1. A glance from my beloved, lined with magic,
Is richer than the most eloquent words of love.
١. رَنا وناظِرُهُ بالسِّحْرِ مُكتَحِلُ
أغَنُّ يُمْتارُ مِن ألحاظِهِ الغَزَلُ
2. I was gladdened to approach with a heart aflame with yearning,
While he, shy, turned away a cheek adorned with modesty.
٢. فرُحْتُ أدنو بقَلْبٍ هاجَهُ شَجَنٌ
وراحَ ينأى بخَدٍّ زانَهُ خَجَلُ
3. He walks as though a spring breeze were toying with a bough,
Swaying it now this way, now that.
٣. يَمشي كما لاعَبَتْ ريحُ الصَّبا غُصُناً
ظلّتْ تَجورُ بهِ طَوراً وتعتَدِلُ
4. He whose eyes are shaded as though with kohl
Wears the flush of shyness like a garment wrapped about him.
٤. ذو وَجْنَةٍ إنْ جَنَتْ عَينُ الرّقيبِ بها
وَرْدَ الحَياءِ كَساها وَرْسَهُ الوَجَلُ
5. He is like the sun - though he's hidden he still shines,
And when he appears he dazzles like a child at play.
٥. كالشّمسِ إنْ غابَ عنا فهْيَ طالِعَةٌ
وإنْ أطَلَّ عَلَينا غالَها الطَّفَلُ
6. We fear the eyes of enemies grow used to him,
Almost set ablaze by the fiery coals of hatred.
٦. نخْشى عُيونَ العِدا يَعتادُها شَوَسٌ
تَكادُ مِنْ وَقَداتِ الحِقْدِ تَشتَعِلُ
7. When we exchange whispers of passion, some glance
Lights the spark of enmity that smolders inside.
٧. إذا انتَضَلْنا أحاديثَ الهَوى عَلِقَتْ
بنَظرَةٍ تَلِدُ البَغْضاءَ تَنتَضِلُ
8. Alas for an age that saddens us when recalled -
It is gone, while of its days Misfortune hurried ahead.
٨. واهاً لعَصْرٍ يُعَنّينا تَذَكُّرُهُ
مَضى وفي الخَطوِ من أيّامِهِ عَجَلُ
9. At a camp where the rain poured down its store,
Till a passing cloud emptied itself completely.
٩. بمَنزِلٍ حَلَّ فيه الغَيْثُ حُبْوَتَهُ
حتى استَهَلَّ عليهِ عارِضٌ هَطِلُ
10. It brought health to revive our souls,
Though its breeze revealed our weakness, and sickness laid us low.
١٠. أهدَى لنا صِحّةً تَقوى النُّفوسُ بِها
نَسيمُهُ وأثارَتْ ضَعْفَهُ العِلَلُ
11. A place where the ostrich egg cracked because of the ostriches' neighing,
Their eyes rimmed with the kohl of compacted dust.
١١. ومَوقِفٍ ضَجَّ جِيدُ الرّيمِ من غَيَدٍ
فيهِ وأزْرى بألْحاظِ المَها كَحَلُ
12. We visited it as high-blooded steeds in their prime
Wore coats of mail and bore Indian swords.
١٢. زُرنا بهِ رَشأً يَرتادُ غِرّتَهُ
ذو لِبْدَةٍ بنِجادِ السيفِ مُشْتَمِلُ
13. They swung their goblets of glance and smile,
Needing no wine - their mouths were springs of sweetness.
١٣. يُديرُ كأسَينِ منْ لَحْظٍ ومُبْتَسَمٍ
يُغْنيهِما عَنْ حَبابٍ ثَغْرُهُ الرَّتَلُ
14. The gait of the swaying ostrich is slowed by luxury,
As if its leg were bent beneath the folds of its garment.
١٤. ويَنثَني مِشْيَةَ النّشوانِ مِن تَرَفٍ
كأنّما قَدُّهُ منْ طَرفِهِ ثَمِلُ
15. Ages have passed whose outskirts Fortuna revolved,
Not daring to approach their sublime majesty.
١٥. أزْمانَ رَقَّتْ حَواشي الدّهْرِ في دُوَلٍ
لا يَشْرَإِبُّ إلَيها حادِثٌ جَلَلُ
16. It was like the dew of adolescence regained
Its freshness, till its water ran pure.
١٦. كأنّها بندىً المُسْتَظْهِرِ ارْتَجَعَتْ
رَوْقَ الشّبيبَةِ حتى ماؤُها خَضِلُ
17. An age like a white-cheeked rose transplanted -
The hand of Modesty has snatched away what lips would cull.
١٧. عَصْرٌ كَوَرْدِ الخُدودِ البيضِ قد غَرَسَتْ
يَدُ الحَياءِ بهِ ما تَجْتَني القُبَلُ
18. And a glory of forbidding height,
Safe from the whispering of the slanderous and base.
١٨. وعِزَّةٌ دونَ أدْناها مُمَنَّعَةٌ
ممّا يُناجي عَلَيهِ الفَرْقَدَ الوَعِلُ
19. Justice flourishes, resolve is unified,
Life looks ahead, reason is mature.
١٩. فالعَدْلُ مُنتَشِرٌ والعَزْمُ مُجْتَمِعٌ
والعُمْرُ مُقْتَبَلٌ والرأيُ مُكْتَهِلُ
20. It set upright the pillars of its realm an illustrious,
Vigilant lion, a bold hero.
