
The dewy morn bid me be pliant when languid,

دعتني بذي الرمث الصبابة موهنا

1. The dewy morn bid me be pliant when languid,
And I obeyed its call while tears began to pour.

١. دَعَتني بِذي الرِّمثِ الصَبابَةُ مَوهِناً
فَلَبَّيتُها وَالدَّمعُ يَستَنُّ وابِلُهْ

2. I have a friend from Abd Shams to whom I bare
My sorrows; he is the comrade of glory bright.

٢. وَلي صاحِبٌ مِن عَبدِ شَمسٍ أَبُثُّهُ
شُجوني حَليفُ المَجدِ حُلوٌ شَمائِلُهْ

3. So peace to the love that folds my wings around,
And over passion's fire that seethes within my heart!

٣. فَلامَ عَلى حُبٍّ يَلُفُّ جَوانِحي
عَلى كَمَدٍ وَالشَّوقُ تَغلي مَراجِلُهْ

4. And woe to him whose eyelid is robbed of sleep
By love songs sung to him and tears that fondle him!

٤. فَوَيلٌ عَلى صَبٍّ يُؤَرِّقُ طَرْفَهُ
سُهادٌ يُناغيهِ وَدَمعٌ يُغازِلُهْ

5. And resignation to the one for whom love
From me, O Sa'd, and all the living, is most pure!

٥. وَيُسلِمُهُ مَن كانَ يُصفي لَهُ الهَوى
مِنَ الحَيِّ حَتَّى أَنتَ يا سَعدُ عاذِلُهْ