَرِّدي
يُجاوبكِ صَحبي بالنَقا سُقِيَ السِّدرُ
12. Does he who has built his love-nest rejoice
In a dove that has familiarity, chicks and a nest?
١٢. أَيُسعِدُ مَن يُدميجَوانِحَهُ النَّوى
حَمامٌ لَدَيهِ الإِلفُ وَالفَرخُ وَالوَكرُ
13. It coos to them until it inclines toward them
When the neck or the breast enfolds it.
١٣. يُناغيهما حَتَّى يَميلَ إِلَيهما
إِذا اِكتَنَفاهُ الجيدُ مِنهُ أَوِ النَّحرُ
14. Passion provokes none but the lovesick
When loved ones are remembered - remembrance excites him.
١٤. وَلا يَستَفِزُّ الشَّوقُ إِلّا مُتَيَّماً
إِذا ذُكِرَ الأَحبابُ رَنَّحَهُ الذِّكرُ
15. On the right dune, by the sweet wellspring,
Is the torment of the slopes from their estrangement.
١٥. وَبالقارَةِ اليُمنى عَلى عَذَبِ الحِمى
عِذابُ الثَّنايا مِن سَجيَّتِها الهَجرُ
16. I remembered her while the night let down its shade,
So I shed tears until dawn broke.
١٦. تَذَكَّرتُها وَاللَّيلُ يُسبِلُ ظِلَّهُ
فَبِتُّ أريقُ الدَّمعَ حَتَّى بَدا الفَجرُ