٢٠. ساسَ البَرِيّةَ قَرْمٌ ماجِدٌ نَدِسٌ
غَمْرُ البَديهَةِ نَدْبٌ حازِمٌ بَطَلُ
21. With a tenderness untouched by violence,
A generosity untainted by meanness.
٢١. برَأفَةٍ ما تخَطّى نَحْوَها عُنُفٌ
ومِنْحَةٍ لمْ يُكَدِّرْ صَفْوَها بَخَلُ
22. If only the ancestors of old when the sandals
Of the Yemenis began to slip because of Time
٢٢. لو كانَ في السَّلَفِ الماضِينَ إذ طَفِقَتْ
نَعْلُ اليَمانين يُرْخي شِسْعَها الزَّلَلُ
23. Had brought him forward - Quraysh would have presented him,
Then civil strife would not have soaked their blood.
٢٣. لقَدَّمَتْهُ قُرَيشٌ ثمّ ما ولَغَتْ
للبَغْي في دَمِها صِفّينُ والجَمَلُ
24. He follows the Imams of his fathers, and in
All their perfections he sets a noble example.
٢٤. يَتلو الأئِمّةَ من آبائِهِ وبهِمْ
في كُلِّ ما أثّلوهُ يُضْرَبُ المَثَلُ
25. When the eyebrows were roused to earnestness
Their glance was lightning, and they withheld nothing asked.
٢٥. شُوسُ الحَواجِبِ في الهَيْجاءِ إذْ لَقِحَتْ
بيضُ المَسافِرِ وهّابونَ ما سُئِلوا
26. Theirs is the House the pilgrims circle,
The plain round Batha, and the mountain paths.
٢٦. لَهُمْ منَ البَيتِ ما طافَ الحَجيجُ بهِ
والسهْلُ من سُرّةِ البَطْحاءِ والجَبَلُ
27. When the swords flash baring the earth, blood
Stains hillocks and hills where the blades have touched.
٢٧. إذا انتَضَى السّيفَ وارَى الأرْضَ بَحْرُ دَمٍ
تُضْحي فَواقِعَهُ الهَاماتُ والقُلَلُ
28. The bitter herb is quick to attack without pause,
While the cowardly hyena snarls but dares not approach.
٢٨. شَزْرُ المَريرَةِ سَبّاقٌ إِلى أمَدٍ
يَزْوَرُّ عنْ شَأوِهِ الهَيّابَةُ الوَكَلُ
29. He trains his thoughts, and reason keeps vigil,
And consequence dogs every one of his steps.
٢٩. يَروضُ أفكارَهُ والحَزْمُ يُسهِرُهُ
وللإصابَةِ في أعقابِها زَجَلُ
30. Until he sees his night bound in the morn,
And the helpless routed by his mighty decree.
٣٠. حتى يَرى لَيلَهُ بالصُّبْحِ مُلتَثِماً
وقد قَضى بالكَرى للعاجزِ الفَشَلُ
31. O best of those whose feet were dyed with blood,
Till the camels came to rest before his gates.
٣١. يا خَيرَ مَن خَضَبَتْ أخْفافَها بدَمٍ
حتّى أُنيخَتْ إِلى أبوابِهِ الإبِلُ
32. In him the cisterns of bounty brim over
For all who come - the highborn and the low.
٣٢. بِها صَدىً وحِياضُ الجودِ مُترَعَةٌ
للوارِدينَ عَلَيها العَلُّ والنَّهَلُ
33. Good fortune sang when he came into the world
A Hashimite, Caliph of God and heir of the Messengers.
٣٣. هُنّيتَ بالقادِمِ المَيْمونِ طائِرُهُ
نَعْماءُ يَختال في أفيائِها الدُّوَلُ
34. A brilliant youth for whom dawn breaks,
Prosperity smiles as his star rises.
٣٤. لو تَستَطيعُ لَوَتْ شَوقاً أخادِعَها
إليكَ ثمّ إليه الأعْصُرُ الأُوَلُ
35. The caliphate bends its sleeves to serve him,
He will always embellish its bending arms.
٣٥. أهلاً بمُنْتَجَبٍ سُرَّتْ بمَوْلِدِهِ
منْ هاشِمٍ خُلْفاءُ اللهِ والرُّسُلُ
36. The horses curvet with joy in their rider,
The swords smile in their sheaths.
٣٦. أغَرُّ مُستَظْهِرِيٌّ يُستَضاءُ بهِ
تَبَلَّجَ السّعْدُ عنهُ وهو مُقْتَبَلُ
37. This new moon will be revealed a full moon,
Drawing to him the reins of obedience.
٣٧. تَثْني الخِلافَةُ عِطْفَيها بهِ جَذَلاً
لا زالَ يَسْتَنُّ في أعطافِها الجَذَلُ
38. A scion grafted on the Abbasid line,
His roots joined to God's Messenger.
٣٨. والخيلُ تَمْرَحُ منْ عُجْبٍ بِفارِسِها
والبيضُ تَبْسِمُ في الأغْمادِ والأسَلُ
39. Your Lord has granted you in children what
Their ancestors attained, fulfilling hopes.
٣٩. هذا الهِلالُ سَتَجلوهُ العُلا قَمَراً
تُلقي إليهِ عِنانَ الطّاعةِ المُقَلُ
٤٠. فَرْعٌ تأثّلَ بالعبّاسِ مَغْرِسُهُ
وأصلُهُ برَسولِ اللهِ مُتّصلُ
٤١. أعطاكَ ربُّكَ في الأولادِ ما بَلَغَتْ
أجدادُهُمْ فيكَ حتى حُقِّقَ الأمَلُ